Chapter 6 Can’t Turn Back Now

We were driving down a road that seemed endless. We were in a canyon with nothing but a cliff and rocks to our right and the side of a cliff to our left.

We ended up passing the exit for a city that was close to our destination. Unfortunately we still had at least another day of nonstop driving to go before we were there.

"Lookout!" Shan yelled trying to dodge an assassin who jumped off a building aiming for the car. Luckily no cars were on that road cuz it was in the middle of nowhere so we were ok, not to mention it had two lanes.

"We dodged him quick freaking out!" I yelled at him kind of annoyed.

"Kamelio. Maybe you don't get it. Or maybe you're just obnoxiously naive. But that was a demon assassin, bearing the logo of the king assassin." He said while looking restless, obviously that ambush caused him some anxiety.

"Meaning?" I asked him notably confused.

"It means they are a part of the kings' demon assassin guards. If one attacks they all attack. They are never alone, EVER!" He yelled ever and his eyes got big.

I looked and saw why his eyes got big. Why he stopped the car and got out. Why he looked at me with fear written all over his face. The whole Kingsguard was in front of us.

"Don't be scared Shan, stay strong. This isn't like the cool tough you, I usually see." I said trying to give him some type of pep talk.

"Yea, You're right. Let us make them regret trying to kill us!" He yelled obviously fired up. I just wanted to kill them and move on.

"Are you done talking?" One of them on the frontline asked us. I then noticed they all had masks on which made them look pretty scary.

"Only if your done standing around pretending to be tough," I said as my hellish features appeared, being a shadow and demon assassin really had it perks.

Then I noticed all of them letting their features show. They all looked exactly like Ryojin.

"Guess the time to talk is over," I said as they started throwing knives at us.

We ducked behind the car and waited till they stopped. Once the knives stopped scraping the car and flying past our heads. I peeked out and noticed they were gone, which came as a shock because there's no where to go.

"Where'd they go..?" I wondered as I looked at the dirt road and the cliffs around us.

I then looked at Shan who was fighting two of them at the same time. He threw a punch at one of them and got pushed aside by the other one. He seemed evenly matched with them, I wanted to help but I knew I'd be killed the second I tried to help him. I learned about this assassination technique from the principals textbooks.

Suddenly I heard an eagle screeching from high above me as the wind started rushing past me. I knew I needed to find the ones who were waiting for the right opportunity to strike at me. If I didn't find them before they made their move my death would be almost certain.

Then i noticed two more of them had jumped from the cliff up on my left side and were trying to aerially assassinate me.

I kicked one out of my way glaring at him as he tumbled right off the street and towards the edge of the cliff on my right side .The other one swung a knife at me but I ducked under it before grabbing his leg and slamming him.

Five more came from literally nowhere after that, their concealment abilities were definitely top notch. However, wasting no time, I grabbed the one I slammed and threw him into three of them. The other 3 (one who was finally coming back from my kick) ran at me with daggers in their hands.

Then as they ran past me I realized they were trying to kill Shan.

"SHAN!" I yelled trying to get his attention. He turned around just in time and not only did he dodge the daggers but he took them and stabbed all three of those guys with their own weapons.

Suddenly there was a knife that was thrown at me from behind. I dodged it after noticing it last second causing it to go right past me. Shan was looking when it happened, but he couldn't dodge it because it was too close to stabbing him by the time he was even mentally ready to dodge. He put his hand up to sacrifice his hand and save his life causing the knife to get lodged in his hand.

But in that instant the two guys he was fighting prior to being attacked by three more made their move.

I was already full sprint ahead trying to save Shan, he deflected one of their daggers with his last good hand. However the other assassin saw an opening, and taking advantage of it he stabbed Shan right between the eyes.

My eyes widened in shock, I didn't think they would actually get him. Especially before we even got to our targets last known location.

He dropped before saying. "Another demon assassins power…. is to share his power with others. Or if he's dying.. he can give everything he has… to whoever he wants. So i give it all... including my power, weapons and car, ever-y-thing... to you… Kamelio." He said looking in my direction.

"You're still breathing???" The assassin from the Kingsguard raised his blade and finished Shan off.

Shan my trainer. Shan my friend. Shan was awesome and he lost his life to these, These…'

"These weaklings!" I yelled stopping and glaring at them through my mask. My mask was black with red medium sized zig zagging lines coming from the top all the way over my eye and to the bottom. My already demonic features only made me scarier.

"I know that mask!" One of them said.

"Thats the mask that the demon of the night had. Back then there was a demon who destroyed whole cities every night. That wasn't a mask for him though, that was his face, he was very terrifying. I believe you inherited his mask and his power." He gasped.

"Well since you know so much about my mask and my power you know you're DEAD!" I yelled running at them.

The guy who was speaking threw a kunai at me but i grabbed it by the blade ignoring the fact it was slicing into my fingers. Without excess motion I flipped the blade so I was holding it by the handle and thrust it into his neck.

"Bgah Monster…" He spoke softly after coughing blood before falling to his knees. I could've finished him but I had more enemies to take out.

