Waiting in line for his order Travis was kicking the seat. He was pissed. They drove by Lisa's to make sure he knew where it was, and Toby made the mistake of telling Travis that was where they lived. He wanted to be dropped off to play, and he could get the food. How he knew about being dropped off anywhere he had no idea.
He got his ass chewed about a young divorcee with kids trying to make it in this world until he kicked them all out last night. She didn't work, she stayed at home with the girls. She is making it because he pays for everything, he informed them. They did have a for sale sign out front he noticed during his drive-by. Bad time of year to sell, but good for her she won't be moving any time soon. It was a nice neighborhood. The house was not as big as his but not bad. He is positive he hadn't installed an ad system there.
The guy passed him the bags and Toby turned and told Travis, "If you kick my seat again, I'll drop off the food and take you home and you can sit in your room smarty pants."
"You're so mean," Travis grumped, crossing his arms across his chest, huffing out his frustration.
"You have never seen me mean, so watch it, boy. I would like to go to Lisa's and be in a good mood, not pissed off at you."
"Ok, sorry," Travis grumbled.
They were there in less than ten minutes. As Toby drove up a couple was standing by their car, he hoped they were leaving. If they were house hunting it was a quick house tour.
Lisa stood at the door smiling and she waved as he stopped. He smiled and waved to her and the people who were leaving. Letting Travis down he went running to her. Collecting the bags felt good to him, bringing home the bacon or beans. Doing a reverse, he stepped into her hug as she held the door. The kids were playing and running in the house as she called out, "Don't make a mess in case someone else comes out."
"Lookers," Toby asked, pointing at the front door.
"Yes, we haven't had many. Derek has the price too high which is fine. I can stay here until it sells, but we have to deal with lookers."
"Maybe they want a Christmas present. What do you want for the place if you don't mind me asking?" Toby asked, setting the bags down on the kitchen table. Her place was nice, not as big, but it looked newer than his. It appeared that all the bedrooms were upstairs; he couldn't see a hallway or door that appeared to go to a master. It could use some updating, but it was clean, and the furniture was nice but nothing fancy. She kept a nice home with no skulls, points for her. He could tell her ex didn't pour extra money on them. Evident by the small tree in the back. What did the ass do to leave his family at Christmas time last year?
"He wants a million three and I think he is a fool. He seems to think the property values have risen in the area so much we should be able to get that."
"I only paid nine-five for mine, but I did put three hundred into the redo." He thinks it would take a hundred and five to redo this place just by scanning it.
"See he is a fool, mine is nothing like yours."
"What is here?" Toby asked.
"You mean bedrooms and such."
"It is a four bedroom three and a half bath with a pool and a three-car garage," she told him and separated the food to call the kids. It looked like Sophie was still in a highchair. Travis was in a booster and barely needed that. She was tiny but she kept up with them, he noted. She was not a complainer which is good.
Toby knew the prices of the homes in the area, and it was a stretch to expect that much for this place, but she is right, she gets to stay here until it sells. "So, when it does sell, what are your plans?" he asked thinking he was being nosy, but he wanted to know.
"Well at this rate the girls will be in school, and I'll find a small house and a job. I'll be just another divorcee," she said dismissively, and she was not happy with the prospects.
"That does sound depressing," Toby told her while she was making drinks for the kids and gave him some iced tea. In the south, you drink iced tea all year round.
She had a small tree against the back window with a few gifts. It all looked sad.
"So, you broke up last year about this time how long have you been divorced," Toby asked because he knew nothing about divorce.
"Well, he wasted no time once I said the word, he was gone. I knew he would be. He was just looking out for himself. He set his sights on me six years ago and wouldn't take no for an answer. So, we married, but he was not ready to settle down. Fresh out of his internship he was still working to establish his name. He had to set up an office or join an existing group," She told him, setting the different items on the table. "I became a smiling prop on his arm as he searched around the area looking for partners." Whispering she said "Megan was an accident he was shocked I was pregnant and kept his distance after. Sophie was in a drunken attack, he came home one night after being out with the other doctors celebrating paying off the building they were housed in and, well you know."
"No, I don't. I don't get drunk and attack women," Toby told her, shocked at the thought she seemed to accept so readily.
"Good to hear. So that is my story of woe. Hey guys, lunch is getting cold," she called out and they could hear the kids coming.
"So, what do you plan to do for a job if this place ever sells," Toby asked, wanting to keep her talking.
"I'm not sure my degree is in music theory. I could teach, they have classes you can take to become a teacher. I could teach piano?" She said looking concerned about her future. "I'm not sure my father warned me that my degree meant nothing, but I love music. I'm a little rusty but I can play just about anything I hear," she said, taking a bite of a taco. "I have been told I have a good voice too."
"Do you still have parents," Toby asked.
