The Predator Of The Night

"Arghh!" Hearing the sudden painful cries, the police squad in the distance was startled. They felt their heart shaking, and a feeling of grief and sorrow welled up in their heart.

"What's with the sudden commotion?" One of the police officers became alert hearing shouts coming from the blazing building. Under the lead of their chief, they all stood up from their spot.

"You three, go inside and check what is going on." The fat chief threw away the beer can in his hands after crushing it, spilling some of the leftover contents of the drink.

He frowned, sensing how the surroundings had become oddly quiet.

The three people who were being pointed at had a dark look on their faces; they did not want to take the danger of going inside a burning building, but they could not refuse the orders of their chief.

Swallowing their anger and hesitation, the three men took out their batons before walking towards the restaurant.

Watching their backs, a feeling of unease crept into the police chief's heart.

As soon as the three officers he had dispatched entered the building, his uneasiness intensified, like a flint turning into an uncontrollable fire.


His eyes reflected the purple cloud of mass energy he saw erupting from the deepest parts of the restaurant, spreading out almost instantly. His mouth gaped open as he witnessed the entire building erupt into chaos.

The intact mirrors shattered, the walls buckled, disintegrated as if they were made of cookies. They were swallowed into the purple cloud, leaving no traces.

Within moments, the roof of the kitchen blew upwards, and everything in a 10-meter radius vanished without any traces instantly.

The pressure from the energy sent waves of shockwaves throughout the jingle, blowing several policemen and dirt alike away. Some were sent tens of meters high up in the air.

The remaining parts of the restaurant hurled outwards; wooden blocks, metal beams, and shards of glass tore violently through the air and slammed into the two policemen.

One of them was slashed into two clean halves by a huge sharp steel sheet, while the other was crushed into the tree he was using as a support to stand; his lower half had fallen as it had been severed by the glass stabbed into the tree with him.

Both the policemen fell lifeless without even realizing what had killed them.

The rest of the police force could only watch as the pressure struck and threw them backward, or some flying debris struck them, killing them or, worse, crippling them.

The police vehicles and water tanks of the fire brigade were thrown away like pebbles, falling to the ground after a few flips in the air and on the ground.

After the dust finally settled, there remained only silence for a while. Everyone was lying on the ground; the surviving members of the police force tried to get hold of themselves, but they had suffered blunt injuries at the least.

Their vision was blurry, and with a fuzzy mind, they could not even recall what they were doing.

It took a few seconds before their mind started to function again, and they got their bearings back. But then a wave of panic and disbelief set in their hearts.

"Arghh!" With clarity came the pain and suffering. Being surrounded by the maimed, injured, and crippled comrades, some of the officers passed out from shock and fear.

A few lucky ones only had suffered from superficial blunt injuries, allowing them to quickly get hold of themselves.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the chief was one of them. The man slowly stood up; his uniform was dirty from dirt and blood dripping from his forehead. He shook his head several times to disperse the dizziness.

The first thing the chief did was to look around and check the situation of the remaining members. At first, he could not see clearly but as his vision cleared his face darkened upon seeing that barely less than ten people including him were alive.

"What the hell did those idiots—" he instinctively cursed the firefighters and turned to look at the restaurant to search for their team. But the next moment, his body stumbled, almost losing the strength he had barely gained.

Before him was… nothing!

No Fugetsu… No sign of the firefighters.

He stood there blankly staring at the razed ground with open mouth, wide enough to stuff his own head inside. In the middle of all this destruction stood three silhouettes, and not one of them belonged to their forces.

Beads of sweat started to form on his hairless forehead. "Wa—wa," the police chief could not even form words properly upon seeing the razed ground; it was like a divine force erased the whole restaurant from the face of the earth.

He even looked around to search the area, checking if they were still standing in the same area. Even the nearby trees that had been rooted firmly in the ground had been blown away, let alone the vehicles standing there.

No matter how much he wanted to deny it, the reality stared him right in the face.

He finally turned his attention to the figures he had unknowingly ignored for some reason.

In the middle of the flat land and the center of this 'divine intervention' knelt a man hugging two unrecognizable bodies; behind him stood two women.

'Who is he? No, who are they?!' The chief took a step back in fear, seeing the two of them standing in the middle of the unnatural explosion, unharmed. The uneasiness in his heart was still there even after they had faced such a disaster.

Just as he was trying to make out their appearance, he flinched when the bodies that had flown high up in the air and landed on the trees slid down and fell to the ground.

His attention had turned toward the fallen body for a moment, but when he looked back at the trio, the man had surprisingly vanished.

'Where did he go—' Just as the thought flashed through his mind, the chief heard the sound of wind tearing from the sound, followed by a heavy thud.