Fifth birthday

In the blink of an eye, another year passed for me. Today, I am turning five years old in this world, and at the same time, it is my first birthday.

My father has been planning this event for two years.

Even now I can't understand the magnitude of what this event means to the other nobles, since for me it would be a simple birthday, and it's been a couple of months since my etiquette and dance classes increased their duration, now I can dance hehe.

I realized all this when my mother woke me up early in the morning.

"Today is your special day my little one, you have to get ready," she said with a smile, but you must understand that it hadn't even dawned so I woke up in a bad mood...

After breakfast, several nobles began to arrive at the mansion, I don't have much information about them, but my mother told me the names of some.

"Saurus Boreas Greyrat, my father's older half-brother, is the head of the Boreas house and he comes to pay his respects."

"Seraphin Eurus Greyrat, leader of the Eurus faction."

"Dante Sephirus Greyrat, leader of the Sephirus faction... and don't say it but he is the most irrelevant of the family hehe"

was what my mother explained to me while we watched the guests arrive at the mansion from a balcony.

Apparently, this will repeat itself again on my tenth birthday and an even bigger party will be held on my fifteenth birthday.

But enough of that, now let's talk about my magic!!.

As you can imagine, after several days of increasing my reserves, I was finally able to advance to the intermediate level in magic of all schools, but every day since I discovered this method I have been increasing my mana reserves, now I have reached a point where even if I spend my time doing spells every day my mana does not run out, this is somewhat inconvenient since I would have to use more powerful spells to spend more mana, but the more powerful a spell is, the longer the incantation is, and that is tedious...

Fortunately, after six months of training, I was finally able to reach the advanced rank in magic!!.

Not even my father could believe it until I made an advanced-level water spell that made it rain all around the mansion.

And I think this caught the attention of the people in the kingdom since the same king of Asura whose name I don't remember... came to see me shortly after, and told me that if I wasn't the Notos heir he would name me royal mage of Asura, but that's for another time.

Unfortunately I couldn't advance to the advanced rank in healing and detoxification magic yet, for some reason the only religion in this world which is called Millis, jealously guards healing spells of advanced rank and higher, but my father promised me that he would pull strings to get both, although I don't like the way I suppose he wants me as powerful as possible, right?

"Young master, are you ready?" I heard a maid's voice from the other side of the room.

"In a moment!" I announced as I finished dressing.

My mother had already left a few moments ago, they had brought her a pretty dress as well, so now it was just up to me to go to the event venue.

To be honest, the whole birthday thing was uncomfortable with so many important guests, even more so if it was only every five years, but I couldn't do anything about it for the moment...

After putting on my shoes I left the room and the maid accompanied me to the party room, it took us about ten minutes to get there, the room was in the other corner of the mansion so it was a long walk.

My walk stopped when two huge wooden doors stood in my way, in front of these two doors were two guards with silver armor and swords on their waists, according to my father they were saint rank swordsmen of the Water God style, honestly the whole sword styles thing seems too confusing to me and I'm not interested enough to investigate enough.

The two guards moved out of my way just by looking at me and opened the doors for me.

"Fuu... okay Julian... no, let's do it, Paul, you can do it!" I muttered to myself as I entered the room.

I was dressed in a black suit but I had shorts that covered my knees and black shoes, I discovered that only adults can wear pants in this world.

I was immediately flooded by the gazes of the nobles of the neighboring houses in Asura, to my left was Mr. Roswell of the Purple house house and his wife, and next to him was Crish of the Easterwood house...

All the guests were the nobles of the city, now that I think about it I had never left the mansion, but I didn't care that much since, believe it or not, I still haven't finished exploring it.

Besides, with my magic classes and my training, I keep myself busy, so I don't worry that much about that.

"Give a big round of applause to the birthday boy! Happy birthday Paul Notos Greyrat!" the voice of one of the managers echoed through the room and applause filled the hall.

All the guests' gazes were on me as I walked through the room, which made me nervous, but I still walked until I reached where my parents were.

My mother was sitting on an ornate chair due to her weak body and my mother was bragging at the top of her lungs that I was already an advanced level magician...

We've forgotten about keeping it a secret, right father?...

"Fuhaha!! You must be relieved! My son turned out to be a total genius! He can now read and write and he has become an advanced level magician!!" My father was bragging at the top of his lungs under the skeptical looks of the guests.

"Very well dear, when your father finishes speaking it will be your time to give a speech," Mom said with a smile.

I nodded and looked at the crowd, we were on a platform about ten steps high so we were looking down at the people.

Eventually, my father stopped talking and stepped back and pushed me in front, I guess it was my time to give my speech.

Shit...why didn't they tell me before!! I should have prepared a speech beforehand!!

I stood in front of the entire crowd as they looked at me with serene expressions, apparently, they didn't expect much from me and even less with what my father had said.

"...thank you all very much for being here to celebrate this day with me despite your busy schedules, I hope you have a pleasant stay, despite my father's words please don't think that makes me feel better than you, I hope and I can grow to be a leader that you can look up to with pride," I said and then I bowed.