"No, they died right before I graduated college. They were flying with some friends and were caught in a down draft of a storm and were killed. I was an only spoiled child so losing them was devastating for me. I sold what I could and lived off the sale of their home and insurance. Then I met Derek and it went downhill from there. Tell me about yourself."
"Me you probably know it all. They laid out my life in every magazine. Good or bad they told it."
"True, so Missy Collins did find you in her driveway."
"She did, that whole story is true."
"She seemed to be in love with you."
"Annoyingly yes, she didn't want to take no for an answer either, but she and I are as different as night and day."
"You kissed Missy," Travis teased with a giggle.
"Yes, I did hello and goodbye just like you," Toby said with a shut-up tone. "So far I have made two movies. This last one should be released next year. I have no plans to make any more," he told her, and they waited for the kids to finish eating to continue the conversation.
"What are you going to do? It gets boring to just hang around don't you think?" Lisa asked to get him talking again as she cleared the table.
"I know but right now I'm trying to figure out which way to go. I kind of like the idea of flipping houses. You know, buying something old and crappy and turning it into a showplace."
"Sure, I've seen flippers on TV. I heard someone on the radio talking about buying houses and a free seminar on how to do it."
"I'll check on the internet if it's on the radio it has to be on the internet," Toby told her.
"Do you think we could get one point three for this place?" Lisa asked.
"Not unless it is exactly what someone with money is looking for. There are a bunch of people coming from California needing housing," Toby told her, "so who knows? A house like this would be many millions there so who knows. They may think it is a deal."
"Well, he is praying that we get that much. He needs the money. The first eight hundred goes to me. I almost paid for this place right after Megan was born. The house payment is nothing, the insurance and taxes are what eat up his paychecks."
"Your inheritance?" Toby asked. He figured out her husband that fast.
Toby smiled and she was so cute. "So, you plan to buy a smaller house collect your child support, and teach piano,"
"You make it sound sordid, but yes. When he married me, he wanted me waiting at home, ready to entertain his friends, and looking good on his arm. I did my job. He is the one who decided to go out with any woman who caught his fancy."
"Ok, I got it and if I was you, I would do the same. Once the girls are off to college you can have a life."
"That sounds depressing. Can't I at least have a good time occasionally?"
"Yes, that is what I'm here for. Maybe the jerk will show up on Friday and we can go out. What type of music do you like to dance to?" he asked, standing to the side so the kids couldn't hear.
"Disco," she said and danced, pointing her fingers to the ceiling." He didn't look too enthusiastic. "No, mainly country Derek was not a dancer, so I haven't been in years."
"I'm not the best, but I can do what some countries refer to as dance. I would love to take you out on the dance floor and move to the beat of some good country music with you," Toby told her and danced a little, swaying his hips and chuckling. They have been serious long enough.
"Oh, Ok let's see your moves," Lisa said going into the kitchen and turning on a CD player she had in there. Toby visualized her dancing as she cleaned the kitchen. A dancing tune came on as she extended her hand. Doing his fancy pull he brought her to his chest and began to dance around the living room surprising him as well as her on how well he was doing without his two-beer incentive.
He maneuvered her around the living room. Megan saw them and came charging down the stairs giggling as she watched. Kissing Lisa on the cheek he let her go, scooped Megan up, and continued to dance. Spinning and dipping her around the room. The little ones stood at the head of the stairs watching. Giving Megan a smacking kiss on the cheek as the song ended, he put her down and she ran up the stairs giggling.
"See I can dance," the next one was a slow one extending his hand to Lisa, she stepped back into his embrace he held her close. Taking in the smell of her hair leaning in to smell her neck. The smell of a delicate fragrance filled his senses and he held on tighter.
Glancing to the stairs the kids were gone so he moved back enough to lean in and kiss her. He lightly brushed her lips and waited for a reaction. She leaned in and deepened the kiss cupping his head she held him to her. He took what was given and when he felt hesitation he backed off. It felt so right to him with no hesitation on his part. Had she felt his desire, that was why she backed off.
"We need to save this for Friday, I don't need Megan reporting to her Dad, Mommy was kissing a man in the kitchen. Divorced or not he is crazy," Lisa told him.
"How crazy," Toby asked as he backed off. He hasn't even gone to court for the first crazy guy. "Not crazy enough to shoot me, is he?"
"No but he is possessive and I'm not sure how he will react when I start dating so let's take this slow in front of the girls," Lisa suggested.
"Do I get to go fast when they aren't here?"
"Dancing yes," she said with a smile and patted his chest to slow him down.
Lisa had a small baby grand: a grand would take over the room. She sat and played some Christmas songs, and she sang a song she wrote years ago. She hadn't played in a long time except at Toby's yesterday. Her fingers were stiff, and she was missing the keys, she needed to practice more often. The only attention the piano has gotten lately was a light dusting.
