The hardest part of everyday is waking up. A lot of people agree with that statement. A lot of people wish they didn't wake up in the morning, it's either they hate their job, family, home, or their life. For me, I hate the people, the white knights. Starting problems and then "fixing" them like they're some kind of hero. Those are the worst kinds of people to exist. Those are the kind of people that killed real hero's, real knights. I need to get out of my house, but my mom doesn't want me to move out. Kenji sat up in his bed, he looked a lot more different since he left the academy. I should go make breakfast for mom and me. I got out of bed, got dressed and headed downstairs and looked to see what kind of food we had in the fridge. Spoiled milk, one egg, three beers, and an ice cream. I can't make breakfast with this; I'll have to see how much monas I have before going out to buy some food. I looked in my wallet, 140 monas, this should be enough to buy a bit of food. I'll have to go looking for some work though, because this isn't going to last me long. I should tell mom that I'm going out before I leave, last time I left without telling her she cried until I got back. She held me in her arms the rest of the day sobbing, I can't blame her, my dad left us before I was born, and she only had me. After I quit the academy, I left the city for three years without saying a word, then I just appeared like it was nothing. So, I don't blame my mom for getting worried. I walked into her room, and she was painting, my mom always likes to paint. She turned to me and smiled, my mother was very young, she was only 38 years old, and I was 21. My mom got pregnant at 17 and quit her job to raise me, she used to be a pharmacist she says.
"Good morning, Kenji, I hope I didn't wake you. Would you like me to get started on breakfast?" I shook my head.
"No, there's hardly any food, I'm going to go out to the store to buy some stuff." I turned to leave the room; I was going to head out.
"Kenji, you won't be gone long, right?" I looked at my mom, we looked nothing alike, she always said I was the spitting image of my dad.
"Course not, I'll always come back mom." With that I left for the road, today was a busy day on the streets. The marketplace was a bit far from my house, but I wasn't sure if I should get a ride from somebody. I mean it won't hurt to walk so I might as well, I guess it would give me another chance to look at the soldier base. I already had the whole building mapped out and all the guard locations, but it wouldn't hurt to take another look before I do the attack. Yeah, I should take advantage, but I should wear my hood so that they don't notice me. Maybe I should just dye my hair, I always hide it near soldiers, guards, or higher-class snobs. In the slums or lower classes I don't need to hide my hair. They just give me a small look but then move on with life. Oh yeah, I didn't mention it, I have pale white skin, white hair, and purple eyes. I really stick out and it's not a good look when you're trying to plan to blow up a building. Regardless of all of that, I should think of what I need to buy, hm? Maybe some eggs, they are a bit pricey, but they have good protein, I should also get bread and flower, also milk since ours is spoiled. I should also buy a pack of cigarettes since mine are about to run out. Maybe some more beer as well, no I won't have enough money. Mom doesn't know that I smoke or drink as much as I do, I have a lose floorboard where I hide my beer and cigarettes, mom knows I drink, but she thinks I only have one beer a week. Oh, I know, I should buy a strong liquor and hope it kills me. Wow, the marketplace is especially full today, I mean, the fireworks are in a few days. The same day I plan my attack. The meat line is extra full since it's a special day, I couldn't afford meat even if I wanted to. To be more specific, farmland meat as in cows, pigs, chickens you get the point. Our kingdom is next to the ocean, so sea food is very common and cheap. Regardless, I got what I came here for so I might as well Crash. Kenji looked down to see a boy who looked 12. Kenji was considered tall in his kingdom, he was 5'11 so people being shorter than him was no surprise.
"SIR! Please help me sir!" What is up with this kid, do I look like a guard or something.
"Sir these men are following me, please help!" What the hell. I looked up and there sure was three men running into the crowd in search for this boy. He's latched on to me and won't let go, guess I don't have a choice. I grabbed this kids' wrist and made our way out of the crowd and into an alleyway. That should lose them, they looked like some loser drunks.
"Thank you, sir! I'm Sam, it's good to meet you!" I looked at this kid who had just ruined my day.
"…You too." His eyes lit up and he hugged me, what the hell.
"Sir, thank you! What's your name sir?" I didn't want to tell him anything but whatever.
"Kenji, and don't call me sir. I'm not that old." He nodded then stood up to leave, he must have been dumb to think I didn't notice that he took my wallet.
"Kid. I stood up and grabbed his wrist. My wallet, I want it back." He looked terrified; all I did was ask him to return my stuff. What was wrong with that? I didn't have any time for this bs anyway. He quietly handed me back my wallet then I let him go and began to walk home. I don't have time for this, I've already been out for an hour, mom's probably getting worried by now. Just as I was walking away that boy followed me.
"Hey! Kenji! Wait!" Was he an idiot or something? Calling my name right in front of the soldier base. Shit, I have no choice but to act like he's my brother, since I don't have siblings.
"Sam, come here little bro." I probably seem crazy to you guys right now. Let me explain, ever since I left the soldier academy, the soldiers have been after me, they know I know something, and they have all my information, so I'm under a fake identity, I only told that kid my real name because I didn't think he would cause me so much trouble.
"Little bro?" Ugh, doesn't this kid know how to play along, the soldiers are looking at us funny, thankfully my hood covers my face.
"Yeah, come on. Mom will get worried if we're out too long." I think the soldiers are on to us, two of them are slowly walking in our direction. I'm just going to grab his wrist and make a run for it.
"W-Woah! Sir?!" The soldiers are now running after us. I'm going to have to lose them, I should go into an alleyway and get on the roof of the town houses.
"Come on kid, we've got to lose them soldiers understand?" Sam nodded and followed me into a tight alley. The soldiers won't be able to fit since they're not as skinny as me or this boy. They might be soldiers but all they do is eat since they never have to do any real work, they just stand around all day. Ok, I'm at the other side of these townhomes, the soldiers are trying to make their way around. I need to find a way on top of this building, I could have that kid boost me up.
"Hey kid, or Sam or whatever. Have you ever boosted someone up?" He looked shocked that I asked this.
"Huh????? You want me to boost you up?" I nodded and he actually complied, alright now I'm on a balcony. From here I can climb on the ledge and jump on to the roof alright. I was about to jump on the ledge when the kid began to yell.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!! You're going to have me boost you up and not even take me with you?! The soldiers are chasing us down right now!" I seriously don't want to drag him home with me, but I guess he was the one who helped me get on to this roof to begin with.
"Fine, give me your hand, hurry I'll pull you up." He quickly jumped and grabbed my hand I pulled him up and he followed me on to the ledge then the roof. The soldiers finally made it around, but we were already on the roofs running. After a while the soldiers got lost in a crowd and I could finally stop running. Being on the roof I can easily see my house; I'm just going to walk there once I get off this roof. Thankfully I still have my groceries in my cloak. I just need to get my key out my pocket and unlock the door, mom's probably worried sick.
"So, sir. This where you live?" What the hell? That kid is still following me. Whatever he won't be coming inside.
"Wow this place is nice! Do I need to take my shoes off?" SLAM. Nope.