Zero sat down infront of the cave leaning on the wall next to the entrance. His wound should heal by itself in some time, he took out some food from his inventory.
Melissa was watching him with a watering mouth, she hadn't eaten anything in days.
Zero wondered whether Coal will be fine without receiving food from him. At that moment Zero thought about how big Coal is and how much food he would need... ugh.
Melissa was searching through her bag for something... she found a herb. She glanced at Zero and collected her breath.
"Hey do you want to trade..? This herb has healing properties." She was scared that he would just kill her and take the herb, but she had to try.
Zero threw a glance at the herb, it was indeed a herb with healing properties. It could help him close the wound quicker.
"And what do you want?" If she would ask for something insane like his scythe, he would just kill her and take the herb.
Who in their right mind would ask for a legendary weapon in exchange for a mediocre herb?
Melissa was happy the man had agreed to trade, "Can you give me some food?"
...Really? Zero was speechless, did this girl not bring any food of her own? He rummaged through his inventory and found some bread.
She starred at it with glowing eyes and watery mouth, she had to eat it right now. Or else her salvia would drip down and embarrass her.
She quickly ran closer to Zero and snatched the bread out of his hand, exchanging it for the herb. The way she ate was similar to a mouse, what a funny sight.
Zero took the herb and placed it on his wound. The pain became numb and his wound was healing faster than before.
Making a potion with the herb would be way more beneficial, but he didn't have the equipment to do so, and neither did he want to.
He wanted to heal himself to a point where he could fight normally again. If someone were to go to the fourth checkpoint, they would probably die.
But before that, they could grab a perk. That would be bad, because Zero wanted the perks for himself. They were way too beneficial to give up on them.
Zero looked around and decided to go back to his hut, Coal knew the way, so he should quickly find him there.
Melissa looked up at Zero leaving, she asked after a moment of hesitation "Do you live in Starlight city?"
Zero didn't look at her or reply to her, he didn't care, and she should just mind her own business.
Zero stopped for a second, it would be annoying if someone found his humble abode. "Don't follow me."
He continued after warning Melissa. He had no reason to kill her if she didn't annoy or hinder him, in fact she even helped him.
His scythe was radiating a very weak green light, it was regenerating the divine energy it wasted while running away from the octopus.
This surprised Zero at first, but he came to an agreement with himself, this world isn't the game, it's the real thing. And the real thing might have different mechanics for certain things.
The scythe couldn't regenerate normal energy that it absorbed, but it could regenerate divine power, for whatever reason...
Zero didn't know the reason behind this specific behavior, it may be because he absorbed the goddess?
At that point Zero didn't know that the thing that attacked him was not the goddess herself, but only a fraction of her divine power.
Of course the goddess herself wouldn't be absorbed by a mere legendary weapon. A true God can only be harmed by another true God. That was the universal rule.
And that's why the gods of this world formed a truce pact. They wouldn't fight amongst each other, and would govern over their own respective worlds.
The scythes tip has broken off, it was replaced by a plasma that could cut anything. Right now however the tip was just broken, and no plasma was forming.
Was it because the scythe was regenerating its divine power? That might be the case. He understood just how ignorant he had been to the fact that this world is different from the game. An entire new power type was introduced!
He remembered that ant... the status screen called it God something Ant. He had reached the conclusion that this ant was not from this world, considering the status screen couldn't identify it.
But it could also be that the ant was interfering with his status screen. It was the second entity labeled as "god" that he found in this world... was it?
Zero didn't use the status screen on the goddess, for all he knew she could be a demon in disguise.
He stopped thinking about it, he would find it out later when the time came to face it.
He arrived at the hut and the first thing he looked at was the dog hut, it was too small for Coal. He took out the grimoire and removed it, he would build a bigger one once Coal returns.
He didn't know exactly how large Coal is, or would be by the time he arrived here. He decided building the hut is pointless right now.
He had to heal his wound first, it was too bad to ignore any further. They almost died to the fourth layers boss.
Applying the herb directly to the wound would help to numb the pain, but didn't help much with actual healing.
He used the grimoire to make a bowl. He crushed the herb and applied what he had acquired to the wound.
All pain dissappeared and he felt like the wound was actually healing. He was glad the girl gave him a mediocre herb and not an inferior one.
He laid down on his bed and fell asleep.