His First Actual Date

Toby sat in front of the restaurant wishing he hadn't seen Candace the other day. He has had sex dreams with her in them the last few nights. She looked so good, slimmed down back to the beauty he remembered, not that screaming bitch from his last encounter.

He prays Juliet changes that and gives him some new memories. Stepping into the restaurant he waited to speak to the hostess. As she reached him a hand slipped around his wrist catching his attention. Juliet was standing next to him in a beautiful sexy black dress that showed all her curves, and her thick dark hair hung over her shoulder in a loose French braid. She looked so sexy, the urge to hug her overwhelmed him as he wrapped his arms around her shoulder. 

He felt a little hesitation and then she melted in his arms as he smelled her hair. He kissed her temple and released her, giving his attention to the hostess who was watching his every move. "We have a reservation for eight o'clock, McBride," he told her and turned back to give Juliet his full attention. "Yes, sir, follow me."

Toby turned and took Juliet's arm, something he saw in a movie Alli loved. The place was busy but not packed, which was good for not waiting for a table. Pushing her chair in he whispered in her ear, "You look beautiful tonight."

She was flushed as he sat down and said, "You look very handsome tonight too."

"Well thank you. So how have you been?"

"Good, excited about seeing you again. I really didn't expect to hear from you. I figured it was a joke between you and your friends."

"No, Keith knew I was interested when he spoke to you. I haven't been on a date in two years. He thought I should go out and knew I liked your looks. When you walked in you had all my attention," Toby told her, looking very interested in her still. 

"Why me," she asked and placed her hand on the table. 

He knew she was reaching out to hear something good. Cupping her hand in his, he said, "You are everything I look for in a woman. Even from across the room, you had all my attention and everyone I worked with knew it. They thought I was gay for a while because I didn't flirt with the women on set or Missy Collins, my co-star. They are all too skinny for me. I like women with curves, not ribs sticking out."

"Well, I do have curves,"

"And I hope you keep them." 

The waiter came by and took their drink orders. Toby wants a beer and Juliet orders a margarita. Scanning the menu, he picked his meal and sat watching her decide what she wanted. She looked at him and smiled then got back to her menu. She knew she was doomed. He was too handsome, charming, and a movie star to boot, lord she was going to get hurt. "So, tell me about this movie you're in?" 

"Ok, I'm an ex-Seal and I come home and become a personal guard for a movie star who has a stalker, and I have to protect her from this man. That is, in a nutshell." 

"Are you a Seal?"

"Me no, never been in the military. I did a pretty good job playing one I was told," he teased her as the waiter came back to take their orders. She ordered a meal, not some salad as all the other women around him do. Smiling at her pick he made his order. "I was an electrician of sorts before and then took a job at a home theater store. And like Marilyn Monroe, I was found and turned into a movie star. I have a son who is almost one and no I'm not with his mother." 

Juliet sat back to listen to this story. 

"We had a one-night stand," and continued his story… "She was getting ready to start her internship to be a doctor. Anyways she didn't want him and planned to abandon him at the hospital, so I went and got him."

"How did you find out if she dumped you?"

"Good question and an interesting coincidence. I installed her parents' Christmas present. It was as if God wanted to intervene and send me to her home just in time. She saw me and told me she had him five days before and planned to put him up for adoption, but she couldn't find me. I went to the hospital and got him and have been raising him by myself since."

"You know I remember a woman walking around the Red River asking everyone if they knew a Teddy, Toddy, or Tommy she was not sure. She described you as very handsome and as she got bigger, we all knew why. She was pissed after a while as she looked for you."

"I'm sure she was. I never went back. I was pissed at how she treated me. That is the reason for no dating. I was looking forward to a relationship and she wasn't."

"Ok so tell me about your son,"

He smiled big just thinking about him. "He is smart, handsome. He started walking at ten months, and the director got me a good nanny for him while I worked. She has him tonight while I'm out. She will have him talking in sentences before long," Toby joked but was sure she would try. He feels she is pushing too hard at times, but he does seem to enjoy pulling her chain.

Their food came and he asked about her.

"I'm the daughter of the real-estate mogul Anthony Wheeler. 

"Oh yeah, I have seen his signs."

"Yeah, everyone has. Anyway, I went to college and got a degree in business and accounting and found my job with Merrill Lynch. I have a friend who is trying to be an actress. She would be so pissed to hear you were just picked up out on the streets. She has gone to every drama camp, and acting camp, and took drama in high school, and college. That was how we knew about the extra call at the bar. She begged me for days to take off the afternoon and go with her. So, we collected up a few more friends and went."

