Chapter-7 false embracement Ø


Ciel had finished her training and started to lead back to the mansion, but rather than taking the main entrance, she had decided to take a detour into the estate's forest, to take a light stroll. While jovial skipping adorning a gleeful smile, this was all shattered as she coincidentally stumbled upon her Edward's crying figure, putting on a mischievous smile Ciel was about to finally condem some teasing… 

"The Pain!The Pain!The Pain!The Pain!The Pain!The Pain!The Pain!The Pain!The Pain!The Pain!The Pain!The Pain!The Pain!The Pain!The Pain!The Pain!The Pain!!!" Edward wailed 

 Ripping his hair and flesh, sporadically squirming on the ground 

Halting movement, speech, and breath Ciel watched as a bystander, she was shocked and scared.

 She knew her brother had a severe mental illness but it was never elaborated on, he almost always nearly seemed normal except for the occasional breakdown but it never really was severe. Mostly the crazed look he had while training. 

… But this was different 

"KEKEKEkekekekeke ke HAHAHAHA!! Look at yOu" !@#$%* spoke in an extremely Deep scratchy voice


After several seconds of watching Ciel tried to move yet was frozen. 

"Yes that's the solution" Finally stopping his murmurings Edward spoke in an assured yet dazed tone while not acknowledging Ciel's presence. 

"calling of the nether sword Durandal." as he spoke these words Ciel witnessed a sword manifest of thin air. 

'Did he receive that sword from the Lionheart vault…?!, NO RATHER THAN THAT, WHAT'S HE DOING !?'

Finally moving. Ciel Sprinted toward Edward in a cold sweat in an attempt to prevent him from doing what he was

Resting the sword razor side by his neck Edward was preparing to end it all. 

"Even if this is a futile attempt at pea-" Edward saying his last words was interrupted by the appearance of a new-comer 

"E-edward wha-what are you doing?!" Ciel yelled 

Immediately Stopping Edward looked at his sword, while his arm shook violently causing him to lose his grip causing the sword to fall on the ground with a


Turning his head downwards concealing his face, Edward did not ought to allow his younger sister to witness the repulsive expression he currently adorned.

One eye was currently dilated and filled with a type of insanity, giving his pupil a crimson hue. This corrival side held an eerie smile while his other contrasted with His normal emerald green eyes, but rather than the indifferent look they always showed, they currently were absent of any emotions but sorrow longing, and despair while tears of red streamed down his face. 


"Brother, you're not replying to my question. Why would you try and do that" Ciel asked feebly teary-eyed while walking towards Edward 

"I had wished for you and Cyan never to see me in such an unsightly viewing" Edward spoke finally. 

With a quiver in his voice, Edward murmured, "The pain of it all has…", but before Edward could finish, Ciel, overwhelmed by emotion, reached out and wrapped her arms around her brother in a tight embrace.

"It's okay, big brother…," Ciel murmured, gently running her fingers through his hair. "Crying is just a part of being human, you don't have to hide it…", several seconds of anticipation passed before Ciel continued "But… You really need to assure me that you won't conceal your pains anymore ."

Listening to his Sisters words Edward thought about giving a rebuttal but felt he couldn't and rather accepted the embrace and cried on her shoulder.

Several seconds of both parties sobbing soon impede 

Taking himself away from his sister's constraint Edward spoke in a soft tone.

"Thank you, Ciel …,"

"I was happy I could be of help elder brother"

"I don't know what I would have done if you weren't there"

Sniffing Ciel spoke back. 

"It was clear you were going to take your own life!" Ciel shouted, filled with both fury and sorrow.

"Indeed, I suppose that's accurate. Thanks" 

"Thanks aren't really what I'm after, dear Brother. A little reward would be much more appealing."

Edward reflected on the fact that the very first thing Ciel seemed to consider after preventing him from ending my life was... well, I'm not quite sure what she was thinking, she is all over the place from crying to teasing what the hells her problem.

Gazing at Ciel's mischievous grin and her tear-streaked red eyes, an idea flashed in Edwards' head, he flashed a peace sign and vanished . "Happy early Birthday" was written on the ground with a book laid in place of him. The book's title was, 'The Giant Book of Insults: Incorporating 2000 Insults for All Ages.' 

With a vacant gaze fixed on the book, Ciel struggled to grasp the reality of what had just happened. As the realization washed over her, she quickly snatched up the book and shoved it into the pocket of her training uniform, Ciel with a scowl muttering furious curses about her brother to herself while walking towards the main estate. 

Clicking her tongue "What a cheapskate!"