The Escape of the Orphan

Authors Note: I apologize in advance for the bad formatting in this chapter...

I've finally created the perfect plan. I, Ivy, am the biggest genius on the planet, but nobody believes me because I'm 11 years old but they're just dumb. Especially the head caretaker of this stupid orphanage, she's always putting me in timeout and even in the shed sometimes. Of course, I always managed to escape. You would think that since we're in the high-upper-class part of the kingdom or the Cas neighborhood that they would be smart, but oh are you wrong. The Cas neighborhood It's just full of a bunch of rich idiots. So that's why I made a perfect plan to escape, I plan on switching kingdoms and becoming the best scientist in the world. I'll be rich and smart and have people serving me every second of the day. Now that I've done the easy part, I just need to execute my plan. Hm? What's that? You want me to tell you my plan in full detail, hehe ok. So as an orphan I have a scheduled day, wake up, eat, study, do chores, eat, fancy people classes, activity time, shower time, and sleep. It's an average rich person's day but I'm sick of it, this isn't the life a genius deserves. So, I decided that escaping this place at night would be the best time obviously since the streets won't be crowded and everyone would be asleep. So, once I unscrew my window, I have to walk across the ledge of the 3rd floor and make it to the front of the building so that I can jump to a shorter roof and climb down from there. Of course, once I'm out I have to find somewhere to stay, so I will sneak out of the Cas neighborhood into the upper class, from there down to the middle class into Lampton city then to the woods then the slums through some more woods and finally ghost town. Why ghost town when they would obviously search there for me since it's empty? Well because the soldier academy is there, and they know I hate soldiers with my life, so I'll go there, and they'll never suspect it. Plus, the dorms next to the academy should have high quality beds and other supplies. Well, that's the plan time to put it into action. I'll use my hairpin to unlock the window, which is super easy, so easy I'm already done. Now just take my bag, open the window, and get on to the ledge. Oh shit… t-that's a long way down. Stop getting distracted Ivy! Ok, so, now I just have to s-slowly walk on the ledge to the front of the building. Oh god, I think I might vomit. No, I have to stay focused. Alright, now I just have to j-jump on the shorter roof. Uh… yeah… it's a bit far down am I really sure about this I mean the orphanage wasn't that bad to be honest. NO! I have to do this; I can't stand it in there. I'm leaving tonight and that's final. Alright maybe I won't jump down, but I'll climb down. So, I'm down now I can just climb down and there! I'm on the street. Now I have to leave the Cas neighborhood which is heavily guarded but for a genius it won't be hard. All I have to do is go to the flower store and hop into the back of one of their trucks and hide. This truck will go all the way to Lampton city to collect flowers from the Lampton flower store, they go every Thursday. Getting in the truck is very easy now I just have to wait for the yawn~ for the driver to get here. It will be a while so I guess I could close my eyes for a bit, they won't spot me since I'm hiding behind some boxes. So, resting my eyes a bit should be fine.

 Thump. Hm!? W-what where am I?! Oh yeah, I'm in the back of a truck. Wait shit I fell asleep! I peaked out the truck and we had just entered Lampton city. We must have hit a rock since I woke up to a thump, thank goodness. Well, the truck is stopping so I have to get out. Now from here I should be able to easily leave but first I should find a store and change my clothes. Alright let's go into that store, it has a cute skirt in the window! Looking inside the store it was a lot more run down than any store in Cas neighborhood. I don't have any money, but I bet if I give them my clothes in return, they will give me their clothes since my clothes are more than 10x more expensive than anything in this store. Alright then let's go. I walked up to the front desk to ask.

"Hello, excuse me, do you think I could trade what I'm wearing for some clothes in this store?" The cashier looked at me then her jaw dropped at my outfit.

"Now honey, why on earth would you want to trade such expensive clothes?" Good she might let me do it.

"Well because I think your clothes are way prettier than mine." I can tell by the way this cashier dresses that she also makes the clothes so gassing her up a bit should work.

"Hm, fine just because you're adorable, go pick out an outfit and then I can bring you to our changing room in the back." See just like I said she would give me the clothes. Looking around this store they had a ton of good items, but I ended up picking a black turtleneck undershirt, with a green sweater, a peach skirt, and a beanie to top it all off. I kept my shoes and sock though because why would I want to switch high quality running shoes.

"Ma'am, this should be all." I handed her the clothes, and she brought me to the changing room in the back I gave her my clothes, but she stopped me.

"The hairclip too sweetie." What?! I didn't want to give up my hairpin, but I didn't have much of a choice, so I handed it to her. Then I quickly got dressed, picked up my bag and left the store. It was already midday and I had to make it to the slums and then to the ghost town. Thankfully the store was right next to the gate, they didn't even stop me from leaving the kingdom and entering the slums since they were used to merchants and travelers going in and out. Now in the slums I just needed to go to the woods, while walking there I passed another orphanage, all the kids were playing outside. There was a little girl sitting near the back of the building reading. What a weirdo, they give her time to be outside and she spends it hiding away in the shadow, what an idiot. Anyway, whatever she does isn't my problem. While walking I passed a shoe store with a now hiring sign. Maybe after I settled in, in the ghost town I would sign up. It was the slums so I bet they wouldn't mind if a kid signed up to work. I could use the money to buy food and other necessary supplies to start a lab in the academy. Maybe I should take one of their fliers and put it in my bag? Yeah, I will. Alright now to the ghost down, I'm entering the forest and- Bump. Hm? Did I bump into someone, I looked up and saw a young woman.

