Chapter- 5 fateful encounter Ø



"Do you have any ideas where eldest brother is"

"No, I thought if we checked either the infirmary or the gymnasium we would find him but no"

"Why does the eldest brother always disappear during the times we need his help"

"That bastard is always doing his own thing, … but remind me why do we need to talk to him again?"

Currently, both Ciel & cyan were wandering around the estate looking for Edward. Cyan and Ciel became so desperate they started to lift rocks and look through the brush to see if he was there. 

"We wanted to inform the eldest brother about the country bumpkin that arrived" spoke Ciel with a jubilant attitude 

"Tch" Cyan fed up grabbed the closest rock and threw it at the closest tree full force.

The rock after making contact with the tree exploded sending shrapnel of debris ricocheting at them which both twins easily maneuvered past.

"Brother you really need to control yourself self" giggled Ciel as she viewed her brother's displeased response 'only if the eldest brother actually fell for my teasing' 

"Never mind that" Cyan spoke dusting off his clothes and straightening his posture. 

"I just remembered, who was Gerhard again"

"He's that guy's father, the one who lives in the corner of the Giodol Provence"

"And where is the Giodol provence" spoke Cyan feigning confusion 

"It's at the westernmost part of the Kihel empire … Wait what's the point? It's not like we will ever go to such a desolate place"

Realizing the insults both children giggled as they continued to mock the new arrival. 

"Imagine living in such a rural area, I bet he doesn't even know how to wield a sword" joked the two twins


"Hu hu… wait what's that bastard name again?" cyan asked, scratching his head in confusion. 

"I heard it's Eugene, and that he's the same age as us. 

"So what? It's not like we're going to be friends just because our names are similar" cyan spoke High-handed while giggling.

Detouring from the path, both twins made their way towards an old annex in the distance. 

Continuing the mocking, Ciel asked a question.

"Did you hear if he got motion sickness from the warp gate?"

"No, but I heard that he had a nauseous expression."

"So it looks like he didn't end up vomiting. Ah, so very disappointing. If he had ended up vomiting, I was thinking of making him clean the carriage" Ciel pouted before adorning a mischievous smile. 

Cyan, listening to her sister's outlandish reply, clicked his tongue and shook his finger toward her.

"You idiot. If you want to order him to clean the carriage, he doesn't need to have to throw up."

"What are you saying?" Ciel murmured bewildered and annoyed at being insulted

"Don't you get it, since that brat came here from the countryside? Then his body must reek of feces. In my personal opinion, he's probably wielded a pitchfork his entire life rather than a wooden sword" said Cyan contemptuously

"Aha!"Ciel exclaimed at her brother's logic 

Elaborating, Cyan said,, "Since he rode in the carriage for a few days, the smell of cow dung must have permeated into the carriage's interior as well."

"Ugh, how nasty," Ciel said, her face twisting into a disgusted expression as she stuck out her tongue … however in contrast to the disgusted expression her eyes had a mischievous and playful tint, due to her recent enlightenment. 

"The carriage he rode in is our family's property. No matter what our relationship, if the carriage was dirtied because of him, he should be held accountable, right?" Cyan asked

"Yep, that's right. " CIel confirmed 

"I just so happened to receive confirmation. that the brat just arrived at the annex, and went straight to the gymnasium and started swinging a wooden sword"

"How insolent, " Ciel burst into laughter 

Both twins have always gotten along with each other, and their daunting elder brother … at times.

Observing from a distance was a peculiar youth who was extremely annoyed and baffled. That person of course was Edward.

'Do these brats actually think I don't know such basic information, and they of course" sighing while observing their mocking about a person, they have currently no affiliation with! I continued with my philosophical thinking 'did not listen to any of the stuff I thought! Those runts both always act like saints when I'm around, but apparently from the information gathered. They both like to perform cheeky pranks when I'm not at the estate, thinking I would be oblivious?

"It looks like they're heading towards the Annex" Chicking my tongue I tried to recall the outcome of this situation. 

"I remember now" chuckling at the future outcome. 

 They're going to try and provoke Eugene, before receiving several nonchalant witty remarks and Cyan whose pride was defiled. Eugene after accepting the duel basically won instantly with a swift spear thrust at Cyan's solar plexus. 

