Lexus then flew up in the sky as the dragon was also flying, and he matched the dragon's height.
Lexus touched the sword's handle and felt a little resistance from it, so he didn't try to lift it; he knew why the sword was behaving like this: because he was not strong enough to wield this sword.
Lexus didn't mind; the more the sword behaved like this, the more pleased he was for the future Lexus, who would wield and conquer.
Lexus then saw Dragon charging at him head-on without a hint of fear in its eyes. Lexus smiled and gestured for the sword to follow him while he tried to leave the village parameters.
Before he could, he realized moving this sword was very taxing on his stamina, which is decreasing rapidly.
"A few kilometers atleast, I don't want to wipe the whole village out," Lexus muttered while gritting his teeth and continued to fly across the vast fields.
The enraged dragon got angrier as Lexus was leaving the fight unfinished while injuring itself badly.
Lexus, on the other hand, was exhausted after running for only four kilometers with that sword.
"Alright, this here would be perfect," Lexus said. He initially wanted to withdraw the sword back inside his consciousness, but he was afraid of not being able to call upon it once again.
Lexus stopped in the midair and stepped on the huge Sword's hilt, the sword seemed to be alive, this time it didn't resist Lexus at all, as if understanding how tired Lexus was and giving him a little shelter.
"Alright, bastard, you motherfucker, I'll show you who's the boss." Lexus showed the huge dragon middle finger from both his hands.
Dragon, although it didn't understand, flew towards Lexus fast; its huge body was moving like giant waves in the sea.
Lexus smiled with confidence; with the sword in his hand, he was full of confidence, and the cheeky smile returned to his face once again.
Dragon didn't care about Lex's smile; it was angry and wanted to eat the human who dared to disturb his resting place and also swallowed up most of the treasure it brought.
Lexus then braced himself for the impact and gestured for the sword to move as the dragon was just about in range.
The black sword instantly moved and swiped across the horizon; the dragon stopped in midair.
The whole space cracked wherever the sword slash passed by, and the space divided into two.
Lexus raised an eyebrow with shock because such dramatic power was in hand, and he didn't even know.
The space repaired itself, but the dragon was still divided in half, and soon two huge portions of meat landed on the ground with a loud thud.
The blood flowed like a huge dam just broke, and it was taking everything with it; the red waves of the huge dragon blood were destroying everything.
"Are those rice paddies?" Lexus, after killing the dragon, looked closely at the field where he had just killed the dragon.
The rice paddies were destroyed, and powerful blood was flowing into them; Lexus immediately returned the sword in his consciousness and flew back with haste.
Returning to the village, he saw a huge funeral was taking place, and everyone in the village looked sad.
Lexus landed beside the village chief's house just to check on Isabella, and after landing, he knocked on the door.
The door instantly opened, and Isabella, seeing it was Lexus, her eyes turned big; then she stuck out her head and checked left and right to see if anyone was watching them, and then grabbing Lexus, she pulled him inside and closed the door forcefully.
"W...what happened?" Lexus asked with a shock on his face why the gentle Isabella was behaving like this.
"Do you know what happened?" Isabella asked while she grabbed a glass of water and drank from it.
She was sweating bullets and trying to calm herself down from something and was waving her hand in front of her face to cool it down.
"D... Do you know what you have done?" Isabella asked; her face looked red and kind of panicky.
"Umm, save the village from the impending doom?" Lexus almost bragged, but the situation seemed to be unfavorable for bragging.
"Y... yeah, about that, only we knew that you saved the village from the dragon and all, but the whole village was unknown to that, and you smashed the village hero, Justin and killed him in the procces" Isabella said while sitting down on a wooden chair.
"Who's village hero Justin?" Lexus asked, as he has never heard of such a hero before.
"Well, he was the great teacher of agriculture, and he was the one who invented how to sow crops and reap them perfectly. You know how important rice paddies are now to our village," Isabella explained how significant Justin's contribution was.
"It was an accident; I didn't mean to kill him." Lexus defended himself to clean his conscience, which was not that dirty in the first place. He was just pretending to be the good guy in front of her.
"I... it's how he died. He was crushed under your feet, and it was seen by the village shaman. The whole thing has become a mess," Isabella tried to explain, but the more she explained, the more complicated it sounded.
"I...I understand. So basically, the village shaman is a spiritual person; everyone in the village listens to her advice. She's cooking up some bullshit about how the village hero, Justin, died and how misfortune will now come?" Lexus summarized the whole thing in just some sentences.
"Y... yeah, She even prophesied about how blood will flow in the rice paddies now because of it," Isabella said, massaging her temples with both hands.
"K...kind of a good news-bad news there," Lexus said while playing with his tongue awkwardly.
"What? What's the good news?" Isabella was a positive person, so she asked for the good news first.
"Well, her prophecy came true," Lexus said while looking away from Isabella.