Her world had crumbled when Derek left. She hadn't expected him to walk away so easily. But things are looking up now Toby was interested. The question is does she want to jump right back into some other man's bed, or does she want to see if she can make it on her own? The idea is exciting and scary all rolled up in one, but Toby is just as exciting.
She could already feel his hands on her body, and she knew it would be incredible. Derek hadn't touched her since he came home drunk that night and they conceived Sophie. But why would he want her? He has women all over the city. Her playing got loud and angry as she thought about him. Glancing up Toby smiled from his perch on the couch. Derek was gone and Toby was here she was certain he could scratch her itch. Friday, she prays he comes and picks up the girls on time. She smiled and quit playing. She needed to pay attention to him. She had a few things to do to get ready for that date.
"Hi, he called and will be an hour late.
So, don't come at eight and I'll text when he leaves.
"I'd say I'm sorry, but it is not my fault," Toby told her.
"Ok soon. Bye," Lisa said. She sounds excited but also concerned the jerk wouldn't show. The girls were about to fall asleep on the couch watching a Christmas show, waiting.
Toby wanted to know why. What kind of hold does he have on her? Refusing to pay child support won't work, it is court-ordered and it is easy to go after them.
He kicked back to relax and waited for her call. He had worn Travis out, having him ride that bike around the driveway for about an hour. He was just lucky it was a beautiful day, and it had training wheels. Two days before Christmas he was ready, and all the gifts bought, he took advantage of the late-night shopping the stores had adopted, and Travis was sleeping, and it made the time so pleasant. Plus, the stores weren't too crowded after ten at night.
He checked out YouTube for any news about him. A few videos show him walking in the stores and talking with women. Nothing very interesting, just daily activities. His cell chimed he had a text.
'He finally left so come on over.'
He texted back as he walked to his truck. 'On my way'
He wondered if this was going to happen each time. He felt like he was cheating with a married woman just waiting for the husband to leave for work. He hated that feeling. But it was exciting.
Lisa was on her porch and as he drove up, she came walking towards his truck. She had on a long loose-fitting skirt, boots, and a tight-fitting shirt with a shawl over her shoulders. She was dressed perfectly for tonight. He hadn't seen her in a couple of days and was happy she still made his heart race. He jumped out and ran around to open the door. Giving her a quick kiss, he closed the door and they headed out.
"Did he give you a hard time?"
"Well, mouth told him we went to a birthday party and that I was dancing with Toby."
"Oh, and how did he take that? Man, you can't get away with anything around kids, can you?"
"No, that is why I told you no PDA around Megan. She tells everything. I just blew it off as a kid's party, no big deal."
"You're divorced right?" Toby asked, concerned she hadn't told him everything.
"Yes, for about six months now. He always threatens to take the girls from me, and I don't have the money to fight him."
"Unless your house sells. Maybe that is why he wants so much. You can't move or fight him without money."
"That could be it. I just don't want to fight with him because he is a vindictive person. I don't want him to get angry around the girls."
"Ok, so how long do we play this game? I plan to hang on to you, so when do I get to meet him? I think I could hold my own with him."
She smiled and chuckled, "I'm sure you could. He is not a physical fighter he is a yeller and degrader. So, unless he can hurt your feelings, he won't do much damage."
"And who wants to deal with that," Toby said he knew how that felt. "Forget about him let's enjoy this night," he suggested he was not in the mood to worry about him.
He reached over and took her hand squeezing it lightly, "Are you hungry," He wondered if this was going to happen each time they tried to go out.
"Not really, I ate dinner with the girls. I could eat an appetizer, maybe drink a margarita at Chili's," she said, smiling at how bold she was being with him. But she could use one to settle her nerves.
"Sounds good I know where one is on the way to the club, I want to take you to. I ate with Travis too. I wanted him to go to bed on time and not be wondering where I was going."
"Exactly mine would have been wondering if something was wrong with me if I hadn't eaten. They can be worse than having a mother-in-law watching over you."
Toby turned in a different direction than he planned he knew a Chili's was out in that direction along the highway. This was good to get them to the club later and hopefully let the line die down.
They ordered crispy cheese bits and onion rings and Toby made sure Lisa ate plenty so their breath would match. She drank two margaritas and he drank his beer slowly. Dancing out of the restaurant to the music they were playing inside she was ready to party. Tucking her driver's license in her bra as she tucked her purse under the seat. "I haven't been out dancing in eight years," she told him, she was excited to just be going out without the kids.
"The last time I went to this place I was making a movie not dancing."
"Oh, it is that place. How exciting; do you think they will remember you?"
"Nah it was a different crowd from the people in the club to the movie. They were all extras so no we should be just someone in the crowd." He hopes. He hadn't thought about what going out would require. He just wanted to take her out to a place he knew.
