"You felt so sorry for doubting me so I used that chance to get the information I wanted from and you gave it to me.
But there is only one thing you lied about and that was my sister's death was an accident. My sister of strangulation murder.
You first killed her and then you threw her from the balcony. At the time I reached at the crime scene,I noticed that my sister had marks in her neck but I wonder why the police and the doctors didn't see them. And that must be because you bribed them. Isn't it brother in law?"
Clark claps to Dalton mockingly. " Wow, I must say that you have improved a lot in prison. It's so strange that you even made me a fool and I fell into your trick. Am sure you need to know why I killed your sister. Actually,it's not only me but also your ex girlfriend Sheila.
When your sister caught us red-handed , I tried to explain to her. I wanted her to let go of what happened but she couldn't agree, she told me that she was going to report me to the police for everything I do that includes scamming and selling drugs that is what you didn't know at that time and speaking of the drug dealers you two destroyed. Well I was one of them and I have been looking for you bout I never knew that you two were the ones I was looking for all this time.
Getting back to business, your sister was so stubborn and she left me with no choice but to kill her and if I didn't kill her, she would have ruined my life. I tried to kill her by strangling but Sheila told me if I do so my finger prints will be found on her and I would end up in prison so Sheila brought an idea and that was to throw her off the balcony but I wasn't the one who did that. Sheila was the one who finished her".
"You monsters! You have no hearts what is that my sister has ever done to you to kill her like that? " Dalton says so angrily.
" Am sorry Dalton may be at that time I wasn't thinking straight but I can make it up to you to correct my mistakes if you're willing to give me a chance. Do it for my son's sake please don't take me to prison, he cannot grow up without me". Sheila pleading to Dalton for forgiveness.
" You think if I forgive you my sister's soul will rest in peace? Will it take the fact that you killed her and flamed me? You want me to have pity for you but did you feel any pity when you was throwing her from the balcony? Did you care about how I will feel after she died?
When our parents died in an accident, she was the only one I remained with. She was like a mother and a father to me but you took her away from me and now you're asking for forgiveness because of your son. Do you think I care if your son grow up with a mother or not. That will be more enjoying to see him suffering ,when all of the people see him as a son of murderers.
" Why do you ask mercy from this loser? Do you think he has the guts to take us to prison when the police is even searching for him?" Clark tells Sheila.
" You're wrong Clark, my plan is not taking you to police. My plan is killing you as you did to my sister and you should die in more pain than she did, may be I should start with you Sheila so that you can feel the pain of your lover when he is pleading for mercy. " Dalton points the gun towards Sheila.
" If you want to kill , kill me instead and leave Sheila. I know you have a kind heart, think about our son. He is too young to grow up without both of his parents". Clark pleading to Dalton.
" Wow ,what happened to your confidence? I didn't know that people like you even fear death. You have disappointed me so much brother in law ".
" I really mean it ,if you want to kill. Kill me and forgive Sheila please. This all started because of me if I didn't fall in love with Sheila maybe you sister wouldn't have died and you wouldn't have gone to prison. And we wouldn't have ended up like this, but before I die please accept my apology and my request as well".
" Since you're so determined to die for her,it's okay but am not going to kill you". Dalton hands Clark the gun. " You finish yourself,I don't want to kill you". Clark pulls the trigger and finishes himself.
" Am always a man of my word. You go and get your son from school and don't show your face again in my life. If you do,you will force me to break my promise". Sheila rushes to get out of the house but before, the police alarm is heard in Dalton's compound".
" Who called the police? Who did it?" Dalton asks so angrily. I said who did it? A voice is heard answering. " I did".
" Anita! But why, why did you call the police?" Dalton asks Anita.
" Didn't you ever wondered why I came into your life? Well let me tell you, am a spy and I spy for the government. The government knew about the warden's doings and sent me to spy on him and my plan had to start with you.My meeting with you was planned but me falling in love with you was not part of the plan, my love for you is real.
I never been a drug Lord's daughter but am one of those people who wanted to end drugs by not killing or hurting anyone and I wanted you to do so but I had no way of telling you that. So I decided to do it your way but I couldn't bare to see you becoming a criminal so I called the police to come before killing them".
" Did you tell them about me?" Dalton asks Anita. " No one know that you're Dalton Jackson, everyone think that you died in water that day. I and you friends are the only ones who know about this". "So what will be next to me if the police enters in here?" " If they find you in here they will arrest you, your friend and Sheila as well but you still have a chance to survive because Clark is the one who shot himself. Your surving will depend on your lucky so don't try it just run away. I have booked you a flight ticket run very faraway from this country and never return back. I will find a way to lie to the police". " What about them?" " I thought that you wanted Sheila to suffer as you did so it's time that she can meet her suffering. As for your friend, run away with him and find a place you can drop him".
" What about you Anita ?" Dalton asks Anita. " If the lord want us to meet , we will meet again. Go before I change my mind". " Thank you".