Everyone Moves Out Of The House

Rushes were coming in daily as different versions of the movie were put together. Rob watched them repeatedly making notes and talking on the phone. This last one Toby hated it, it made him seem abusive and mean to women. He voiced his objection as soon as the clip was over. 

"Ok I hated it too. That one is out," Rob told him and the person on the phone. 

"Hell, I don't even remember making that many scenes angry," Toby added to the objections leaving the room.

"Nah, that is not the kind of movie I want. I wouldn't be attracted to an abusive man. It is a love story with a bad ending. They don't stay together. Life is calling them in different directions. She enjoyed him while she had him but has moved on. That is the sad life of a movie star," Missy told Rob as she got up to leave the screening room. 


She was getting ready to leave. She did have another movie to start. This one is in Georgia she is to be an unlikely looking Prosecutor for the DA office. She wanted to play this woman. It was a mostly true story. The woman was a brilliant young lawyer who was killed for prosecuting the family member of a mountain clan. Sure, he did the crime, but they should have left him alone. She doesn't last long, only about thirty minutes into the movie she dies brutally. The rest of the movie is the government finding the killers as his clan killed law enforcement and anyone else that came looking for them. She thinks it will be a month or two, knowing this director is a picky man. She must psych herself up to take a beating for days of filming. Sure, they have a stand in, but she still must act most of it. 

Rob was a picky man, but he got what he needed in the first or second take and everything rolled so easily in this movie as if it was meant to be. She was so pleased with this movie and her plans are to come back to Dallas and this house when this next part is over. She liked it here and the paparazzi are not bad here. She can go places and not be swarmed by people. Just signing a few autographs is better than being swarmed by picture hungry photographers. 

No one has said a word to Toby about moving out of the house. He has thought about it some, but he too was comfortable here. He has people to clean for him, to feed him, and talk to, that makes living here easy. He needed to talk to Rob or Alex about what is expected of him now that the filming is over. He was sounding like Candace, why leave home when you have maids taking care of you. 

He talked with Mike, his Agent, yesterday he told him he would need to wait for the movie to come out and see if he receives any offers for other movies. He is listed with the Screen Actors Guild so they can find Mike to contact if they want him. Mike has him listed with the stipulations that he stays in the Dallas area. Being warned it may limit his offers. Toby told him to at least try to keep him in town. He had his fingers crossed that the offers would come in once they see he can act. Mike was impressed by what he had seen during filming. Toby would see him hanging around in the background and smile knowing he wanted to be in on the action too. 

The man can act and is quick with directions. Keith, George, Bard, and Jim the Marines are another thing all together. There was not much need for scary military men. Toby had laughed so hard when Mike told him that. He knew them as some of the nicest men he ever knew. But he knew looks are everything in this business. He will see if he is offered anything and see if he can find jobs for the Marines in the next one. 

He did suggest that Missy use them as some of the mountain men in Georgia. They are large and scary and should be good for that one. She took pictures of them Mike furnished with her and said she would try. She hadn't met them having no scenes with them, but Toby liked them so she would try. She knows Rob was thrilled with their acting in the movie. 

Catching Rob at breakfast the next morning he settled Travis and asked. "So, what do I do now?" He knew he sounds childish, but he had no idea what was expected of him. 

"Whatever you want, if you mean moving, this is your home for as long as you want. I must go to LA for a while but plan to come back soon. I like it here but sending the clips back and forth is not working. You can't put them on the internet. Someone would hack the site. Plus, I want to be there to direct the way I want this movie to be edited. That last version was crap and a waste of our time and money. I told him to punch it up but not like that. Anyways stay if you two want, Amy is here to help as long as needed." 

He said and kind of smiled and told him, "Call that woman you met at the Red River and relax. You have put in a lot of long hours," Rob said, and took a bite of eggs and asked, "Do you think you will want to continue to act?"

 "Let's see how my acting is accepted before I make that decision. I enjoyed the work, and you are easy to work with but let's see how it goes. For now, if you don't mind, I will stay put. The idea of apartment hunting doesn't sound fun."

Rob shook his head, "Have you looked at your bank account lately, unless you want a penthouse in New York City you will be fine." 

Toby realized he hadn't paid for anything in the last few months except his truck and insurance payment. Basically, living off Rob, he suddenly felt guilty. "No, I haven't paid attention to anything except the movie and my part."

