"What are your plans for Christmas," Toby asked as he drove her home. They danced until Lisa was exhausted.
"I'm not sure, I have the girls this Christmas. That was one reason he got them now. They planned to celebrate Christmas tomorrow with his family."
"When is he bringing them back?"
"Christmas Eve by seven," she told him.
"That's good I wanted to invite you to come for Christmas dinner. We would love to have you."
"Oh, that is sweet. Sure, I had a small turkey to cook but I will keep it frozen for now."
With no traffic, he had her home in no time. Taking the corner, he didn't know how to handle the rest of the night. He doesn't want to push her; he should just take a kiss and leave it at that. Maybe after another date or Christmas night, he would go home with them.
"You want to come in. We could discuss what I should bring for dinner," she asked as he came around to let her out.
"You and the girls are all you need to bring unless you know how to cook sweet potatoes with pecans and marshmallows."
Laughing at his question she said, "No but I can look it up if you want me to," Lisa said as she opened the front door. Following her in he said, "Nah that is Ok, I'm sure you're a great cook."
"I have some good points beyond cooking," she teased flirtatiously.
"I'm sure you do," Toby said taking her in his arms he could tell she wanted him and wanted more than kisses. Backing her up to the couch he gently leaned her back and went down with her kissing and touching all the way. As her skirt went up, he felt her tense, so he backed off, she moaned in his mouth as it left hers.
"I will not push you nor would I hurt you," Toby told her sitting back on the edge of the couch. He was thinking he was moving too fast.
"I never thought you would, but I have only had sex once in five years. I want you, but it has been so long since I have been with anyone."
"I went two years, and it all came back quickly," Toby assured her. "If I freak you out just tell me 'Orange', that is your safe word orange, say it and I will stop," Toby told her as she moved to get off the couch. He knew she wasn't rejecting him because she always kept a hand on him. He knew if she wanted him to go, she would be pulling away.
"Let's go upstairs there is more room to move around up there," Lisa told him, and he felt a slight tug of his hand.
"Sure, let's go, I want you and I will be good to you I promise," Toby told her as she pulled him towards the stairs.
"You have to be patient with me. I know how this is done."
"I assume you do have two kids. Do you want more?"
"Why, don't you have protection?"
"Yes, I do, not that I expected this at all. I just learned to be prepared and I'll explain that to you later. I wanted to know for the future if you want more children."
"I would love more children. If I had a normal life with a caring husband," Lisa told him as she turned on the light in her room. Happily, he sees a king-size bed, now how does he get her to freshen up? He likes a clean woman so much he had a bidet put in his bathroom. He doubts she has one. Pulling her into his embrace kissing her passionately and he whispered, "If you go clean up, I will make you a very happy woman,"
"I took a shower right before we left," she complained, not understanding what he meant.
"I know but you have been sweating and I do enjoy a clean woman."
"Ok so you're telling me to shower, do I stink," she asked feeling a little offended smelling her armpit and backing away.
Toby laughed at her antics and said, "No, Lisa I'm not looking for a problem. All I'm saying is if you don't then certain parts of your body won't get a lot of attention from me."
"Fine you shower too, maybe your parts won't get any attention either," she told him looking defiant but also confused.
"Perfect let's go," Toby said heading towards the bathroom. He started pulling his clothes off as Lisa watched.
"I'm assuming your Ex was not very adventurous with you," he asked leaning against the cabinet along the bathroom wall and pulling his jeans off. She had a nice shower but nothing like his and she will enjoy his shower soon. He was down to his boxers, and she was just standing there watching him. "Not until you strip," he said, looking her up and down.
"Sorry, I got distracted. What do you mean not very adventurous?"
"If he was, you would know why I want you to clean."
"He was I guess, but once Megan came along, he wasn't interested."
"Madonna syndrome, once you have kids, you're a mother, not someone to have sex with,"
"What? That is crazy, where did you get that?" she asked to take her clothes off.
"Doctor Phil a few years back he was talking about how men lose interest in their wives once they become mothers."
"So, I take it you don't have a problem with mothers," Lisa asked as her shirt dropped to the floor.
"I don't seem to. I have wanted you from the second I heard you were divorced. I have never been with a mother before," Toby told her. Not that he knew at least.
She stood in her bra and panties and Toby saw nothing that would keep him from climbing all over her. He had no idea what her Ex's problem was. He turned on the shower and got back on track. He grabbed a condom from the handful he brought and walked towards her. With a quick one-hand maneuver her bra fell to the floor. Drawing her to him he tented his boxers. No way could she ignore that, it was standing pointing right at her.
"I think your friend found something it wants," Lisa teased as she pulled her hair up and twisted it so a clamp would hold it up to keep it dry.
"Yes, he is very intelligent, don't you think?" he asked using his sexy 'I want you smile' in response. The shower was full of steam, reaching in he turned on the cold water. Taking her by the hand he pulled her towards him. She has a smile that he would do anything to keep on her face, but this one she added sexy to it. Maybe this one is better.
As her panties dropped exposing her freshly sugared mound he reached down to feel. She groaned and went for his mouth. She had to have had this planned to be ready to go tonight. This woman has a lot of pent-up passion. She was going to be putty in his hands. He could not wait to dive between her nice long legs. All he needs is to get on with this shower. He could already tell he was going to enjoy her. She is someone to hang on to. The way his heart is pounding she must be.
Taking a nosedive into his bed he was exhausted. Lord have mercy Lisa was an energetic lover and appreciated all Toby's efforts. It was an adventure making love to this relatively inexperienced woman. It was amazing to him that a mother of two had never had an orgasm and after her first, she was searching for another one at every turn. She was just lucky he was so good at producing them. Extricating himself from those long legs was a feat because she was bound and determined he was staying with her.
He had to pull himself away to go home. He has never spent the night out since he picked up Travis and didn't plan to start now. Except for the trip to Austin. Plus, he was exhausted. Lisa's girls will be back tonight, and she needs some sleep too. The plan was for them to come for Christmas dinner, and he realized he should buy gifts for them too. I mean who invites someone for Christmas and doesn't buy gifts? Louise.
She comes over for almost every meal and it gives him a chance to see how she is doing. The worry wart is keeping an eye on her. He slept until noon and woke knowing he had to go shopping and the stores closed early on Christmas Eve. He had three more people to shop for and was trying to decide if he was going to take Travis with him or not.