"Well thank your friends or I would have never met you," he told her, wondering if she felt she was above him. Why does he keep meeting women with rich fathers and college degrees? Because that is what he is attracted to, is those kinds of women. Well-kept and well-dressed at first look. Heavy is one thing but trashy is a complete turn-off for him. After living in Lavon, country trash is out. He knew it well.

"I have not been to college; I worked with my hands. I'm good with them. Is my lack of a degree a problem?" Toby asked her. 

"No, if I had it my way, I wouldn't have gone to college either. I always wanted to be a wife and mother like my friend's mother. She was so sweet and loving, but no, I was sent off to college to become something important." 

"Sounds like you don't like what you're doing."

"My job is to keep up with the losses and gains of rich people's money, so not really. I make forty thousand a year for a hundred-thousand-dollar education. Not a good exchange for me."

"You don't want to go into real estate like your father?"

"No, he was always gone. Someone wanted something from him, so he had to go. Years later I found out he was cheating on my mother constantly. As a kid, I just knew the other people were more important than us." 

Toby told her, "Wow that sucks," 

"Yeah, but that was a while ago. My mother is still married to him, but she drinks her blues away."

"My mother did too, until she was dead. I think that is why I like women with meat on them. They looked healthier and my mother was skin and bones and I had to pick her up often and put her to bed. I hated to feel her ribs," Toby told her of his insightful discovery about himself. He was happy to share drunk mother stories with her. The wince on her face told him she wasn't.

"We have gone to the dark side here, let's try and cheer this up if we can," Juliet offered, needing a break. This was sad. Her mother was a drinker but not a dying drunk at least she hoped not. Maybe she will check on her tomorrow because she hasn't spoken to her in a while. 

"Yeah, parents can bring you down quickly. When was the last time you went dancing at Red River?" Toby asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Besides the movie, I was so sick of that song by the end."

"Me too; but they were great. They picked right back up and kept playing after 'action' was called. I'm glad they came for the movie. But if you think about it, they will make out well from the publicity for the band when it comes out with them in a movie." 

"That's true. So, I went about three weeks after that with a bunch of my friends and I met up there." 

"I was there once before obviously and I noticed people came or hung around in groups there and wondered why?"

"It is so big it is easy to get overwhelmed with the number of men there, so we hang out with friends. For women, there are roving groups of men who do become problems at times. They get a little alcohol in them, and they grab-ass or brush against one of us from behind acting like he has no room to get by when they do."

 "Some guys are pigs. I know a few and that was one reason I didn't go out that much. When I met my son's mother, I was out looking for a connection. I got a lifelong one which I'm thrilled to have, but it would be nice to have a woman in my life."

"But isn't your life in flux right now? With this movie coming out you may become so busy you won't have time for anyone," she offered.

"I might be and then again, I may only do this one movie. If I take the money from this movie and buy a business I could be set for life."

"That is true, a lot of stars have bought businesses and athletes have too. So, what are you gravitating towards?" She asked happily for the subject change.

"The Theater Store I worked at, is my first thought. She would sell it to me. I know she makes a good living. She has a big house and a nice car. She lives well."

"If she is making that much money, why sell it?"

"She is in her late seventies and is getting older each time I see her," he said, it seemed lovingly how he spoke about the woman. 

"Ok that is a good reason," Juliet said, a little embarrassed with his answer. 

Toby was glad to see she was already trying to protect his interest. Someone needed to, he was way over his head. 

"I tell you what I'll make the money and you control it, and I will be happy."

"Oh, really how much are we talking about?" She teased acting like she was very interested. 

"I have no idea if my agent got me points so it depends on how the movie does."

"And you're not sure you want to keep acting?"

"No, I'm not."

"What if they can guarantee you ten million and points for a movie? Hey, are you naked in the movie?" she asked a little embarrassed about the question, but she wanted to know.

"You mean full frontal like porn? No, I'm not that kind of actor nor is it that kind of movie."

"Ok, I was just making sure."

"I do have a few naked butt scenes but that is all. It is tastefully done and there for a reason."

"Yeah, we need to see this sexy man's body."

"Exactly, so you think I'm sexy," Toby blushed and asked, drawing her attention to him instead of the conversation. The table had been cleared, his beer was gone and her attention was on him. 

"Yes, I think you're very sexy. Ok, let's bring this back to me. O,k you like girls with meat on them but what is too much meat for you."

"Rolls of fat and a size twenty is a bit much for me. Unless it is because you just had my baby and then it would be the most beautiful fat I have ever seen. Oh, I also don't like that fat that hangs off the sides of some women's knees. That is a turn-off."

"So, there is a limit to your enjoyment."

"Yes, if I had fat hanging off me you wouldn't think I was sexy either."

"True. But this is the biggest I have ever been. I sit all the time at my job and by the time I get home my brain is fried. I do love my food too."