"And that is why we got done so quickly and I appreciate your hard work. We had no late starts or drunken actors on set, so we had a good shoot. We came in early and way under budget," Rob told him while sipping his coffee. 

"Thanks, and I guess I will relax and enjoy my free time. Any idea when the movie will come out?"

"I'm hoping for a Christmas release now that we wrapped so quickly. I want the academy to be able to vote on the movie this year," he said so seriously and then began to laugh. 

Toby laughed along with him as he knew this was no Oscar winning movie. But he knew it was well acted as far as he was concerned, and Missy was great. 

"Ok so a Christmas release and where is the opening going to be?" Toby asked because Louise asked him all the time, 'when and where is the opening.' 

"We have to make our request and see what is available. I'll let you know as soon as I know. I think a local opening would be a good thing for the filming industry in this area," Rob told him. 

"Yeah, plus it keeps me from traveling," Toby threw in. He liked the idea of staying in town. 

Rob knew he would have to travel soon but planned to make his request later to this shy man. "I love traveling all over the world. I just don't want to deal with the press in Hollywood. They can turn anything into something bad. That one kiss ruined my life. It was just a good-bye kiss that got turned into a love affair and my wife left me. Yes, sure after that it turned into a short affair later, but that is long over and no I'm not sleeping with Missy. She is a friend and that is all," Rob said, sounding very frustrated at being asked that question. A man can live in the same house with a woman and not have sex with her. 

"Yeah, I hear you. It's like we are bored and let's see who we can destroy," Toby said, he had seen all the tabloids making hay with the scandal they created. He wondered what they could dig up on him. Alli pulled out the magazines that had articles about Rob and Missy so he would know who they were.

"You got caught at the wrong time and people are vindictive."

"Right and my wife wanted out. So fine I see my kids a few times a month."

"Oh, you have kids?" Toby was shocked he hadn't mentioned them in all these months. But then they haven't spoken about anything except the movie.

"Yeah, two boys and a girl, four and seven they are a handful," Rob said looking unhappy.

"You will see them when you go back right?"

"My plan, but you make me feel guilty when I see you with Travis. He is very attached to you. Mine would cry if I held them at that age."

"You had someone to take care of them. If I had a wife, he would have been the same. Isn't that what wives are for sex and kids?" Toby asked, trying to lift his spirits with his crude remarks. 

Rob slapped the table and smiled at Travis as he looked hurt at the startling sound. "I'm going to get out of here today. I'll call when I'm coming back so you can clear the women out of here," he teased. 

"Oh yes, I do keep an entourage of women hiding in my room and once you're gone, they will be free to roam," Toby said with a smart-ass grin.

"Ok, that is fine, just no sex in my room. If I'm not getting any then you can't either."

"Ha, Ha, I'm sure I won't so don't worry. I might call the woman from Red River." 

"Good for you. She is interested in you, the movie, and is bold. She may be a good match," Rob offered as he stood to leave.

"Sounds good, you be careful and make us look good. I depend on this movie to make money." 

Rob chuckled at his humor and said, "Don't we all, but I think it will be easy once we get the right editing done. It is good Toby; I have no fear."

"Bye see you later," Toby called out as Rob left the room. 

"We will make money even if it is on streaming" he called out heading towards the stairs. 

Amy walked in to check on Travis, he had been fussing for a while and Toby seemed to be ignoring him as he and Rob talked. To her they sound like a couple of horny men making plans. She wondered where that would take him. All he had to do was see what was in front of him, she lamented. Feeling like Missy's character in the movie chasing after him.

The place emptied out over the next few days. Amy stood at the door watching them each load up whatever vehicle came to take them to the different airports. Depending on their status they left in limos to Uber. Rob has told her she has a job if Toby needs her, and her pay is excellent, so she'll stay. 

Devon was the last to leave. He had been working on a new screenplay for a movie Rob was interested in directing and producing next year. That production depended on how this movie goes. He had been working in his room lost in this story as everyone left only coming out for food. Amy thinks he realized everyone left when he came to dinner and the table was empty except Toby, Travis, and her. 

He was in a good mood but a little embarrassed he hadn't realized they all left. Amy got him talking over dinner about the new script's plot. It sounds cute but not a movie for Toby. It was a romantic, comedy, love story, and Toby was not a romantic lead. 

