13. Mostly according to plan

Once, he heard someone say something like If you don't use it, you lose it. Once, he thought that his training and muscle memory will keep him ready for anything. Once, he was young and stupid and snoozed through video lesson "How to properly set up an ancient temporary dwelling known as A Tent".

Cid, Yax and Blaze, each with his own thoughts of regret, struggled to construct up this seemingly simple, yet overly complicated contraption. From the side, Mani gave occasional supportive nod, while otherwise keeping himself at a safe distance.

On the opposite side of a small clearing that they chose for their first camp, second group also had some issues with it at the beginning. But, combining Ivory's flawless memory, Jone's attention during his training, and Floreo's dexterity, in the end they managed to set up a decent looking tent. When they started working on the next one, Echo stepped in to help, while Ivory went to instruct other group. It was not surprising that learning something once upon a time, and then never doing it again in ages, resulted in a bit of a fumbling. Tomorrow, it will be easier.

This first day of their hike went very smooth. Even though everything around them were things they knew only from pictures and videos, they kept their cool. Well, except that episode with a creek. Crossing that stream was dangerous / funny / useful hands on experience. Depending on who you asked.

Ivory was just glad that it was not a full-blown river. According to their map, they should cross one of those, but not yet. It's at some 400 to 450 kilometers away, depending which part of it they manage to find. And if its still there. Rivers can move with time, due erosion and floods, and how old their map was.. Even the updated version was one made from orbit 15 cycles ago when they first got their mission.

Well, they will cross it when they find it. At least now they know that, A, stones on the banks can be very slippery, and B, full backpacks tend to mess up one's balance if not properly strapped on. Blaze and Yax both proved those points, and then the rest of them carefully avoided the fate of learning exact temperature of creek water.

Once they were all done with tents and in various stages of making themselves comfortable for the night, twins made use of their pots and boiled a pot of water and heated prepacked food over their first ever campfire. And they were not roughing it. They took 'holy fire' gas canisters from top floor labs.

Label 'holy' was used on all mid-level tech gear, weapons and equipment that was exempt from technology ban imposed on all ground stations since their establishment. It's usage was allowed only to enhanced personnel, 'nobles', namely clerics, priests and Soldiers of Sun God. Geothermal power plant was fully automated and sealed away below basement level. Access to it impossible without special keys shaped as different sorts of mystical symbols, like scepters or gems. Like, the Eye of Great Serpent, or the Bone of Sacred Dragon.

It was kinda funny, for grown men to be playing such theatrical games, and gods above probably found it entertaining. But, it sure proved to be an efficient way to manage and control naturals. With limited knowledge and boundless faith combined, countless years went by just like that. Now though, as they ate rations earlier prepared for them by Dagda, none of former nobles thought about their glorified past status.

Mani, for example, thought about how Cindy was right, after all, when banning his "Good things to do while trying to survive by strength of your own two hands in that strange and dangerous outside world" out of his luggage. It seems that 'handbook' was indeed just a work of fiction. How was he supposed to know that.

Blaze admired the new uniforms they all equipped for this mission. Delivered as part of expedition preparations, it was made of light but tough material that, as proved today, was waterproof. It was probably fireproof as well, but Jone would likely freak out on him if he tried to test it by placing his arm over open flame. If only it was not so tight. Did it shrink while in storage, or was he just too big for it?

Jone observed buzzing around Jax and Blaze, then pulled out sunblock Hama gave them. He sniffed it and confirmed that it was not only a sunblock, but an insect repellent as well. Cool. He put it back, then pulled out tea powders he prepared. In a separate cup he prepared a brew for Ivory, who silently accepted his care, aware of his own issues. Then he mixed general supplement tea using rest of the water in the pot, leaving it up to everyone to help themselves to it as needed.

Seeing that made Yax satisfied. Their walking speed and team coordination were good, and he even found the mishap with the creek to be useful test of their emergency response. That's what it was. Impromptu on-site field testing of his subordinates reaction speed. That's how he explained it, and he is sticking to it.

Glancing around and finding them all done with eating, Yax suddenly slapped his thigh to attract their attention "Status report!"

Everyone looked at him without really understanding what he meant. Jone said first "Be sure to reapply your sunblock, it's repellent as well. Even though unlikely, there might be viruses in bug bites."

"Well, thanks, but I meant report on your personal traveling status." Nevertheless, Yax pulled out the cream and started to slather it on exposed parts of his skin. Blaze as well.

Jone raised his eyebrows wondering what's there to report "My status is within normal parameters." His heart rate and muscle tension would not rise after just one day of walking.

Next to him, Floreo waved his empty food container "Status normal, and just a reminder, containers are reusable. Make sure to clean it properly and put it in your backpack. It's your own responsibility to take care of it." He might cook, but he sure will not do dishes as well.

Everyone nodded, and Cid said next. "Status normal. Observed slight inclination in terrain ever since we crossed the creek, meaning we are climbing." Yax noticed that as well and he looked at Ivory for confirmation.

"That confirms we are on the right path." Ivory said. "There should be low chain of hills ahead, highest peak just around 550 meters, slightly north from our route. We should aim to pass it from the south side and continue west."

Blaze finished applying his cream then also gave his status "All fine with me." Even if he got submerged in a lake, he would be perfectly fine. Just has to practice his self-control. As only one failing Yax's surprise field test, he got a black mark in his evaluation sheet. And a bit of nagging. But he still thought it was funny.

Jax turned towards Echo and Mani, those two were similarly silent. He could not even remember ever hearing Echo talk. Even now, shy Mani responded first. "All fine." He did not like to chitchat but he knew importance of keeping a good rapport.

Floreo was already prepared to cut in for his twin, but then Echo opened his mouth and barely audible said "Forest is too quiet. There are animals around, but they move very carefully." He was worried because he could not figure out were animals like that because of their team moving through their territory, or because they do not want to attract something more dangerous.

Yax understood at once and nudged Cid "Set up perimeter sensor grid. You get the first watch. At midnight wake up Blaze, I will take over at three in the morning."

No one had any complaints, and soon everyone dispersed to their tents. Cid set up monitoring, then turned off the fire and settled in the middle of their camp. His vision was enhanced and in darkness enveloping the ground under tall trees he could still spot sparkling. Rays of sparse moonlight shined on water droplets adorning moss and grass. Dew? He wondered while scanning his surroundings.

In his tent, Mani felt relieved. First day went surprisingly fine. And as a bonus, he could huddle in his sleeping bag in peace. By the time Cindy comes back from his watch, he will be fast asleep already.

He checked his beads and wondered if there will be any use for them. So far, he did not notice any miasma or evil spirits. Just in case, he set them up around his sleeping bag in a protective charm array he read about in "Every cleric daily guide through convincing spell casting". Better safe than sorry.

He snuggled his inflatable pillow and in no time, he was in a peacefully dreamless slumber.