"Oh, I'm sorry, are you lost?" What? Me lost? As if I'm not fucking stupid. Of course, I'm not lost.

"Sweetie, are you lost?" She's starting to get worried and suspicious that's not good. So of course, I didn't respond and just ran away. What kind of weird women would go to the ghost town anyway? Anyways running obviously got me to the ghost town quicker but damn I'm out of breath. Are all rich people supposed to be this unathletic?! Anyways, now that I'm in the ghost town I have to find the dorms, there were two dorm buildings, both abandoned obviously but one of them had been abandoned 4 years ago and the other one a few years after or something. They were apparently remodeling the old dorm building but gave up. I'm obviously going to the newer dorm building since I bet it's nicer, but I would like to explore the old one. I'm going to stay on the 3rd floor for precautions, the reasons are you can get a ladder tall enough to reach the second floor but no the 3rd, the first floor is too close to the ground and no higher than the 3rd floor so that if I need to make an emergency escape, I can jump out and survive. I also picked the dorm in the middle of the 3rd floor, For other safety reasons. Plus, the door was unlocked, once inside it was nice. It had a kitchen, bathroom, living room, and a bedroom with two beds. I picked the bed further from the window for unsurprisingly more safety reasons. Once my stuff was set and I dusted off the dorm a bit I decided to check the old dorm building. Just had to look out the window and make sure no one was in the town, and it was clear, alright! Let's go!

2 hours later

This sucks, most of the doors are locked and in the ones that are unlocked all the stuff has been taken. Guess it wasn't really abandoned, they were probably told that this building was going to be remodeled so they packed their bags and left. Some cleaned their beds and dorms others didn't, but anyway this sucks I'm on the 7th floor and haven't found anything cool, I might as well go to the 8th floor and finish looking around. On the 8th floor like all the other floors there were 20 rooms, so let's check the first one room 801… locked. Alright room 802 it is, it is… also locked. What the hell? Are all the rooms on the 8th floor locked or something?! Let's try this again. Room 803… lock- wait there's a key? There's a key sticking out from under a doormat? Wait, why is there a doormat? There was no furniture or anything in any other dorm. Since they were remodeling of course, why is there a doormat here? Whatever, they probably didn't want to keep it and just forgot to take the key with them. Thanks to that I can get in this apartment, I just have to unlock it. Done! That's weird, this dorm is fully furnished it even had posters and food on the table. Like the people here left and didn't come back, I'm going to check the name plates for this dorm. Hm, Iven Raskolnikov and the other one is empty. Was this person named Iven living here alone? Impossible, though only one of the beds is messy there are two chairs at the table with food in front of both of them, there are two toothbrushes in the bathroom, and there is double the amount of clothing. Searching around a bit more I found an unopened letter on the bed that wasn't messy. So, I assume that the letter was meant for the person who cleaned their bed, but they never saw it. Well, I guess that means I can open it! Anyway, the letter reads

"Kenji tomorrow will be my last day alive. I know you'll be confused by this and it's a lot to take in but just listen, ok? That day that you got sick and I went to find something to take your temperature I went to the presidents office to see if he had anything I could use since me and the president are close, and I overheard something that I don't think I was supposed to hear. The lieutenants aren't real lieutenants. This is going to sound crazy, and you might not believe me but they're scientist who work with the council, the king, and the army. This isn't an academy, this is a lab, and they are doing experiments on us. The vitamins that they give us aren't vitamins, they're drugs to experiment on us, they swap out the pills for the teams when they plan on doing an experiment. Well I found out that they swapped my teams pills yesterday… fuck man, they're planning on making it look like we died in a fight tomorrow so that the public doesn't get suspicious then they're going to take our body's into the top lab and dissect us. So don't eat the pills they give us as a matter a fact don't even eat the food or drink the water just, get your own, starve or vomit it out. Just whatever you do, don't eat it. This sounds crazy and I'm not too sure what's going on, but you'll figure it out right? I'm sorry it'll have to end like this, but I want you to live on and become a real hero, promise me? One last thing, please take care of my mom for me. Sorry for putting you under so much pressure - Iven" Fucking soldiers… I never thought I would feel bad for some, but whatever happened here was just wrong, so I'm sorry Kenji. I don't know this Kenji person or Iven but I'm sorry to both of them, no person deserves this. I'm going to look around the apartments a bit more, there isn't much here. I mean there's clothes and books, but these clothes don't fit me, and these books won't be of any use to me. Under their beds isn't really anything, I did find a small shoe box and let's have a look inside… more letters seriously. I don't know if they will be as messed up as that other one so I'm not sure if I'm going to read them yet. Looking around a bit more there is yet another letter under one of the beds pillows, it's unsigned and unfinished it seems. I might as well read it since it's unfinished.