He still hasn't called Juliet, and he found it ridiculous that he was hesitant to call her. Amy found him on the floor in his usual spot leaning against the love seat with Travis playing close by. She entered his open door; she already knew if the door was open anyone could come in. Travis stood from his crouched position and reached for her as she approached. Scooping him up Toby watched amazed he could do that. He is growing up so fast it was scary. 

"So, what are your plans," Amy asked.

"I have none. Rob said I could stay here if I want. Why did you hear differently?" he asked with sudden concern.

"No silly, we can stay here for as long as you want. I was talking about the holidays coming."

"Already?" He said looking around as if to see how that could have happened. 

"Yes, it is November already. I was thinking about going home for a few days for Thanksgiving if you can do without me." 

Amy knew that was a ridiculous statement he has been taking care of Travis since the filming ended. She only did the laundry and helped feed him sometimes. She spent most of her days helping make meals for them and learning to cook from their amazing chef who also planned to stay on. The pay was too good, and she could work on new recipes and Toby and Travis would eat whatever she cooked giving her their honest opinion. 

"Yeah, but I have been thinking about going out maybe this weekend," Toby told her, seeming deep in thought. 

"Ok, I'm here always so go out if you want. Travis and I will be fine," she said as he pushed away to go back to playing. He got his snuggle fix and was ready to go again.


Checking his watch, it was almost time for lunch, so Toby had her take Travis, and he sat with the business card in one hand and the phone in the other. Did he want to do this? At this point it has been close to two years since he had been with a woman. That was a long dry spell, and he would like to break it. The memories of his time with Candace flooded his mind. Hate her or not, she was one of the most enjoyable women he has ever been with. His problem is when he thinks of having sex his mind immediately goes to the night with her. 

He needs to make new memories so he could leave that memory behind. He was calling her number before he realized what he was doing. The phone rang. That sultry voice of hers answered the phone. Snapping back to reality he had to speak, 

"Juliet, Hi, this is Toby McBride," and waited for her to clear her throat. The gasp she made was evidence she didn't think he would call. "Are you Ok?"

"Sure, I had given up on you," she said. 

"Ah don't do that; I told you it might be a while. We just wrapped and I'm free to do whatever I please now."

"Good for you, how did it go?"

"They are still working on the edit, but I have been told it is going to be good."

"What I saw at the club was good and it looked like you guys had a good time."

"That was my first bar fight, and we had fun filming it. I'm calling to see if you would go out with me?"

"Why me," she asked. "With all the pretty girls around you, why me?"

"Oh no you are beautiful. When I saw you walk in you had all my attention. For me you are perfect. And no, I'm not a chubby chaser. I like women who actually eat and enjoy life and would like to take you to dinner and get to know you better," Toby proposed, praying she agreed. The place they had steak that one time popped in his head, and he wanted to go there. He wouldn't have to dress up and the food was excellent. 

"Ok when?" she asked.

"Right this minute or when it is convenient for you," he told her, sounding happy as they spoke. He could imagine that voice calling out to him as he worked her into a frenzy. 

"Well right now it's out, how about this weekend I could meet you somewhere Saturday."

He calculated that it was only three days. "Ok sounds good. I was thinking of Dakota Steak House. I ate there once, and it was very good."

"I have heard of it so what time," Juliet asked.

"You tell me, and I'll make a reservation."

"Seven or eight would be good for me."

"Let's make it eight and I will meet you there," Toby offered, thinking a later dinner may work in his favor. This will be his first actual date. All his other women he has met at bars and had a one-night stand some turned to another night later but always originating from a bar. Now he figures he will grow up and take the woman out and get to know her properly. His last one-night stand didn't turn out too well. "I'll see you then," he said, hanging up the phone. He went in search of Amy to get her to make the reservations and see what is for lunch. 


After lunch he called Louise, she was so excited to hear about the movie and the girls were yelling out questions he decided to go see them. He let Amy clean Travis up as he cleaned up. His plan was to be lazy today, but he wanted to see his girls. She had Travis ready, and the reservation was made by the time Toby came out of his room. He wore an outfit Deb had picked out for him when he complained he had no decent clothes. She charged it to the movie after a weekend shopping spree for him and Travis. Now they are set, he also kept the suits but had no plans to wear them. It will take quite a bit to get him back into one of them.