"Hmm... As the good elder brother I am. I should at least stop the spear from striking him you know"

Watching the twins suddenly deviate from the path I followed, until realizing they were heading toward the annex "I guess the fun has just begun" I spoke with anticipation. 


Until the Bloodline Continuation Ceremony, children of the collateral lines weren't allowed to wield a sharpened weapon or practice Mana. 

In the annex's gymnasium, a youth would be seen practicing his sword strike and form whilst holding an iron bar layered with a sturdy wooden outside. 

Annoyed at the lack of challenge the youth Eugene turned to his attendant who for some reason stubbornly persisted in staying bathing scorching sun rather than comfortably in the shade.

"Don't you have any wooden swords that are heavier than this?. It would be good if they were a bit bigger as well," Eugene questioned 

"Also I had asked you to stay in the shade over there. Why are you standing out in the sunlight?" 

"I will be fine Master Eugene" Nina replied for the nth time. 

"As if, you're sweating buckets!. Stop being so damn stubborn and go sit in the shade. No, wait hold on. Before that, do you have any other wooden swords?"

Perplexed at the absurdity of the situation, Nina stood dazed as she watched the 13-year-old member of the collateral line ask her to rest. Although it may be temporary, she had been assigned as his personal attendant, so she couldn't rest while her master was training. 

"You want to know where the wooden swords are correct?"

"Yeah, where are they?"

"They should be located in the gymnasium's store room, the available ones would be there, any others would most likely be located in the main gymnasium." voiced Nina after several seconds of contemplation 

"Can you bring some here?"

"That's… I am afraid I can't be the judge of that. If you desire, I could go ask, but …-

"If that's the case, then it's fine. You don't need to go" 

Eugene shook his head in reluctance, not wanting to pressure Nina and create more nuance in her life. 

Annoyed at the lack of resistance from his sword. Eugene headed towards the storeroom. This action caused Nina to frantically trail after him. 

"Master Eugene, if there's anything you need, please instruct me.

After responding with a witty reply, Nina understood his reasoning and silenced acting to just observe 

Nina watched overwhelmed by the absurd amount of stuff strapped on his body, she watched as he placed weight upon weight on his body, just the spear alone was double his own weight, watching the absurd situation show of events Eugene instructed her.

"Get back … No, even further … just keep going until you reach the shade"

"Yes," Following his instructions she walked under the shade.

 Eugene seeing she was out of range swung his spear into an arc


Anyone observing his barbaric training would question his sanity. 

A spear constantly moving erratically shredding the skin, on hand but whilst this all happened he seemed to be enjoying himself. 

In the middle of his training, he was interrupted when called upon 

"Hey you, what's this bastard doing"

Startled by the incomers Nina stammered 

"Y-young master, young lady, what brings you here…?!"

"Are you stupid, I asked you what that bastard was doing" Cyan spat narrowing his eyelids. 

"U... I -"

"Can't you tell by looking?" this witty remark did not come from poor Nina no no .. but rather from Eugene, who took a breath, and lowered the spear onto the ground. 

"Do you know what this is?" Eugene asked as he kicked the spear 

'What is this bastard thinking, cyan didn't respond immediately but rather furrowed his brows, but Ciel standing by him, ginned and answered 

"You idiot, it's obviously a spear, of course. Don't you even know that?"

"Your right this is a spear", Eugene said 

"... So, what," Ciel asked 

"Since you apparently know what a spear is, would you not know what swinging a spear is?" said Eugene 

 "I do know!" yelled Ciel 

"Then why were you asking her is she what I was doing"

"I wasn't the one who asked. It was my brother"

"Then why don't you try to explain to your stupid brother of yours. Tell him 'that bastard's swinging a spear."" Eugene mocked while mimicking her voice

Ciel's eyes widened into circles at the insult. 

In contrast, cyan's became thinner. 


"Seeing as you couldn't understand what was going on in front of you, I had assumed you were on the slower side." 

"Brother, I think that Bumpkin is calling you an idiot" Ciel giggled and pocked Cyan's shoulder, instinctively trying to provoke her brother further.

This weak goading from his younger sister was enough to make Cyan cry out "You, dare!"


Cyan of course was not retarded and had known what the bastard was doing since the beginning, because this was his nth time seeing such an unscientific method of training so he was not surprised, but rather confused at how another person can be training in such a way. Cyan & his sister both tried to train the way of their eldest brother but both gave up after feeling the nonsensical pain that accompanied it! And their brother always does this masochistic training with a chilling smile. Edward's training was something only a madman would do, so … when he saw Eugene doing the same he had to probe the situation. 

