Nothing no noise or collision was heard or made, rather a youth with a Huculerlian toned body as seen from the outlines in the clothing, standing at 188 cm while adorning ashen gray hair and a set of those green empty emerald green eyes
Eugene, expecting a collision with his opponent's flesh, was baffled as his spear's thrust was forcibly halted mid-way, feeling his spear being held in place. Eugene Opening his eyes saw a person whose presence he never detected, but rather just appeared out of thin air, and to make it worse the newcomer was grasping his spear with two fingers! Eugene in several seconds could deduce the newcomer was an extremely powerful threat.
As a response Eugene instinctively broke off a portion of his spear and sprung backwards to distance himself before positioning himself into a spear stance. This response was naturally engraved into Eugene's very being. countless of life or death battles would needless to say would create such a response to threats or unknowns.
Before things could escalate further Edward spoke.
"Pardon me for the intrusion but things were escalating rather fast you know."
Eugene realizing his mistake rested his spear and greeted the comer.
"And who are you?"
"Ah," Edward spoke in realization.
"my rudeness, My formal title is the crazed Lion, it's a rather pretentious name … so call me Edward"
"Sure, guess I got to introduce myself right?. My name is Eugene Lionheart"
"Sorry for the inconvenience caused by my siblings"
"No need, at least you aren't acting as rashly"
"Ahh I see well I'll be off then," Edward said elate, turning his head sporadically towards his younger siblings.
Immediately the previous goading environment started to churn, and each individual within proximity started to shiver. Their contemporary heartbeat was perverted (this word doesn't just mean I like kids want to molest, no it means anything that is not non-conventional so in this situation their heartbeats started to beat at an irregular rate due to fear). Their heart rate increased drastically and each person started to feel as if they were standing in the shadow of death before…
Nothing, his previously demented expression reverted
"B-brother, what are you doing at this unsightly place" Ciel stuttered realizing the severity of the situation.
"Oh, Ciel & Cyan you need not fret. I was merely a bystander in a quarrel between relatives" Edward spoke clearly and assuring not condemning any of those present but was just curious.
Cyan nervously murmured "Edward, just how long have you been observing us"
"Since when you were looking for me in the Estate's forest," Edward said with his face adorning a thin skin-splitting smile, while his left eye simultaneously dilated turning bloodshot.
Eugene was observing this situation from a distance before cautiously asking.
"Edward, how long exactly have you been observing us"
"You … well Eugene since your arrival I was curious and you proved outstanding, for example, that spear thrust of yours obviously was not one of a mediocre Collateral descendant but rather created from immense determination to the craft!" Edward spoke quickly while raising both arms to demonstrate a surprised expression
"Well I'm flattered you think that, but how did you sneakily intervene without any of us realizing so"
"That, well I never was hiding rather I just hid my presence and sat on that tree over there" Edward spoke while pointing at the tree he mentioned
"Well once again I apologize on behalf of my siblings, for the trouble they may have brought " Edward assured
Rather Cyan fed up with these accusatory words yelled "Edward! Why do you talk to this bastard as if he is an equal! He has shown us nothing but disrespect …"
Interrupting Cyan Eugen spoke, fed up.
"Hey Edward rather than apologizing you should teach your stupid siblings some manners"
Healing this Edward's face which did not show the slightest form of emotion. Nodded his head and replied
"Quite the advice, well I shall take heed to it," Edward replied in the same different tone while his eyes still showed not the slightest form of life, but rather an abyss threatening to suck in.
'Brother, I think we should leave while we have the chance' Ciel whose expression returned to normal spoke without speaking which Cyan nodded in response.
"AH!, let go of me, Brother!"
"Y-you fucker let go of me!"
"I don't feel like letting you go, just stop resisting"
Edward after recognizing the sound of footsteps silently creeping away naturally appeared near the twins and grabbed them both by the hem of their clothes vanishing swiftly before he said "Eugene, I wish you luck during the Blood Continuation Ceremony"
Clicking his tongue Eugene thought ' I don't need good luck.
"Nah it's fine I was just wondering why you and Cyan thought the idea of hindering our relatives' training was okay"
Several days passed after the quarrel. During this time several other children from the collateral line arrived each and every one attempting arrogance before being silenced by the appearance of a green-eyed youth.
One of the said individuals attempted to scorn Edward due to his unusually colored eyes (in the Lionheart family everyone has golden eyes no matter how thin the bloodline is), but after insulting Edward. The collateral member received several powerful kicks to the knees, and one towards his torso.
After sending the child to the infirmary, Edward had a serious lecture with Ciel & cyan. In short, Both had to undergo the Huculerlian training until both were balling their eyes out cursing their elder brother for his tyranny.
Eugene Lionheart was not condemned for his rude behavior but rather received no confirmation that the main family actually cared, which he assumed was due to Edward … on that note, Eugene was extremely curious about Edward after finding he was only 2 years older and already had 3 stars in the white flame formula an amazing battle prowess and it's rumored his white flame formula already had a crimson red and ethereal glow "three stars in the white flame formula how the fuck does that make sense! Wait …" at first he thought Edward was his comrade Vermonth who may have also reincarnated into one of his descendants but eventually brushed that thought aside after he heard about what happened to a collateral member when provoking him. Eugene also contemplated the whereabouts of his comrades.
