When Yax got into his tent and saw Ivory sitting there cross-legged and lost in thought, he almost stumbled over his own feet. He totally forgot about having that conversation on to do list. On the other side, Ivory saw him trip over nothing and already felt his blood pressure go up. Sure, what is trekking 60 kilometers compared to dealing with this guy. Stroll in a park.
They both opened their mouths at the same time, then stopped, then started again. Eventually, Ivory palmed his own face and motioned to Yax to speak first. Which made Yax feel relieved.
He sat down on opposite sleeping bag, cross-legged as well, and collected his thoughts before starting "I am sorry for being an ass for that long. And thank you for being my friend during all that time. I promise, I will return that favor."
He was serious and focused, Yax - the Royal Prince, head to toe. Applying "General manual for maintaining personal and professional relationships vol.4 - How to apologize without looking uncool".
Ivory found himself speechless for a moment. Finally, he exhaled slowly. "Well thank you." He did not think he will ever become obnoxious as Yax was, but he understood what he meant to say. He read that manual as well.
Then he waved that whole thing away. "That's not what I wanted to talk about, but I do appreciate that you finally got back to your senses in that aspect." He paused and frowned a bit. "What was with you this morning? Messing up the route on the map. And later, falling into a creek? A test? Really?" He stared at Yax, closely monitoring his face to see if he will answer truthfully or will he try to just wiggle his way around it.
Yax felt his face heating up. Honestly, he would preferred not to talk about it at all, but he could feel words gushing out of him. His thoughts went to that scene of Mani graciously stepping over wet stones, the movements of his hips perfectly in balance with his long elegant arms, spread aside as wings of an albatross.
Even when Yax, distracted by that wonderful sight, slipped and fell spread eagle into the shallow creek, Mani did not lose his composure. Unlike that moron Blaze who laughed so hard that he also slipped and fell. No, Mani just looked over his shoulder, those wonderful eyes wide open, making Yax forget who and where he is at that moment. Then he simply moved on and landed on other side, embodiment of captivating rhapsody of perfection.
Ivory was glad he was sitting down. What hips? Do Yax even know what albatross is? Rhapsody of perfection? Who? That lanky Mani? Did this guy enter another rut season?
Well, at least it was not targeted at Ivory this time. He stretched his arm and slapped his palm over Yax's mouth "OK, I get it. Shut up now." They sat in silence, staring at each other for a while in their small two person tent.
In the end, Ivory concluded that it was a private matter between Yax and Mani, and that he should keep his opinions to himself. Still, he had to remind Yax of bigger picture. "Do not forget that we are on an important mission. It's not a problem if you use this opportunity to get to know Mani better. By the end, he could also form a positive opinion of you as well." If you do not make a complete fool out of yourself as last time was left courteously unsaid. "Go get some sleep now. Morning will soon be here."
Yax agreed and rolled into his sleeping bag without much fussing about it. He folded one arm under his head, scratched his belly with other, and before Ivory managed to gather his wits and lie down as well, Yax was already softly snoring.
Blessed be innocent ones. Ivory thought, but soon he was softly snoring as well.
When Blaze nudged him awake, Yax was reliving yesterday's creek adventure in his dream. There, Mani whirled around when he started to fall, by strong flexible arm he was pulled up before hitting the water, and just as Mani bowed his head to whisper in his ear, he heard loud and clear: "Wake up, your shift is starting now."
Yax frowned. That's not the sweetest timbre of Mani's voice. Then he felt his shoulder being bumped and with that his secret love affair dispersed into nothingness. Well, there goes his good mood for today.
Blaze squatted next to Yax, shaking him while yawning with sleepy eyes. Then he looked down at half asleep Yax and regretted the fact that his ears were not sleepy. Did he just called him Mani? Why would he call..
Suddenly Yax sat up and grabbed Blaze's collar. "Did I just say something?" He asked while squinting at startled Blaze. Blaze smartly shook his head as a rattle, but Yax did not let him go.
"It's my shift time already?" Yax asked next, and this time Blaze nodded while wondering what are his chances of survival. Then, he felt Yax patting his cheek before pushing him out of the tent. "Go to sleep" was said to Blaze's back as he scrambled away.
Yax stretched his back and got up. He did not ask Blaze how was the night until now, as he knew that if anything happened whole camp would be up. Standing in chilly air he felt his thoughts clear up. This time he really went off the deep end. What was that dream even about. He looked around, but there was nothing really to see this early.
He circled around the camp, passing by tents one by one, then casually stopped next to Cid's. He looked at the tent, then up at the sky, then he turned and went back to the middle of the camp. Nothing to see, nothing to hear. Mani did not even snore.
Time crept by, and slowly, sky started to pale. Some birds, that were silent the day before, greeted the sunrise from top of the trees with not really pleasant squeals. Down below, darkness still stubbornly persisted.
It was still too early to rouse others up when Yax heard rustling from Cid's tent. Soon he saw Mani coming out of it, with tousled hair and holding his backpack. It did not look like Mani noticed him though.
He watched Mani drop his bag next to the campfire, then messing with 'holy fire' canister. He obviously had no clue how to light it though. "May I help you with that?" He asked carefully, and was rewarded with Mani slowly turning his head and wordlessly nodding at him. Obviously not a morning person.
Yax leaned and used the lighter Floreo left at his seat, lighted the fire and then observed Mani pulling out a pot, filling it with water from a bottle, then distractedly staring at it. What was he gonna make, a breakfast this early?
He stared at Mani staring at water in his pot, marveling at his posture, patience and dedication. Light of the fire revealed Mani's face, with small perky nose and lovely lips. He would seem overly delicate, but his prominent cheekbones and eyebrows ballanced his features to be just right.
With a sigh, Yax accepted the fact that he is cooked. Caught, plucked, seasoned and cooked. Now, he just have to carefully find a way to serve himself up to this gorgeous young man. Who apparently so far did not even notice his existence.
When water boiled, Mani made his first morning pot of coffee. He really could not imagine himself starting his day without one. In the midst of spreading aroma, he carefully filled two cups and offered one to Yax.
"Morning, Yak." He calmly said. "Here, have some coffee." Then he proceeded to bring his own mug up to his chin. He did not take a sip yet, sitting with closed eyes and breathing in coffee vapors, he waited for coffee to cool down a bit and his brain to wake up a bit. Sleeping bags were really not all that comfortable, which made him feel a bit stiff. Well, more stiff than usually.
Yak? Suddenly, Yax felt his chest filing with pure happiness. Not only Mani noticed him, he even got handmade coffee from him. Plus a special bonus: original nickname.
With heated cheeks, he burned his lips with hot beverage. Oh, what a wonderful morning this is. What a charming forest, such uplifting chorus of birds, lively twinkling of dew, and a huge brown head, with misty eyes and pointy horns on top of it, staring straight at Yax.