But now this is personal …


"For what? Asked Eugene 

"You dare to feign ignorance? Apologize for insulting my intelligence!" scowled Cyan

" Sure, I'm sorry, happy? Replied Eugene immediately 

However, cyan wasn't satisfied with this apology. Rather he was pissed by how apathetic this villager was speaking to him, narrowing his eyes and raising his chin proudly (kinda like those gentlemen memes) 

"Lower your head and apologize more respectfully!" Cyan demanded 

"Why are we not the same age?" Eugene asked without moving his head an inch "You're 13 and so am I, 13 = 13. We're pals of the same age, so why ask me to lower my head?"

"Don't speak to us like we are your friends, we could never be!"

"We're not friends, wowzers? But then do remind me why have you been speaking to me so casually since you arrived"

Eugene cringed as he spoke every line. He was well over 50 years old but was having a quarrel with 13-year-olds.

Several seconds of silence intermission passed before Eugene pressed Cyan.

"As I said, what's with the way you've been talking to me? So, you aren't just clueless about just spears, but etiquette as well?"

"This …." Cyan's eyes widened as words failed him.

As a child who was constantly indulged since he was young, it was only natural that he wasn't familiar with this type of childish quarrel. 

"This….. This cheeky…"

The biggest advantage of youth is the fact you can act on your emotions without any restraint. 

"You really don't know your place… ! Just because we share the same Lionheart name, do you really think you are the same Lionhearts as us" 

"No, I have a pretty good understanding of the difference. I'm from the collateral line, and you are from the direct line" eugene spoke "you live in the grand estate, while I live … somewhere far from here."

"Even knowing this, you still dare to posture in front of me?" cyan accused 

"Posture moshter, I don't know why you think I was posturing you. I only pointed out the few facts you seemed to have overlooked. First, asked what I was doing while looking at me, so I gave a response. Then you told me to apologize, so I did."

"You fucker, you really are impudent" Cyan spat as he pinched his nose. "Also, that stench coming from you. It reeks of cow dung from the 'countryside' mixed in your sweat! It really reeks!"

"First of all you've been standing in front of me pestering me for who knows, and you never showed the slightest discomfort of foul smell. Second, I've never gotten close to cow dung in my whole life, so who are you saying smells like cow dung?" Eugene asked curiously

"If so, that means it's the smell of your own shit…! Have you ever showered or are you just that uncivilized?"

"I'll go wash up in a bit," Eugene said with a wave of his hand. 

"No, go wash up now. Once done, go and clean the carriage you rode in as well!!" 

"The carriage?" 

"Yes, you buffoon, because the smell of shit on your body must have .. no definitely must have rubbed off onto the seat! So I'm telling you to go clean it!"

"No, I think I'm good, why should I do that?"

"Because you're the one who got your smell all over the carriage! Cyan shrilly shouted 

Because of the close proximity, every time cyan shouted spit would fly out towards Eugene. Taking a step back out of annoyance, cyan misunderstood Eugene, thinking he had withdrawn because of his own superiority. 

"Furthermore, you need to bow your head and apologize to me. I still haven't accepted your apologies for calling me an idiot, saying I didn't know any etiquette, and for your blasphemous idea of thinking yourself at the same level as me, despite a collateral descendent-"

Several more minutes of pointless childish conversation took place before 

Cyan not taking it more and rage soaked and finally cracking when his sister worsened for the nth time left him with no choice but to take out his super duper ultra red blue purple blue green infinity ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567891011-100 god slayer 2.0 move out "a duel for no apparent reason" the perfect young master play 

"A duel … a fucking duel … right the fuck now!" cyan yelled falling into Ciel's ploy. 

This wasn't an attempt to live up to his sister's expectations for him, but because Cyan couldn't bear to be looked down upon any longer, he already got enough of that from Edward. Having received such disrespect from this country bumpkin, if he didn't do anything, he knew that he would have to experience several days of teasing from his sister.

"You have looked down on me and insulted me. Such as, we need to duel," Cyan declared boastfully. 

"Wow, what amazing logic" Eugene sarcastically replied as he listened to the absurdity of such logic "Hey pal, something like challenging someone to a duel isn't something that could be uttered so lightly" advised Eugene.