Pulling into the parking lot it was packed he drove by the front door to get an idea of the wait to get in. The weather was mild for a late December night, he thought he didn't want to bring his coat in.
"Look for a parking spot with your name on it right up front. Oh, I remember hearing about that on the news. The owner was hoping you would come back and saved a spot for you," Lisa told him with a laugh.
Turning red he pulled in as the line turned to look and see who had the gall to park in his space. Stepping out of his truck he heard his name scattered through the line sounding like a wildfire as it spread. He went around letting Lisa out and as they walked to join the line, he heard his name called out loudly. The doorman was waving for them to come ahead of the others. Lisa took his arm and followed as mainly women were saying, "HI Toby,"
He smiled at them and walked to the door holding her hand tightly to his chest letting her know he was only interested in her.
Turning back to speak to Lisa, he said, "I guess I was wrong, do you want to leave?"
She said, "No, I came to have fun, let's go," and smiled to keep him moving.
Toby pulled his wallet out to pay the cover and the doorman waved him off.
"Are you serious? Our attendance has doubled after your movie. The band the Troubadours are playing tonight with good timing. Go on in and have a good time. It is all on the house. We have been hoping you would show up.
"Thanks, and I'm glad to hear it worked out for y'all," Toby told him putting his arm around Lisa he led her into the building, which was packed.
The music was pounding, and the floor was full of dancers.
He heard the doorman calling out on his walkie-talkie "Toby McBride is here." He wondered if it was a warning or a good thing. They headed towards the bar. He needed his second beer to cope with this situation.
As they rounded a group of people a table sat empty surrounded by dozens of others filled to capacity. It had a reserved sign for McBride sitting on the table. He felt Lisa pull back against his grip and looked at her. She was laughing as she took a seat. Toby leaned to her and said in her ear and said, "Ok I was wrong," and took the seat next to her. A waitress was at his side in seconds.
Lisa got a white wine, and he got his beer. An older man smiling approached them and shook hands with Toby. "We are so glad you came."
"I can't believe you have done this for me,"
"It is good advertising and I plan to play the movie on the big screens when it comes out," the man told him. Thinking he needs to get out there and get it now it is on sale as they speak. Alli has it on a continuous loop at the store.
Toby remembered him from the filming but not his name. He was the one talking to the band when it was over. He was thrilled for them that they got a good gig out of it. "Well thanks, this is nice, embarrassing but nice."
"Well you enjoy and come back often, bring a party with you it will be in the house. And the band you guys found is wonderful. They play here four or five times a month. We love them." With a pat on the shoulder, he walked away. Being watched by dozens of people he downed his beer and reached out his hand. He needed to dance and hold this beautiful woman in his arms. The song ended once they got out there, so they waited to see what was next.
"Toby McBride, hey man how is it going," the lead singer called out ending all speculation he was there.
Turning he smiled his best sexy one he said, "Great, I came to dance," Toby told them holding his lady in his arms.
"Well, let's give you something to dance to." The music started up and the floor filled as they began to dance. He felt they were being filmed by dozens of phones. This should fill his pages on YouTube. Forgetting about them he paid attention to Lisa. They danced two songs and when they returned to the table her wine glass sat on the table.
Toby waved to the waitress and had her replace the drink. No way was he going to let her drink a drink that had been sitting unprotected. The waitress brought her a new glass of white wine and a glass of water with a slice of lemon. Lisa was shocked that the house wine was so good. But then again, she hadn't had any wine in years. She leaned in to speak to Toby, but he kissed her before she could open her mouth. One intense kiss and three small kisses he backed off to listen to what she had to say but was interrupted.
"I drove by and thought someone had some balls parking in your spot or you're here," Marcus called out drawing Toby's attention away from Lisa begrudgingly.
"Hey, Marcus, how are you," Toby called out, reaching out to shake his hand.
"Good buddy, how is the house?" he asked jokingly.
"It still needs some work," Toby teased and watched Marcus go slack jaw. "Nah, I did replace some of the furniture, but it is great. Are you out hunting?" Toby asked and ran his hand over Lisa's back. He already found what he wanted.
"You know me"
"This is Lisa we met a week ago,"
She reached out her hand to shake. But Toby cupped her hand and placed them both on the table not wanting him to touch her.
"What is the matter you are afraid I'll steal her from you."
"No, go away you're blocking my vibe," Toby told him with a flip of his hand and a sarcastic chuckle.
"I see, Ok, have a good night," Marcus said, patting his arm and walking away.
"Friend, or not a friend?" Lisa asked as she watched him walk away and he was glad he was leaving.
"Sleazy acquaintance, I try to stay away from," he told her, and she nodded her head as though she understood.
"Let's go," Toby said as his favorite song started up. They did a good job sounding like the original he noted as they danced.