Chapter 25: Book: Crave

"No, it's only happened within the domain of Team Leader 5," Himanshu confirmed.

Ramesh calmed down for a moment, "Let me check the document," before Himanshu handed it over.

Time passed, albeit slowly.

Ramesh remarked, "They did a good job by informing us early. Give them a bonus." However, Himanshu objected, "Isn't it time to focus on solving the problem rather than on useless stuff?"

Ramesh just smiled, "Yeah, your remark is valid, but they performed their tasks skillfully."

He paused for a moment before adding, "You know my work style. They have completed their tasks, and now it's time for me to work."

With that, he rose from his seat and headed toward a bookshelf filled with numerous books.

Himanshu just smiled and lightly tapped his temple. "How could I forget his work style?"

Ramesh, while perusing his vast collection of books, soon found a certain one titled Crave.

A smile spread across his face as he pulled it from the shelf. Opening the book, he began to search for a particular topic. Soon, his eyes landed on it: "The coffin"

Returning to his previous position, Ramesh declared, "The solution lies within these pages." However, Himanshu grew annoyed at his behavior.

"Man! Haven't you heard that we'll be in big trouble if we can't solve this early?"

Ramesh maintained his smile and said, "Oh! I forgot that. Let me refresh your memory."

A deep terror flashed in Himanshu's eyes. "Memories? Aren't they complete? And..."

But Ramesh interrupted, "Do you think I'm joking? This book transcends everything in this world. But before knowing everything, let me help you recover your memories."

He touched Himanshu's head with the book.

Upon this, Himanshu suddenly clutched his head with both hands, lowering his head while squeezing his eyes. "Ahh! Ramesh! What did you do to me?" He fell unconscious onto the sofa.

Unaffected by all of this, Ramesh continued to sip his coffee.

"Now is the time," he said, glancing toward Himanshu.

"I need a loyal dog to carry out all my legacies."

He dialed a number and ordered, "Impose a new regulation in this country tomorrow."

With a "yes," the call disconnected.

Soon, Himanshu woke up, somber, clutching his head. "Ramesh? What happened to me?"

Ramesh came near Himanshu, smiling, offered him support to sit down calmly. He brought a glass of water. "Drink this and let your mind calm down."

After calming down, Himanshu said, "I understand everything now," and glanced toward Ramesh. "Leave this matter. Tell me, did you find the solution?"

Ramesh smiled at his innocence, "Yeah, you just have to create a role to manage that world separately early, or it could be released from our clutch."

Himanshu nodded and thought for a moment before replying, "Why not give that role to the team leader?"

With a faint smile, Ramesh replied, "Okay, do as you think. And remember to bring them someday to meet me."

Himanshu didn't understand the motive clearly but just nodded. "Okay, I'll bring them whenever I get the time," taking out his smartphone and dialing a number.

The call connected.

"Code1, give the other remaining project of Team Leader 5 to someone else and let them full access to manage that world," he ordered.

But Code1 interrupted in a grief-stricken tone, "But sir..."

"No 'buts.' Follow my order and tell them that if they do as I say, their salary will be increased threefold at the end of the year," he commanded before disconnecting the call.

Code1 entered the room and explained everything to Team Leader 5 as he was told to do.

Sometime later, Team Leader, Manoj, and Shyam found themselves in a high-tech sci-fi room where the walls were fitted with screens displaying various videos.

Soon, the three of them shared their experiences and said in unison, "First, let's review everything from that document before making any rash decisions," then stared at each other with surprised expressions.

"What a coincidence," they muttered before becoming busy with their work.

Shortly afterward, the trio reached a conclusion: "This system should be deactivated, and the character should be stuck in the game for ten years," they said, glancing at each other.

"But neither of these things happened."

Shyam and Manoj took their positions while the leader continued, "That means the system is the cause of all this."

Once again, the trio decided to check the system and its prompt.

Shyam's eyes widened in shock as he exclaimed, "Leader, I think I found the reason!"

Both the leader and Manoj turned to Shyam's screen, sharing his shocked expression.

Five minutes later, they reached a decision.

"The system should be deactivated," but this statement brought deep concern to the faces of the leader and Shyam.

Manoj, however, didn't understand their reaction and asked, "Leader, isn't it normal to deactivate the system?"

Both of them looked at Manoj as if he were a fool. "If only it were that easy, we wouldn't be earning that much."

Manoj fell into deep thought and stare at Shyam, seeking his opinion.


Manoj rubbed his head in pain, "Shyam, if you don't want to explain, then don't. Why hit me?"

The leader calmed their bickering.

Shyam whispered back, "Manoj, it's not that I don't want to explain, but the topic contains a taboo that could cost us our lives."

Manoj nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

The team leader also realized that they had to take a risk, as they couldn't let this situation continue.

"I think the only decision to make is to deactivate the system," the leader declared.

Both Shyam and Manoj agreed, and they decided to proceed.

As the leader deactivated the system, he rambled to himself, "I just don't know what the backlash will be."