Sweat ran down my forehead and I raised my head with an insecure expression only to find myself with the stunned gazes of the guests.

(clap, clap, clap)

The sound of applause started in one of the corners of the room and then spread throughout the hall, I involuntarily let out a sigh of relief at this, and a smile spread across my face.

"hmm, he's more humble than he looks"

"it might be true that young Paul really is a genius"

"That boy's mother has huge tits..."

were some of the murmurs of the nobles that I could hear, although some were not pleasant, but I guess it turned out well in a certain sense.


The ceremony went well, three huge, long tables were spread out in the room and a large buffet was served for us, and all the nobles, my father, my mother and I were at the central table.

I ate until I was full but I refrained from making a fool of myself with all my mental power while remembering my etiquette lessons and I feel that I made a good impression at least.

After eating it was time for the dance where many nobles and young girls went to the center of the room while some guys played instruments that looked like musical instruments from my old world, I was supposed to be able to ask any girl my age or who was not older than ten years old to dance, but that would also mean that I would have to relate to her in ways... let's say more intimate...

So I simply decided to sit in the front of the room while watching everyone dance.

"Lord Paul?..." a girl's voice took me out of my thoughts, I turned to see who had called me and...

It was a girl of about 8 or 9 years old approximately.

Her hair, eyes, and dress were red and she looked with a strange smile.

She bowed in noble style without taking her eyes off me and then spoke:

"Good evening my Lord, I hope you are enjoying your evening, my name is Hilda Zephirus Greyrat, would you like to dance with me?" she asked and then winked at me.

I simply shifted uncomfortably in my seat but then nodded, since this was supposed to be something that shouldn't be refused.

The girl took me by the hand and so we began to dance, I must say that she was a very good dancer and we caught the attention of the room and then some applause, but the way she looked at me made me uncomfortable, it was as if she wanted to seduce me...

So I did my best to simply ignore those advances and ask her to dance, but I could see among the crowd watching us a brown-haired boy who looked sadly at Hilda... that must be Saurus' son... I think his name was Philip, maybe the boy is in love with Hilda.

She and I ended up dancing for about twenty minutes until we retreated to the buffet area.

"I didn't know you could dance so well, you surprised me," I said with a smile.

"Of course Lord Paul, after all, I am a lady of the Greyrat house and there is no greater privilege than dancing with you" she murmured and put her hand on top of mine while looking into my eyes.

I slowly removed my hand and smiled back.

"I'm glad to know that in that case, I hope we can be friends!" I said faking an innocent smile.

I could see Hilda's breathing stop momentarily but then she smiled at me.

"Same here Lord Paul, I hope you continue to enjoy your evening," she said and with that, she left my side and got lost in the crowd...

Shit, even the children in this world are, maybe their parents want to use her as a political movement, but luckily I'm not a Diddy fan.

It may have been the food or something else but I felt like going to the bathroom so I quickly left the party to go to the bathroom.

After leaving I found myself walking through the hallways until I heard a distant cry, the party room was on the left, but the cry was coming from the right and it seemed to be a child...

So I had no choice but to go there.

I walked for a few minutes until I found a sobbing child in the corner of the hallway.

The poor child was shaking and sobbing so I approached him to see what was happening.

"Hey...what's your name?" I murmured

The child was slightly startled and then looked at me.

"Uh...I-I'm Philip Boreas Greyrat, Lord Paul..." he murmured with tears in his eyes.

"I see, what's your name?"

"I'm six years old" he replied.

"Well, why are you crying?"

"...m-my father, he hit me...because I was embarrassed to approach you" he explained.

Oh shit, this is complicated...

"I understand, and for what reason did your father want you to approach me?"

"t-to be friends..."

"Well! You're in luck! From today on we-

"Where are you?, Philiiip!!!!!!" A voice shouted from the other side of the hallway, it was a scream so loud that it gave me chills.

"Ha....ha!..." Philip shuddered in fear at the scream but I can't blame him.

Then, as if it were a horror movie, heavy footsteps headed toward us, I even considered the idea of ​​using magic but I stopped when I saw who it was.

Saurus Boreas Greyrat, when he saw me his angry face completely diminished to a dignified look and he bowed to me.

"My apologies Lord Paul, I was looking for my son," he said and his gaze fell behind me, on the scared Philip.

"Damn it, I told you not to go too far! What if you get lost!" Saurus replied harshly to his son.

"Ummm sorry Lord Saurus, but I took Philip to talk about some things, I wanted to be his friend..." I muttered as I looked at Philip behind me.

Saurus raised an eyebrow and stared at me and finally sighed.

"I see, then, let's go back Philip, the party is still going strong," Saurus said and went back to where he came from.

I let out an involuntary sigh as did Philip.

"Thanks..." he murmured.

"It's nothing, it's what friends would do, you can go back to the mansion whenever you want to play!" I said with a smile.

Philip smiled back and so we both returned to the party room.

And most of that time I spent in a corner with my mother due to the absurd amount of noble girls who asked me to dance with them to the point that I was exhausted.