Toby and Travis walked in the store he held his hand as he stepped in and much to everyone's surprise. Travis acted like he knew the place and the people even after two months away. Going happily to Alli, Toby went on a hugging spree making his way through the ladies. Bob was not there he noticed as he looked around. Louise noticed his concerns as he twisted to look out the front window. 

"He is working with his brother for a few days. He was tired of standing around. I have his number and will call him if we get an install. As you know this time of year is slow. Give it one more week and we will be swamped," Louise offered. "His brother said something about meeting a deadline, so Bob asked for time off."

"Lucky you, you're saving on the pay," 

"Yeah, are you going to buy me out?" Louise asked, sounding ghetto and then grinned.

"I haven't been paid yet, and I don't know if this will lead to more movie offers yet." Basically, he has no idea what he is going to make on this movie yet. 

"Ewe Toby you want to do more," Alli teased. 

"Yes, I would if the movie was right. I just lucked out with this one and I know it. So yes, I will buy you out. But I'm not running the place, we will have to find someone who is good with numbers," he said, looking at Alli and Liz knowing they can't add up to squat. 

"You're not ready to retire are you," Toby asked Louise.

"No, not yet, plus you haven't made your points. I'll wait and once the story about how they found you gets out this place will be popular with all the women looking to catch a glimpse of you."

"So, do you expect me to come and sign autographs?'

"If you want this place to be popular, it will help make you money. It would also help if you will bring it up often to the talk show people. A few mentions won't hurt us. I mean I did encourage you to do it right," Louise smarted back.

"You did, and am I invited to Thanksgiving this year," Toby asked, trying to change the subject. 

"No, I want to go to your house and see this place Alli keeps talking about. You have a chef, right?" Louise asked as the others looked at him. If he agrees they all will be going there.

"I do but I'm not sure she is planning to be there over the holiday."

"Well, you tell her to make the meal, and we will heat up the food and bring our signature dishes," Louise said, not letting go of the opportunity to see the house and spend the holiday with him and the girls. They seemed to have invited themselves just now to the meal. He wondered what signature dish she was talking about. She just ordered something from the fancy food store. 

"You've got it, be there by three and we will get the food ready. But I want…." and Toby went into a long list of the things he ate at her Christmas dinner that he liked. They all looked at him knowing he was just a big kid with a big appetite. 

He was letting his hair grow out and it was at a terrible stage sticking out. If he used gel, he could get it to lie down but then it looked gelled. Alli was working on it after he told them he had a date Saturday night. They had to hear everything about her. They enjoyed his description and knew he was smitten with this raven-haired beauty. She sounds a little too much like Candace to them, but no one pointed that out to him. Maybe that was his type. They just hoped she didn't screw him around like Candace did.

"We've got it, now tell me about this movie," Liz asked him, hoping to change the subject. They worried about him; he quickly became attached to women. He hasn't even had one date yet and he talks like they are in a relationship. 

Toby sat behind the counter and told them about the different sites they shot at and the love scene he was in and how difficult it was to have dozens of people telling him what to do and still looked lost in lust. Some of the scenes had been dream sequences and the last one was to be steamy. He came on to her very aggressively. He had enjoyed carrying Missy running his hands over her ribs, skinny or not. She had enjoyed it so he could tell by the way she relaxed in his embrace. If he had started making love to her right then she would have gone for it, not caring who was watching. Of course, he didn't tell them that. 

"So, we get to see your naked ass in this movie," Alli asked as she brought Travis back for the fifth time he would not stay still. He wanted to see the TV's and all the action on them. But he also wanted to touch them. 

"If they don't cut it, yes four times. By the way they acted they will leave it in." They had been happy once his character gave in to the star. He was all in and had devoured her. One thing he knew how to do, is make love and she got a mock version of what he could do. He thinks he kind of shocked the crew with how quickly he dove in and devoured her for the camera. 

"I'm sure they are all pleased with you. So, when will we be able to tell people we know you?" Liz asked.

"Now, and they will say WHO?" Toby teased. "You can tell them whatever you want when the movie is done, and they should announce the opening before Christmas."

