Sword Master

My fifth birthday celebration went by without incident after what happened with Philip and Saurus.

I went back and stayed with my mother most of the time like that until the ceremony was over, now it's been a whole week since that day and my life is back to normal.

But now my father has called me back to his office, my mana still hasn't increased enough to advance to the saint rank of magic, and my father had told me that he would also start practicing with the sword... which brings us to this moment!


I woke up early in the morning on my father's instructions, the first thing I had to do was go to his office.

So that's what I did, I walked through the dark hallways and often I would come across some maids who were doing the early cleaning.

With greetings and good mornings I walked through the maids until I reached my father's office, it may not seem like it but the guy always gets up early.

I knocked on the door and walked in.

"Good morning father..." I muttered as I closed the door behind me.

Inside the office was my father and a dwarf guy with silver armor that reminded me of a disco ball...and his name was Wii Taa.

My father looked at me as if he was analyzing me and then stood up from his chair.

"Paul, we already introduced you to Wii taa right? He will be your fencing teacher from now on" he said.

I looked at the dwarf next to me and he bowed.

"I have high expectations of you Lord Paul" he said.

I simply nodded in resignation as I analyzed this guy's armor.

"Well Wii Taa, I entrust my son to you, if he doesn't have the aptitude for the Northern God style then we will call Dana" my father declared.

Wii Taa scrunched up his face but bowed in agreement.

And so me and the dwarf left my father's office, walking for about ten minutes until we reached the guards' training room.

There were already several people training here, but we were in one of the largest areas of the place.

Wii Taa stopped walking and looked me up and down.

"Well Young Master Paul, what do you know about swordplay?" he asked.

"...well, what are they used for killing?" I muttered, feigning ignorance, and I really didn't know how they were used here.

Wii Taa just sighed shrugging his shoulders with a smile of resignation. 2"

"Well, first let me explain the basics of swordplay then..." Wii Taa began to explain.

There are three sword styles in total.

God Sword style which is based on speed, users usually finish fights in a single movement and have a signature movement called the long sword of light with which the tip of their sword reaches the speed of light at the moment of the cut, I had my own reservations about the physics behind this, but I wouldn't fight about it now.

God Water style this is based primarily on defense, it is the antithesis of the God Sword style since it is based on repelling most possible attacks and counterattacking at the best possible time.

And finally there was the North God style which stood out for its unpredictability, this spell was not limited only to the use of swords, since there are many users who use axes, rods and other types of weapons, In addition to the fact that they have techniques for life or death scenarios.

Also, just like in magic, there are sword ranks:

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Saint, King, Emperor and God.

The latter being the leaders and strongest users of their respective styles.

This was a summary of what Wii Taa explained to me since the guy seemed very involved in his explanation, but in the end he concluded with a

"In these days we will analyze which of the three styles you are most suited to."

"Well...what do we do now?" I muttered.

Wii Taa did not respond, but walked towards one of the tool tables in the place and took a wooden sword about 50 cm long and passed it to me, the thing was quite heavy, about five kilos approximately and then he unsheathed his sword, it was a sword a little bigger than mine, perhaps custom designed.

It was finely ornamented and the handle was gold.

"Watch my movements closely and then you will copy what I do" he said and then he began to swing his sword in an arcing motion, it was a quick and precise movement, he did not move more parts of his body than he needed and his years of experience were noticeable.

It took him a full minute until he stopped.

"Okay, now you do it young master, these first few days we will get your body used to using a sword" he said.

I nodded and began to do the same movements, but for my small body the sword was so small that it slipped from my hands repeatedly, I could barely do ten repetitions before I was exhausted.

"Okay... rest for thirty seconds and continue" he said and I just grumbled in annoyance, we continued like this for half an hour until I couldn't take it anymore.


I arrived at the room totally tired and I hadn't even had breakfast, since it was the first day Wii Taa only made me train for half an hour, so my muscles would start to form little by little, but I don't know how much muscle a five year old can generate, but let's wait and see what happens.

"Honey? How was your first day of training?" my mother asked me.

She was sitting on the bed as usual while reading a book.

I didn't answer and just let myself fall on the bed and my mother laughed at this.

"Was it hard honey?..." she murmured.

"Yeah...I was swinging the sword for half an hour...and tomorrow I'll do it again...I don't want to!" I complained but got out of bed because I was sweaty.