"I love my food too and enjoy it when someone else does too. The women on that movie set, Missy especially ate only salads with that fake crab crap and chicken breasts plain. It was gross to even be near them. A woman should have curves not be built like a boy and most of the time with implants to give them their shape. If they ate, they would have boobs. And what is with this fake butt thing going on now," Toby complained as some of the people around them looked at them. Juliet watched as the man across from him nodded in agreement. He was cute as he made his argument come to life, but people were beginning to stare at them. 

"We need to go, you're going to cause a riot between the skinny and fat people if you keep talking," she teased and collected her coat and purse from the chair next to her. Leaving enough to pay the bill and a nice tip he followed her out of the restaurant when they stepped out and a cold wind hit them. 

Slipping his arm around her he held her close, "Follow me down to the Starbucks it is too early to end this date. We can get a decaf and I promise to not talk about skinny women," Toby offered, not wanting this date to end so early. She felt so good wrapped in his arms. Juliet tucked her head against his chest feeling his warmth and inhaling his masculine smell. He drew his coat around her to keep her warmer. A slight scent of fresh-cut wood lingered in the jacket as she inhaled him. She slipped her arms around him and looked up. She was not short but to kiss her he would have to break the hold she had on him to bend down. He was enjoying the feel of her and before he could make up his mind she stood on her tiptoes and reached up to kiss him. 

He gave her a soft kiss expecting her to pull back, but she didn't. She brought her arms up around his neck and continued the kissing. He slipped his hand under her coat and caressed her back pulling her closer he felt no ribs and no bulges. She was thick in the right places, inspiring him to deepen the kiss; he added his passion until the appearance of another couple walking by interrupted the kiss. 

"Ok, we need to figure out where this is going. I'm not looking for a one-nighter with you," Toby told her. 

"Good me neither but I did want a kiss," she said looking as if she wanted another. A super cold gust of wind hit them, and Toby brought an end to the hug session.

"Starbucks or my place, it is up to you," Toby told her. Yes, it was against his rules, but he could move if he had to plus Rob told him he could bring women there. He also knew his room would be clean and the maid kept it that way. He had nice clean sheets every day. He had thanked the maid for the clean sheets once, making a fuss about how nice it was, and she started changing them daily. Someone also bought him a tan manly spread for his bed, so it was not as feminine of a room. 

"Sorry my brain and body are having an argument, and I think I'm going to go home. I have enjoyed the date and your company. I just want to take this slower. I hope you can understand." 

"Yes, I can, and I will call you Monday and ask for another date," Toby told her leaning in and giving her a quick kiss. Following her to her car which was a nice Camry, it seemed newer so she could take care of herself. He waited until she backed out and then went to his truck. 


As he was about to pull out of the parking lot, he saw her car make a quick U-turn up the road. He sat still watching what she was doing. Maybe she left something in the restaurant. She pulled in looking up to his truck and her window went down quickly when she saw him smiling at her. 

"I changed my mind, follow me," she said and backed out into the road traffic dodging her. Toby laughed and pulled out behind her. He had no idea what that meant, was she going to Starbucks? He didn't know where she lived so he followed. They passed up three Starbucks as she kept going. The traffic was light so keeping her in sight was easy. 

She turned on a quiet residential street. Pulling up in a driveway after her second turn in the subdivision. It was an older home; Toby could tell by the large trees that lined the streets. It made the area feel cozy when he put his truck in park, he took the place in. Juliet stepped out of the garage as Toby closed his door. "Your place?"

"Yes, I wasn't ready for the night to end. I have decaf packets, the kind you get in hotels, so I can make you some.

"Hotel huh," he said, and she caught the innuendo.

"Funny, they came from my dad and his numerous trips to conventions. I have never gone to a hotel with a man."

"Me neither," he said and then thought better. "Oh no that is a lie, I did stay in a motel a few weeks ago after a shooting in the Austin area. I swear I was good no man-on-man action what-so-ever," Toby offered, stepping into her home. Thinking he was quite clever with his banter. He was getting the hang of this.

The smell of pumpkin spice hit him. He knew that smell Louise used last year at the store. The place was tastefully decorated. He looked around taking it all in. It was feminine but not uncomfortable for a man. She turned and smiled, taking off her coat. I'll make that coffee take a seat if you want. Just make yourself at home," she said, sounding unsure. Toby took off his coat and placed it on the back of a chair. 

Following her to the kitchen it again was feminine and had a happy look to the well-kept home. "I like your house, it is very you. Sexy, well kept, and it looks like you're a happy person."

"A happy person, why is that" she asked,

"Well, you don't use dark colors, no skull statues littering your tables," he told her, remembering one girl's apartment he went to. She had been a wild one and he escaped as soon as he could. That was another reason to be careful who you follow at home.

