The Choice You Made.

"I killed him… because of me, he died… it was me."

"No, James, it—" Bella stopped talking as soon as James' face slowly turned to her. His eyes were wide open, but they were not just empty and hollow…no, they were without a drop of life.

It was like a dead man stared at her, so empty and dark.

She didn't continue but slowly stepped back and turned to leave the room. She couldn't do it. 

She couldn't allow herself to see James like that.

But James' mother was still there, unmoving, without saying anything. Her breath was fast, controlled now, but she was still firm, her nails digging into James' skin.


That kind of anger that was controlled, the worst one. She knew, she knew that it was all James' fault, that Rafael died because of him. She wanted to tear him apart, her own son, the cause of another's death.

James knew it too. He knew that his mother was not going to look at him the same way as she did before.