The wise Sienna, after serving the longest term as the head wizard of a magic tower in the entire history of the Magic Kingdom of Aroth, suddenly disappeared two hundred years ago. Her whereabouts after this point were unknown.
Even the faithful Anise, revered as a saint by the hold empire Yuras, withdrew from her work in the central temple during her later years and departed on a one-woman pilgrimage. Not even The pope of the Holy Empire had managed to get her to divulge the destination of her pilgrimage.
As for the brave Molon, the first king of the northern Ruhar Kingdom, the last time Molon was seen was quite recent, "recent" only being a century …. After abdicating from the throne, he lived a leisurely life. He last made an appearance about one hundred years ago on the anniversary of his kingdom's founding.
And the great-vermouth who founded the Lionheart family actually died two hundred years ago.
Eugene returning to the gymnasium was surprised by an unexpected arrival.
"What are you doing here?" Eugene asked
"I was hiding from my Eldest brother" Ciel was in the gymnasium. She smiled as she waved her hand.
"I'm pretty sure we both know you can't hide from your brother Edward, he would instantly find you. So why were you waiting for me here? "
"I came in here to train with you," Ciel giggled "See, I even wore my training Uniform"
Acknowledging her statement he commented.
"Cool uniform," Eugene observed her uniform which embroidered the lionheart insignia on the left side.
"Did you just leave your brother somewhere to wait here, .. wait why don't you ask your brother?"
"My brother Cyan is self-training telling me to leave, and my eldest brother said to not to bother him training or he would break all my limbs and hang me upside down while throwing mud at me ," Ciel thought for a moment before saying "it's the only thing he ever threatens us about."
"The fuck, never mind… no, you never answered my question, why are you waiting for me?" Eugene questioned slowly as he tried to understand the absurd allegation made against her brother 'I knew that brat Cyan was delusional but … that Edward guy he's downright chilling, who the hell says something like that to a sibling?
Realizing the question Ciel answered, "My mother said that I should try and get closer to you." Ciel disclosed without hesitation
"... is that all right," Eugene finally acknowledged
"Did you not say yesterday that we can be pals of the same age?" Ciel rebutted
"But I also remember your brother said that just because we're the same age, It doesn't mean we're friends"
"That's just what my brother said. It's not like I agreed with him. So, don't you want to be friends"
"...fine, let's be friends. Well then, friend, since I'm going to be training. Why don't you go and play over there .. you see those sticks do something with them instead of bothering me"
"Will you play with me?" Ciel asked Jubilantly.
"No, I'll be training to see"
"Then I'll train as well"
Eugene clicked his tongue and headed toward the store room.
"... what number are you on?" Ciel asked as she sat on Eugene's back to acc as weight while Eugene did push-ups
"Ninety-eight, Ninety-Nine, one hundred" Eugene chanted. " get off"
Ciel dropped the extremely heavy sandbags on the ground and jumped off his back. Eugene then collapsed onto the floor, lying face down gasping for air.
"Nina, tell me now"
"Ah .. 'ah em' Masters Deacon, Hanson, and Juris are expected to arrive sometime the following days afternoon" Nina responded quickly "Also, Masters Gargrith and Dexra will be arriving by warp gate around dinner time"
'what's this...' everyone present recognized Edward randomly started giggling while simultaneously itching his left wrist under the table causing it to bleed profusely.
Ancilla Lionheart the second wife of the patriarch Gilead Lionheart and the more favored wife, and to Edward was more of a mother figure than Tanis Lionheart, his biological mother. The only person with who Edward was closer than Ancilla was Carmen Lionheart who he constantly sparred
"Edward, are you feeling alright ?" Ancilla asked concerned
After several seconds of continued giggling, Edward looked up with extremely dilated eyes biting the insides of his cheek to hide the crazed look adorning his face.
"Thank you for your concern, Mrs. Ancilla … im fine but I need to take a breather"
"That's fine, when you feel better make sure to rest," Ancilla said sympathetically because she and every member of the main already knew about his mental illness.
Observing Edwards distancing back the family started to speak once again.
-Edwards POV-
After distancing himself from the dining hall, Edward sprang into a spring heading towards the exit of the mansion and running towards the estate forest tearing up.
After tripping on a tree root he was finally breaking.
"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!!! DAMMIT!" Edward was experiencing a sudden wave of fear or discomfort or a sense of losing control even when there was no clear danger or trigger his body would shiver uncontrollably as he sobbed hoping the fear would go away. This void, this abyss of immense emotion, was always threatening to consume his livelihood. Slowly but surely his veins started to bulge his grip on the
Wanting the pain to stop he called out his sword "Calling of the nether sword Durandal." Edward muttered with bloodshot eyes, extended his arm, and reached out into the air grasping
The sword's hilt. Looking at the sword with anticipation and salivating, placed the sword's razor edge to his neck,
he was so close to easing his pain
until ….
"E-Edward what are you doing?!"