Chapter 7 He didn’t tell you did he?

I woke up in my dorm with two guys at the door as if they were guarding it. Confused I immediately grabbed my karambit from underneath by pillow. But then i recognized them, they were the shadow assassins from the mission.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked placing the blade back in its spot and getting out of bed.

"We are your guards now Kamelio. You are clearly the strongest shadow assassin. The strongest is always the leader." One of them said while the other kept on guarding. 

"Well my dead friend gave me everything he had. I want some of you guys to post up at the house just off campus." I told them scratching my head as I prepared to exit the room.

"Ok. But boss make sure you switch clothes before you leave you wore those already. Also we took your weapons and put them in your cars trunk." He said after opening the door to leave and allow me some privacy.

"How did you know to do that?" I asked them astonished, I mean hell I didn't tell them about the car and I parked a ways away. Did they run a background check on me or something?

"Shadow assassins can gather commands from the past of their boss by concentrating on going through their memories." He replied with his hand on his chin as if he was thinking.

"What all did you see." I asked wondering if they saw me killing Armani, or Ryojin, or even worse, if they saw me kill that girl…!

"We only went as far as the car. Thats why we didnt know about the house. You kept saying the schools name and your dorm so we didnt have to go through your memories to find this."

"Thanks." I said going to get some clothes from my closet.

"Anytime." He said before leaving.

After getting dressed I went to school skipping breakfast because oddly enough I didn't have an appetite.

Upon arriving I noticed everyone was talking about a masked man who wiped out the strongest kingdom. Apparently he even personally killed the king and stole the kings shadow assassins before taking them as his guards.

"Thats why shadow assassins are best baby! We fight one for all!" One of my classmates said thrusting his fist into the air.

"Hey look there's Kamelio! Why dont you go talk to him? I could help you two get hooked up, If you want." One of the girls said nudging another girl. I heard the conversation but ignored it.

"I'm too shy." The other one responded blushing.

"You will talk to him eventually i just know it!" They both started giggling.

I admit the girl who was shy was cute. But I didnt honestly think i'd ever get a girlfriend. I wanted one true. More than anything, but I always fuck everything up or get rejected.

Even though this particular girl likes me. It probably just means i'd mess it up in some way, shape, form, or fashion. Or I was fooling myself and she really didnt like me. I did that more often than i cared to admit, besides i was shy as well. That may or may not be a good mix.

After classes i went to my new house. I had my assassins living there as well. Believe it or not it was a big house with a bunch of spare beds with spare rooms so we were all together. 

My new life was just starting.

"Boss we found out who sent Shan on that mission. We figured you might like to know." One of my guards said approaching me.

"Who was it?" I asked sitting down in the living room.

"It was the principal." He said giving me the evidence. He got the mission by letter.

"Okay but this only explains why he went on the mission? Unless…" I started but stopped shuddering at the very thought of the principal double crossing one of his own students.

"Precisely Kamelio, he gave Shan the mission, however he is the same person who was communicating with the king. He double crossed Shan, it was a setup. We didn't even know this information until we did our own investigations, otherwise we would've told you sooner." He said before signaling the other guard to bring something.

He came in with documents showing letters between the king and the principal, the principal really did betray Shan.

It was at this moment i decided. I would kill the principal. But to do so, I would need a plan. So before anything, I would confront the principal personally and speak with him to get the layout of his office before attempting to take his life.

It was that time again. It was time to finish what i started when i said i would avenge Shan. He didnt deserve to die like that. He suffered so much because he couldn't say no to the principal, It's all his fault.

I had finally arrived at the principal's office once again. You could see the rage in my eyes and i was hardly holding back my raging features as i spoke to him.

"Principal! We need to talk." I said in a low growl intent on killing him, but patience was a virtue i was learning to have. He opened the door and let me in.

"What's this about?" He said sitting in his chair.

"You sent Shan to his death. On a suicide mission you knew was dangerous. You should've went and died yourself!" I couldn't stop glaring at him with hatred. But I was trying not to erupt yet.

"Shan accepted the mission himself. If he died he died because he couldn't handle it. He knew the dangers like anybody else did. He lost his life because he was an incompetent fool. He wasn't good enough. On top of that some masked maniac took out the target for him. People have even started calling him Death, but that was supposed to be the nickname you got. Shan failed me Kamelio, now they'll be calling that masked guy death instead of you." He said erupting in anger.

"You failed me." I said leaving before i did something i would regret. Don't worry i would kill him. But i'll do it with my mask.

I came back around 10 pm and made my way into his office without being seen. I came in through a window that was right behind his chair. He wasn't in the chair though. 

Then he came in through the door. 

"Never thought you'd come for me." He said smirking.

"Of course i'd come for you." I said trying to hide the rage in my voice. I failed. "I need to kill you.

"What? Are you killing off all the strong king assassins?" He smirked before laughing at his own joke.

"Only the ones i feel need to be dealt with!" I yelled running at him. He dodged all my attacks before throwing one of his own. I grabbed his fist and twisted his wrist. Breaking it and then twisting his whole arm until it broke.

After that I swung him around on his broken arm as he kept trying to break out of my hold. Then I threw him Into the door he came in.

But when i advanced on him he grabbed me and pulled me towards him. Once i got in range he touched some kind of pressure point on my forehead which knocked me out.