Coals journey

Coal was running down the endless tunnel. This ant really has dug far...

He was running and running, hours have passed but nothing changed, the tunnel was the same.

Suddenly Coal ran into something, which forced him to bite his own tongue. Ouch!

Coal was startled, what was that? He looked ahead but saw nothing. There was nothing infront of him!

Coal decided to just continue running forward but hit the same obstacle again. It was an invisible wall.

Coal couldn't go further no matter how hard he tried, the wall was unbreakable. He was dumbfounded, the ant somehow went straight past the wall, but he couldn't.

Did he have to run back all the way? He was disappointed and unhappy. He ran for a bunch of hours and didn't get anywhere.

Zero had probably already abandoned him and went his separate way... this human would probably do something like that.

Coal couldn't have known how much Zero really cared about him, but he had hoped Zero wouldn't abandon him.

He decided to dig up a staircase, now that he thought about it... he could've just done that to begin with.

Zero was right, he was a stupid dog... ugh. This annoyed him, why didn't this human just go with him and dug up to the first layer, it would've taken maybe 5 minutes more than going through the portal.

Did he already abandon him? Coal suddenly felt sad, why? Would Zero really abandon him because he was useless against the octopus?

He quickly shook his head, he had to get out of here anyway. He would worry abut that later.

He dug, and dug, and dug... this took way too long. Coal was exhausted.

Eventually he saw light, finally! Fresh air... he was exhausted, hungry and thirsty. He wandered around and eventually found a lake.

A huge city was located on the other side of the lake, this city was several times larger than Starlight city.

There were also multiple boats coming from and to the city, it was the first time Coal had seen such a sight.

He decided to drink some water and go explore the city, maybe they would know where Starlight city is.

Coal had no idea where he currently was, he had tried to go further in the direction the tunnel lead to, but the wall was also present above surface.

It was strange... the wall was invisible, he could clearly see through it, but at the same time he couldn't see what was beyond the wall...

As if some power was blocking his brain from understanding what his eyes were seeing. It was very odd, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

He went around the lake nearing the city, it took him only a couple hours since he was huge, but the lake was really big.

From a human perspective one could think the lake was a sea.

Once Coal was nearing the city, a bunch of people with spears and a ballista stood infront of the city gate.

(Authors note: A ballista is basically a huge crossbow that shoots large bolts)

They were trembling in fear at sight of the huge monster... why was it here, and why have they never heard about it?

It looked like a wolf... but it was like six times larger!

No matter how much they feared the wolf, they had to fight for the citizens, they couldn't let everyone die before they did!

Coal was trying his best to not show any hostility toward the humans. He hadn't thought this through... of course humans would fear him, he was a giant monster.

He raised his paw as a means to greet them, but the moment he did, a ballista fired at him. Nobody gave the command, the soldier who fired the ballista was just too scared.

The bolt hit Coal in his shoulder, it harmed him, but not severely. He took about 5% of damage.

It was insane that human technology was able to harm him... he was naive to think the humans would be friendly to him just because he was friendly to them.

The soldier that fired the ballista fell to the ground in fear. Their strongest weapon merely scratched the monster!

The ballista should have been able to pierce straight through Coals shoulder, but his bones were just too sturdy.

The ballista had an insane fire power! This scared Coal a bit, but he decided to try a last time. He didn't do anything that would show hostile intent.

He had to know the way back to Starlight city, and these humans were his hope.

The soldiers didn't dare attack once more, if the basllista only did this much, then they couldn't do anything at all.

A middle aged man slowly walked towards the wolf. The wolf wasn't showing any hostile intent even after they attacked it.

He was probably here because he wanted something from them. The man was sweating and carefully observing the wolf.

He felt like one wrong move and he would die instantly, without even getting the chance to curse this wolf's whole bloodline.

He quickly stood right in front of Coal, the walk of a couple hundred meters took him barely a minute, but it felt like four lifetimes had passed.

"Greetings l-lord monster... My name is..." Coal bared his teeth and growled. He had learnt from Zero that introduction was not necessary!

Threaten anyone who dares to introduce themselves!

Zero is such a bad influence...

The man quickly shut up. Coal became friendly once again.

The man was looking into the wolf's huge blue eyes...

Coal was smart for a dog, he could understand human speech. However he was still dumb compared to a human. He couldn't speak the human language.

He remembered he couldn't, and then he understood once again that he was stupid. How would he communicate to the human what he wants?

Zero could communicate with Coal because he understood his intention, for Zero it was enough to understand intention to communicate with Coal.

However other humans are not Zero, they simply didn't understand him.