Juliet burst out laughing seeing his expression. "I take it you have had some bad dates."

"I have a few over the years. I do like your home. How long have you been here?"

"Very good, not very long, my dad bought the place when it came on the market. It was in bad shape, and we had it redone completely. It is in a well-established neighborhood, and he got it super cheap because it was in such bad shape," she told him, pressing the on button of her coffee maker. 

"What a good deal for you." He turned and made his way to the back of the house. Flipping a switch at the back door the yard lit up as he looked out. He only sees a few big trees and grass. The yard needed raking but was a nice size. This was his vision of a home for him and Travis not like the monstrosity he lives in now. But if he could have gotten her there, she may have been impressed.

"That will be next. I keep hoping the Yard Crashers people will come to my local Lowe's and pick my yard. So far nothing," she lamented. 

Toby knew who she was talking about after all those months watching TV at work. "Do you spend a lot of time hanging around the hardware store?"

"No not really," she said, catching his drift.

"I'm sure those are far and few between," he said, slipping his arm around her like an old married couple looking out their back door. "What would you want out here," he asked, hoping to keep her talking he needs her to relax. His goal was not to bed her, but he did have new condoms in his coat pocket. Another lesson learned. 

She went into a long description of how she wanted it to look. Expand the patio, build a barbeque stand, a fire pit, a sitting area, and maybe a pergola she told him.

"We could be sitting out there right now with a nice big fire going in the pit and enjoying the night."

"That does sound good, that front came in fast." 

"It did but we have had a warm fall," Juliet said, turning her attention to making their coffee.

He was like a caged tiger to her, what had she been thinking bringing him here. His presence engulfed the room and her senses. She wanted him so bad but was also scared to death to take him on. She needs to get to know him better; she doesn't know him at all. He seems to be easy going but who knows. 

She has already dealt with an overbearing and pushy man and will never live that way again. Her ex thought he was God's gift to her and her family and the main reason she gained so much weight. He made so many comments about heavy women she decided to become one and gained weight to run him off. It worked. He is with a skinny real-estate agent now. 

Lance, the name alone should have told her to walk away. Toby is three times that man, his looks, his size, his smile alone, and then he is a movie star on top of that. Lance would have a fit if his dumped fat ex-wife was dating that gorgeous movie star. She jerked and let out a little chuckle. Toby had been watching her from across the room; she seemed so deep in thought. He was happy to see someone else lost in thought and hoped it was about him. 

"What are you thinking about," he asked, and she looked down at the cups in her hands. He is waiting for his coffee, idiot.

"Oh sorry, my ex-husband left me because I gained weight. What he didn't know was that I did it so he would leave me. Now I'm having trouble losing it."

"It's because your body is happy at this weight. I'm glad he did, or I may not have met you."

She smiled at his sweet statement. "Me too, he was an abusive jerk." Toby stood straight he was ready to pounce. "Did he hurt you?" She put out her hands to slow him down. 

"Physically no, he was good at tearing you down over time finding fault in everything I did."

"Oh, that kind, I have a father like that. My mother got away from him by being drunk before he came home. Nothing he said penetrated her mind. I was dumber than dog shit and useless to him. Oh, and ugly, it has taken years to overcome his abuse. He was physically abusive too, so I know abuse."

"So, you now believe you're handsome?" she asked, smiling at him.

"Somewhat yes, but you can come here and tell me real close to my lips that I am." Reaching out he gave her his best smile to entice her, and she went to him. His coffee cup was sat down, and he pulled her into his lap. "Oh yes you're handsome and your eyes are beautiful like dew drops from heaven. Your lips are soft like rose petals," she said cupping his face trying to think of something else to say to stroke his ego.

"You forgot my nose. It's not too big for my face, is it?" 

"Hum," she said, looking it over closer, noting he didn't have large pores and felt jealous of his perfection. "No close to perfect and I can tell you're not a big drinker it hasn't gotten big and bulbous."

Toby laughed and wrapped his arms around her telling her, "I'll show you something big and bulbous."

"I'm sure you would and that is what scares me," she said lying against his chest. What was growing in his lap lost his strength. She was afraid of him? 

"I have nothing on me that you should be afraid of," Toby told her and kissed behind her ear. His hands began to move over her body, she took hold of both of his hands pulled them around her body, and rested them on her side. He took her message and stilled his hands. What is her deal? Most women just want his body. Then the realization of the situation hit him. "This is a first date, and we are getting to know one another. I respect that. I'm going to go home. I'm leaving you my number. You can call me if you want to see me again. I may be a bit affectionate, but I will never force anything on you," he said as she took his statement as the night was over.