"Who's your "Pal'" Cyan retorted angrily. 

"If you don't want to be friends, fine with me. In any case, don't say things you'll regret just stop. Damn it Stop bothering me already "Shoo shoo"" Eugene shook his hand as to tell them to leave. 

But Cyan adamant about this duel because of his damaged pride 

"You're scared right?" Cyan said, proudly raising his chin at Eugene instinctively knowing that he would react 

Although the provocation was a classic, it was a classic for a reason. Its destructive ability to cause a response from most is OP. 

The obvious provocation, Eugene glared at Cyan through squinted eyes as he repeated, "Scared?"

Realizing his provocation, Cyan grinned inside, responding "That's right. You're scared. If you're too afraid to duel me, then just quickly apologize"

"And what should I do if I'm not afraid, but I don't want to fight, and I don't want to apologize?"

"Don't you even know what honor is?" Cyan said in a futile attempt to overtake the conversation again

"I do know what it means, and I also know it's a word that you should utter so lightly."

"Y-you bastard … you're insulting me again?" 

Finally reaching his zenith of rage Cyan lifted his hand to his left chest pocket. 

(Basically, if you're confused, people during this period were extremely prideful because why not don't ask questions. Cyan currently is grabbing a handkerchief with the Lionheart insignia inscribed on it, which represents his pride and will as a man when declaring this duel which is the ultimate decision made by the person who initiates it (the more you know))

"Don't," Eugene said with a frown. "A duel isn't something you recklessly jump into"

'This son of a bitch, why does he keep on telling me what to do?' Cyan thought as he scowled at Eugene and pulled out his handkerchief embroidered in a delicate pattern with the lionheart insignia pictured on the center

"If you're afraid, then just admit it! Don't try to run away from our duel by sprouting denial! Haven't your parents taught you what honor means ?!" 

"Oh," Eugene said, raising one of his eyebrows at such an accusation. 

While Eugene looked at him like he was an idiot, Cyan rejoiced thinking Eugene finally fell for his provocation. Cyan grabbed his handkerchief and swung it like a pendulum taunting Eugene. 

"This is really the last time I'll say this. Beg me for forgiveness, and then-

"Throw it," Eugene said as he untied the sandbags hanging off his body. "You wanted to duel, so just throw it already"

"...what?" Cyan responded dumbfounded

"I said throw it"


Eugene then took off his sandbags, dropping each one creating several large dust clouds as a result of the collision. Lastly, he took off the chainmail vest and threw it behind him. The chainmail flew quite a far distance before landing on the ground with an extremely loud racket. This sight to any normal person would leave their jaw dropped and leave them baffled, but for Cyan and Ciel this type of situation seemed like a normal occurrence but still unexpected to see someone from the Collateral line with such physical prowess without using mana.

Cyan was about to accuse Eugene of defiling the Lionheart tradition before realizing that he never detected the presence of mana, and would be stupid because he clearly recognized that such monstrous feats were indeed possible with intense physical training. 

Standing idol Cyan was thinking of the absurdity of this situation and the duel going to take place if he threw the handkerchief but when he thought of the prior he imagined his sister taunting not just going to last several days but may be indefinite! So he decided to go with the ladder. 

"... I challenge you to a duel!!" Cyan cried out as he threw the handkerchief at Eugene 

The handkerchief glided through the gale for several moments before fluttering on Eugene's shoulder anti-climatically. This happened right as Eugene was in the process of standing up. 

"I accept," Eugene said, with a nod, as he rose to his feet completely.

Cyan was thrilled at the prospect of having his first proper duel of his life, rather than an unwinnable spar against an immovable object. Thrilled, he was excited at teaching this fool a lesson that would make his sister marvel at his magnificence 

These thoughts came to a halt right at this point. 

A chilling sensation at the back of his neck, his primal instincts started to nag at him yelling at him to run away! 

Ciel also recognized the feeling and the sly grin she previously adorned shattered as she turned blank face with the color disappearing from her face. 

Eugene himself didn't recognize the feeling so he put it off as an annoying nagging in his senses. 

Just as Eugene got on his feet, he thrust out his spear. 

Cyan not moving but rather showed an expression of terror as he didn't even react to the spear currently being trusted at him at an extreme swiftness.