"That director doesn't want you in LA to promote the movie and show you off," Alli asked, kind of shocked they hadn't spoken to him about the talk shows. This whole production has been kept so hush, hush. 

"He hasn't asked, but right now they are focused on editing the film. I have seen a bunch of clips, and it is good they just have to tie in the story line together right." 

"Make sense, but other movies they have the stars do the talk show circuit day and night." Alli offered that she was the tabloid follower. She watches a lot of late-night shows thanks to not having to be at work so early. She has seen the actors promoting everything on the shows. 

"Not so far, but Rob did tell me he would get back to me once the editing is done. Maybe he will talk to me about the promotion then. I hope we do; I want to make a lot of money on this movie, it may be my only one." He knows he only gets a small portion of what it makes. He hopes he doesn't get screwed around. 

Toby was looking out the window watching for customers as he did all the time when he worked there. When a woman caught his attention, she was weaving her way through the cars in the parking lot. Ducking down he picked up Travis, he had been happily playing behind the desk tearing up the old magazines. Toby ducking low made his way to Louise's office. She looked out the front window to see what upset him and saw that dark-haired woman who came before approaching the door. They heard Louise's office door close as the woman walked in. Signaling the others, she had this, they watched as she approached that woman. 

"Hi, how can I help you?" Louise asked.

"I'm looking for Toby McBride. I came before and I was told he no longer worked here. I'm wondering if you know how to contact him."

Toby stood in the office watching the monitors. Candace looked good. She had lost all her baby weight and then some. He wished he could hear what she was saying.

"Yes, he quit, gosh back in July. He got a better job offer and took it."

"Yes, and that one," she said and pointed at Alli, "smarted off and said he was making a movie. I just want to know how he and the baby are doing."

"He is fine, we saw him just recently and the baby is a boy, and he is already walking. He is quite the handsome boy who looks like his father. They are both fine, you don't have to worry about them. He is a wonderful father and takes very good care of his son. His new job pays well, and they are doing great. As far as where he lives, I don't know, he moved a few months back and I haven't been invited over." 

Candace looked her over thinking why would he ask an old woman over. "Ok, well if you see him would you tell him, I would like to talk to him?" and tried to pass her a business card.

"I will, but to be truthful Toby is not going to call you. You hurt him and his son. Forgiveness is not something that is high on his list," Louise told her. "If you give me the message, I will tell him next time I see him, otherwise hell will freeze over first," she told her rather snidely.

"Yeah, I understand, it was just week after week of not finding him that had set my heart to hating him. Tell him I'm sorry for how I handled everything and I'm glad he has his son and is doing well," Candace said and turned to leave. 

The door had barely closed when they heard Travis start to fuss, he didn't like being trapped in that office. Louise went to her office with Toby still paying attention to the monitors. He watched her slip into her fancy car, and she sat there staring at the door. "Well, what did she say?"

"She is sorry how she handled this whole situation and just wanted you to know. First, she wanted you to call her, and I told her it was not going to happen."

"Thanks, no I will not call her,"

"Well, she kept calling Travis the baby and I told her he is a boy, and he is already walking that shut her up. I didn't say anything about the movie, just you found a new job that paid better."

"So, do you think she will leave me alone now?"

"Until your name is all over the tabloids, then no," Louise offered.

"She called me, that one," Alli complained with a fake pout standing at the door listening to the conversation.

"She told her you were making a movie last time remember," Liz offered.

"Oh yeah, well she will be shocked you weren't lying," Toby teased as he looped his arm around Alli to soothe her fake hurt feelings. She stepped into his embrace. She loved being held by him. She has missed his hugs since he has been gone. He used to hug her often when he worked here. It was something they both needed a connection not sexual just to know you care. A brotherly hug, a friendly caress, or tickle when the bantering got mean that is what they had. And she missed it. Bob was nice, but he was not Toby.

Liz walked around for a few minutes outside to make sure Candace was not lurking in the parking lot, as Toby set up the time to have this huge meal he has planned in his head, and they can bring anyone they want if he has plenty of leftovers. The discussion about who all they could bring took up a lot of time. 

Taking Travis from Alli he slipped on his coat. He has gotten too heavy for Louise to carry around. She held him but only when she was sitting. Toby noted she has aged since he left or maybe he didn't notice seeing her day to day. She must be in her late seventies to have sons as old as hers.