My mother just laughed again and she got up too, it was time to eat.

I woke up the next day and my arms and hips hurt terribly, I could barely move... shit, I didn't even exercise in my old life...

"Divine power is rich and nourishing, it offers the strength to rise again to those who have lost it, healing..." I muttered and a green glow came out of my hands and relieved my pain...

wait a minute...

"shit!!" I cursed myself, now I had healed my muscles but I had to follow the natural process to generate more muscle...

I could only sigh with resignation at this and go out to eat.

After eating I went out to the training yard again with Wii Taa to start swinging, it was more of the same, swinging the sword again for thirty minutes while Wii Taa corrected my posture and advised me on how to improve my technique, for another thirty minutes, then I returned to my room with mom, took a bath and went to my magic classes with Ana.

I still wasn't at the level to do holy magic but I already felt that I was very close.

The next day was more of the same, I woke up with a terrible pain in my arms and hips but... it was slightly less than the last time...

"Is it possible?..." I muttered to myself.

"Divine power is rich and nourishing, It offers the strength to get up again to those who have lost it, healing..." I muttered again and the pain left my body immediately.

I wanted to think that I could have a theory, maybe healing magic could regenerate muscles... but not to their original level, but as the body would normally heal them, accelerating the process of muscle growth!!.

It could be the case or it was just an illusion, but I had nothing to lose by trying.

The day was more of the same and the next day after that.

Each day that passed the pain of the sword swing slowly decreased and my technique improved more and more each day, also my spaghetti arms hardened more with each passing day, there was no doubt, my hypothesis was true!!!.

But it only helped me gain more strength in a short time.


After a while Wii Taa stopped me in the middle of a sword swing, two months had already passed since I started training.

"Stop there Paul... hold your sword like this now..." he muttered, he crouched down slightly and put his sword horizontally at waist height and began to jog around the area, he did this until he circled the entire area and ended up in front of me.

"Okay, now start jogging with your sword in this position, it's necessary for you to get used to its weight" he said and I nodded.

So I got into the same position as Wii Taa and began to jog with the wooden sword in hand, as expected it was harder than I expected, my five year old body could barely manage to jog halfway around the area before I got exhausted, I rested for thirty seconds and continued jogging until I reached Wii Taa's side on the verge of collapse.

"That was good, rest for a minute and continue" he said.

I nodded as I wiped the sweat from my forehead and continued jogging until I was completely exhausted.

The next day I woke up completely exhausted, I couldn't move again, so a little beginner level healing magic was enough to relieve me.


Six months passed since I started training with Wii Taa, it turned out that I did have the aptitude for this style although I openly doubted how creative I would be when it came to a fight.

The days passed as always, now my swings became more effective as well as my jogs around the training area.

The muscles in my arms and legs hardened considerably and my hands became calloused, now I no longer looked like a child, although not an adult either, although I was missing the squares on my chest.

Now my lessons focused on learning the common attacks of the Northern God style.


My wooden sword clashed with Wii Taa's wooden sword, he stopped my attack effortlessly and pushed me to the ground.

"Be faster, look for an opening in your opponent's guard" he said.

I growled and quickly got up from the ground aiming an attack at his neck.

Since Wii Taa is only a meter tall it wasn't that hard for me to get close to his neck, but the guy just dodged my blow by moving slightly, my own momentum causing him to fall to his knees, Or that was what Wii Taa thought as I tried to turn on my own axis to catch him off guard but he received the attack with his wooden sword.


Our swords clashed and I fell to the ground on my ass.

"ha....ha....ha..." I was out of breath by this point as Wii Taa looked at me analytically, I had already gotten used to him looking at me this way, Because when I did it he always gave me advice to improve my technique.

"You have improved considerably, I think it is time to call you beginner level" he said.

"R-really?!" I said in shock as I got up from the ground.

Wii Taa just nodded with a smile and I felt a smile forming on my face.

So our practice ended that day and I returned excitedly to my room and took a bath and then told mom what happened.

[Paul Notos Greyrat Abilities]

Water Magic: Advanced

Fire Magic: Advanced

Wind Magic: Advanced

Earth Magic: Advanced

Healing magic: Intermediate

Detoxifying magic: Intermediate

North God Style: Beginner


Coment and give me power stones!!