I started tearing them to shreds using my claws, I had lost all sanity by this point. I was attacking out of pure rage.

I sent my claw through them all in less than forty two seconds. They were all cut or had a huge whole through their chest, stomach, or face.

Then I calmed down and decided I'd finish the mission on my own.

I made it to my target's kingdom. It was the day of his party. The battle I had with that clan of lowlives really bothered me. They were lying somewhere cut up and bored through but it wasn't enough. They killed Shan, so they will pay with their lives. Only citizens will be spared.

I noticed his castle due to its sheer size. It was directly to my left at the end of a side street, surely he would be there. I parked the car before grabbing my half of all the weapons. Then I ran down the street as fast as I could. I appeared to be faster than I ever was before and I got there in record time. The street was at least 3 miles long and I ran it in 17 seconds.

"No one's guarding the front door?" I said thinking out loud. "My job is a whole lot easier."

I tried pushing the gate open but I couldn't. I had to find another way in since it appeared to be bolted shut. Looking up I noticed there was a big window that was open. My ticket in was right above me.

Then I noticed the guard. My mask formed on me hiding my identity. He was well built and boasted a huge sword. I pulled out my bow and shot an arrow right at his face. He noticed it and sliced it in two with his sword.

"Hey there! You! Did you see who shot that arrow?" He asked me looking so seriously dumb. I mean who the heck was around but us. Then I looked and noticed my bow was in the open.

"You must be slow. I shot it." I said shocked as I realized the mask gave my voice a deep and dark sound. I don't think it intimidated him though 'cause he simply jumped down.

I shot an arrow as he fell but he simply deflected it with his sword. 

"Are you a knight or something?" I asked trying to make him mad and unreasonable.

"Yes, I am a knight. The king's royal right hand." He said a look of succession on his face.

"Enough talk I have a mission," I said remembering Shan's dying face.

I pulled out my sword just as he immediately swung at me. Even though his sword was a great sword, I deflected his attack easily. I had much more strength than he him.

"What! That was my most powerful attack! I like to keep things quick why couldn't you at least get cut! Am I weak?" He yelled obviously dismayed by my strength.

"You're not weak," I said giving him a cold look. "I'm just strong."

I brought my sword down on him. He tried to deflect it but my sword went through his sword like a hot knife through butter. However he evaded quickly avoiding getting cut from head to toe.

"Who are you? We've been expecting Shan or Kamelio. Where are those guys?" He smirked before laughing. "Forget it, just kill him."

He ran back to his party and his shadow and regular assassin guards came out. The regular assassins pulled out knives swords and daggers. But the shadow assassins let their dark aura loose. 

I let my demonic features loose and my shadow aura came out by itself, which was weird because It never did that before.

"He's a shadow assassin like us." One shadow assassin said.

"He's also a demon assassin." Said another.

"Shadow assassins stick together. I dont care if he only had the eyes or if he didnt and only had the aura. He is one of us." The shadow assassins came and stood next to me one and all. 

"We'll fight with you." They said in unison. 

"Lets kill them!" I yelled pleased to not be so alone in this endeavour of vengeance for Shan.

Everyone ran at their enemies. The shadow assassins were killing the regular assassins left and right. 

I dodged a sword that was coming at me from a regular assassin. Then I sliced him with my own. Then I sent my sword through another one. Before turning and slipping an arrow, then I beheaded another assassin.

The last regular assassin standing through all the mayhem we would get answers from.

"Where's the party!" I yelled at him.

"I'll never tell." He said plainly smiling at me.

"You dont need him boss. We know where to go to find the party." One of the shadow assassins said.

"Take me there." I said after I diagonally sliced the guy across his chest.

They ran into the castle and I followed close behind. When we arrived I went straight to the king. 

"I'll kill you!" He screamed running at me with a small sword. 

"Not unless you die first!" I yelled running at him.

We met in the middle and our swords clashed. My demon features showed and my shadow aura came with them. My mask was there as well.

"I'm not scared of you! I killed the demon you get your power from!!" He kept telling me he wasn't scared but his eyes told a different story.

I got the drop on him as he stumbled and my sword grazed his face leaving a small cut.

"Impossible!!!! Am I.. losing?" He said his voice quivering. I could hear the sweat dripping off his chin and hitting the floor, he was terrified.

We continued fighting and he swung his sword wildly at me. Unluckily for him he missed without me having to move. Seeing he left himself wide open I sent my knee to his stomach.

He keeled over and I brought my sword down into his back and out of his stomach, attempting to end the fight immediately.

He grimaced in pain but stood up and kept fighting when I took the sword out. He kicked me across the room and ran up on me,

knocking my sword loose and beating my face in with the hilt of his sword.

I grabbed his whole head and threw him like a football across his throne room.

We then ran at each other and went right past, posing with our backs turned to each other and our swords straight in front of us. He fell and a puddle of blood formed around him.

"I avenged you… Shan." I said before falling myself, I was tired and now I could rest.