The crowd was silent, they all made way for the battalion. A great battle is about to break out!
Zero glanced at them, he didn't think he would need to kill more than he already did in the palace. He walked on.
The battalion marched towards the palace entrance, they stopped about 100 meters away from him.
A man on a horse came out to the front of the battalion. Seemingly their leader.
"Get on your knees and accept your punishment! Killing a gods messenger is a sin worthy of death." the leader spoke on "you shall repent your sins in hell!"
Zero smirked, "Hell? It's a bit early to go there yet." Hell was another location in the game, he would go there but definitely not to repent his sins.
"Then you shall die a horrible death and burn in the flames of hell for eternity!" the leader shouted, and raised his sword.
The mages in the back launched a bunch of ice spikes towards Zero. He cut the spikes with his scythe and they dissappeared one by one.
Nothing could go past his scythe. The leader frowned, this was another one of those 'heroes'. How did he get his hands on such a good artifact?
He knew some players escaped the city while they were subduing other 'heroes', but who could've thought that one would come back to free his comrades?
This of course wasn't Zeros intention, he only engaged in combat with them because they blocked his path.
The knights with shields quickly surrounded him while he was blocking the ice spikes. They inched closer trying to restrict Zeros movements as much as possible.
He had a large scythe, how could he fight if he wasn't able to swing it? This was indeed a good tactic, one could easily tell these people were trained professionals.
The people from the crowd didn't see what was happening inside the enclosure, some of the otherworlders had already lost hope of retaliation.
The spearmen poked their spears in-between the shields. This was the best tactic they knew when fighting a battle against one person, how would anyone survive that?
A faint green glow emitted from inside the enclosure. The attack was effective however it didn't do any damage thanks to the protection ring.
If he didn't get the status screen beforehand he would've been trapped unable to escape the enclosure, now however...
He swung his scythe in a perfect 360° circle and killed all the shield knights. He was covered in blood, looking like a demon.
Seeing this, the otherworlders regained their hope and had decided to join in the fight. One of them raised a dagger and shouted "Help him!" Other otherworlders took their chance and rushed at the knights.
They picked up the weapons from the deceased knights and joined in the fight.
The fight didn't last long with other players joining the fun, they had won. They all looked at each other, happy they had a chance to free themselves from this suppression.
Some of them died, but this wasn't important right now. They had to follow their leader- wait where is he?
Zero left the fight a long time ago, since they changed their target and freed his path, he no longer had to fight them.
He got the free gold, so he no longer needed to prolong his stay at this place. As he was heading towards the city exit, he bought all sorts of food with the money robbed from old gramps.
He came across another grand building, it was on par with the palace, maybe even better. Considering it's looks it was probably the church... he did say he would destroy it right?
Zero scratched the back of his head, and went into the church. It was indeed quite grand and pretty. The king would be jaleous.
At the end of the hall there was a statue of the goddess that he had already met. He took out the pickaxe and was about to destroy it, but he stopped as he sensed the scythe radiating some light.
He glanced at it and held it closer to the statue, the glow became stronger. This wasn't the dirty dark-green glow he remembered, it was lime green.
He slashed the statue with the scythe. A perfect cut appeared in the middle and the statue fell apart.
A burst of divine power flung out from the statue. The scythe radiated even stronger, the divine power was being absorbed by it.
Another crack appeared on its blade, the amount of energy absorbed was nothing near as much as when it absorbed that goddess, but his scythe still wanted it.
How could he say no to his partner?
Once the statue was destroyed a huge thunderstorm formed above the city and rain poured down.
Without the protection of the statue, the city was now experiencing all the bad weather that was building up all these years.
Nothing else? Zero was disappointed. He knew there was no weather in the game, and now he understood why, but that was it.
He sighed and went to the upper floor of the church. A man sat there, the man looked at Zero surprised.
Who's that? The man thought, is he the one that lifted the curse from the city? The man noticed the rain, something he had not seen in years.
Before the man could speak up, Zero turned around and left, there was nothing worthwhile in here. The identity of the man? Who cares?
He then wandered into the basement, all he found was a room for torture and a prison. There were some people on the verge of dying from starvation... sucks to be them.
Zero wandered around the basement for a bit and left. This church had nothing of interest except the statue.
Once he neared the exit he saw an angry mob of people nearing the church. It were the players. Seems like they won, well, good for them.
Zero stepped out from the church with the scythe in his hand. He pointed it behind his back "There are some prisoners in the basement."
The scythe was still emiting a slight green glow, they all recognized who it was, the man that allowed them to have an uprising.
The leader of the group nodded and went past Zero into the church. He was there to get rid of the manager and to free all the other players that survived in there.
Zero didn't care about their business with the church, he didn't find anything of value in there.
A pleasant smell of rain seeped into his lungs, he relaxed. What a great feeling...
The crowd made way for him to pass, and he did, he headed to the exit. It was finally time to leave the city.