The status screen added a stat mechanic.
Before, leveling up only added some health but now it actually also added to his manapool and to his strength.
This was the only practical use of this status screen. Zero nodded to himself, he could now punch an elephant to death with only his fists.
A portal appeared in front if him. This was the exit from the tree, thank God he didn't have to go back the entire way.
He quickly went through the portal, but something unexpected happened.
Zero stood in a white room without anything in sight. What is this place? He was confused, such a room didn't even exist in the game. He had absolutely no idea what could happen right now.
Suddenly a light appeared in front of him, it was the goddess that he had offended. Oh shi- Zero couldn't even finish swearing in his mind, as the goddess launched an attack at him.
Instinctively he blocked the attack with his scythe. The goddesses expression changed, from a creepy smile to fear. A green flame emerged from the scythe and engulfed the goddess.
She could hear the shrieks and cries of countless souls. This scythe... she disappeared, just as quickly as she appeared.
The goddess couldn't believe a low level human could kill her like that. This wasn't her original body, but it was made with her divine power! How could a mere mortal overpower her, and so easily at that?
The scythe was radiating with a green glow. Suddenly a crack appeared on its blade and the glow fainted.
Zero was dumbfounded, what had just happened? A goddess suddenly appeared and attacked him, but then got absorbed by the scythe?
He looked at his scythe and suddenly the status screen appeared.
[Special ability: Devour, Split]
[Spells: Light]
[Status: Corrupted]
Was the status screen able to do that before? No! Zero finally understood, this world is very different from the game. It's as if the game was just a simplified version of this world...
Suddenly a voice broke the silence in the white room. "Welcome players, this is the world 'Star Dust' was based on..." Zero finally understood, this was the room all the people from earth were transported to.
He didn't listen to the voice talking to him, what a waste of time.
He took his pickaxe and struck the ground. This instrument never fails him! A hole in space appeared right above Starlight city. Great, this spared him the walk.
He has set out to be more careful now, the world should mostly be the same, but unknown events might still occur.
The two women that worked for the church looked at the sky, and saw a crack appearing. Another summoning?
Zero wasn't afraid of falling from such height, his health was high enough, and he had been strengthened by the status screen.
He landed on his feet right in the cities central square. Seems like the gods were hostile with him, so he was no longer interested in exploring the church.
He would destroy it, just like any other enemy.
He set out to the palace, he would take the free pouch of gold and leave this place. He approached the palace once again, and once again he met these 2 women.
It seemed they were assigned to guard the palace for some reason, not that it mattered to him.
Before the woman he talked with before could even say a word, he killed both of them with a swoop of his scythe.
Another crack appeared on its blade. Zero went past the two corpses, not paying attention to them or the people who stared at him in shock.
He entered the palace, some guards were in his way, but we all could guess what happened to them.
Zero was heading towards the throne room. The palace was filled with a horrible stench of blood.
Soon Zero faced the king directly, the king was trembling in fear in his throne. He was covered in cold sweat and could barely move. The king never in his life thought he could feel so overpowered.
Zero pointed the scythe at him "Hand over the gold pouch." The king couldn't mumble a word, he did all of this just because of some gold!? What a psycho!
Of course he didn't say that out loud. "W-will you spare me if I do?" the king had a glimmer of hope. Zero didn't answer, he didn't plan to kill the king in the first place. The guards had to die because they were a minor inconvenience on his way here.
The king gulped but didn't say anything else. He took out the pouch and gave it to Zero. It was a storage artifact, the pouch might seem small but it was vast on the inside.
Zero took the pouch and glanced inside of it for a moment, he nodded and left the king alone in the throne room.
Usually this money would be enough for an entire run since he wouldn't buy much stuff. Now however he had to live in the game, so this money might not be able to last him for the entire run.
Talking about runs... does a run even end? What would happen if he were to die? Will he resurrect in a new run, will he just die?
Zero didn't want to test it out. He already killed 2 players and had no idea what happened to them afterwards.
A crowd formed in front of the palace, everyone already heard what had happened at the palace.
Two workers of the church died! How surprised would they be once they found out the king was robbed in broad daylight?
They all saw the man who was the cause of the scene leave the palace. They all stared at him, his scythe was covered in blood. What a horrific sight. Some people in the crowd recognized this view.
The people were scared because this person was able to easily get rid of the church workers, these people were strong.
They were also the reason players were suppressed to the state of mere workers and slaves.
Some people were looking at Zero not with fear, but with admiration and hope. If he were to destroy the church they could retaliate and gain freedom!
Zero of course didn't know he became the anchor of hope for some people, after all he just robbed some old gramps.
Soon a loud noise was heard, a bunch of knights in heavy armor appeared. Most of them had spears, the ones in front had shields, and some in the far back had wands.
An entire battalion came after him?
This was to be expected. You just robbed the king god damn it...
Some people in the crowd had become even more anxious, others were in awe. They managed to see the holy knights of the church in person!