The kidnapping

[3rd POV]

Year K399, Kingdom of Asura, capital Ars.

In a large and overwhelming dark room was a bald and fat man half naked, his double chin was crushed by his own neck and his arms seemed to melt from the amount of morbid fat on his body, he was sitting on an oversized chair, designed to support his overwhelming weight, in front of him was a large amount of food from cakes to breads and fine meats.

And on the man's lap lay a half-naked girl with tears in her eyes, the girl had recently been kidnapped and had been being abused by the man in front of her.

The chubby hands ran over the poor girl's body giving her a feeling of repulsion and total fear, but for the man it was like being in heaven.

The morbidly obese man, while with his right hand he abused the girl, with his left hand he took some bread with jelly and put it in her mouth, he had repeated this process until he was sick of it and even more so since he became the minister of Asura.

" is so good..." the fat man murmured, ignoring the sobs of terror of the girl in his lap.

"Huh? Don't you agree Ariane? I paid a large sum for you you know?... you should be grateful!!!" The fat man screamed and forced the girl to kiss him, the screams and struggles of the girl only increased, but no one went to help her, they couldn't.

After the useless struggle of the girl, the man's tongue entered the girl's mouth beginning a depraved kiss.

But before the man could get comfortable, the doors to the room he was in opened, revealing a middle-aged man who, upon looking at the scene, only frowned, but nothing more.

"You were anxious for that girl, huh?" The man asked as he walked into the room.

"Ah! Dante!! My friend! What brings you here?..." The fat man asked, there was not a hint of shame on his face despite the depraved act he was performing.

"I thought you already knew that, Darius, we have a deal..." Dante's voice was cold and expectant at the same time.

"Oh yeah?... Right, right... What did I have to give you in exchange?" Darius said in a disinterested tone while with a finger he removed the remains of food from his teeth.

Dante could only click his teeth, but the man in front of him was almost as important as the king of Asura, he could not afford to anger him.

"I gave you a noble girl and in return you would give me your support..." Dante murmured.

"Heh yes, that's true, but this girl is not as good as your daughter, was her name Hilda right? Despite her age, she is already developing in the right places hehe..." Darius murmured with a grotesque smile that made Dante shudder, both in fear and anger.

"Minister Darius, with all due respect, I will never give you my daughter, I can bring you more girls from other noble houses, but never my daughter"

Darius' expression turned into a frown but in the end he sighed.

"Yes, it is fair, for the moment this girl will be fine, you will have my support when you decide to attack the Notos" Darius murmured but in the end his expression turned to one of slight concern "Have you already decided what you will do with Amarant's son? The eldest, from my sources I have heard that this child is becoming very strong, he is already advanced in the North God style and intermediate in the other two styles" he murmured.

Dante frowned in the same way, Paul Notos Greyrat's strength increased rapidly with the passing of the years, despite still being a child who had not even had his second birthday, his strength was not something to be scoffed at.

"That is what my daughter is for, she will seduce him with that body of hers that you praise so much, and when the child is on our side we will attack the Notos" he declared.

Darius' expression turned to one of doubt, but in the end he sighed again.

"It's a shame then, your daughter is too hot to waste on that brat, but I guess it can't be helped" he said with a bored expression.

Dante just sighed, clenching his fists in anger until they turned pale, because the room was dark, Darius couldn't see the look of hate that Dante directed at him, but if he did he wouldn't worry either.

So without being able to do more, Dante made a noble bow and left the room, for several months he had tried to win Darius' favor, but when Darius declared that he would only support him if he gave him his daughter Hilda, he almost exploded in anger, but he managed to calm down in time and they negotiated something else.

Darius already had his eyes on several noble girls besides Hilda, the second option was Ariane Red Horn, a girl from a minor noble house, her attractiveness was based on her overdeveloped body compared to her young age of 9 years, which unleashed Darius' lust for her, but he knew that even if her family were low-ranking nobles he simply could not do anything to take her, so he entrusted that to Dante. So Dante just had to pull a few strings and hire some thugs to kidnap the girl, there were no witnesses, it was quick and silent, the Red Horns had no suspects and they would never suspect Minister Darius.

But Darius would not sit idly by, for him, there was something about girls that adult women could not replicate and that excited Darius to unimaginable levels, so without thinking twice he contacted specialized kidnappers with the sole purpose of kidnapping Hilda Zephyrus Greyrat.


[Paul Pov]

(clank!!, poow!!, crack!!)

The sound of wooden swords echoed through the mansion's training room, I was facing Wii Taa, my teacher in the Northern God style, he was the most powerful person I knew so far and by far, I recently became an advanced in his style which felt like the best day of my life.

It's the middle of summer in the year K399, which means I'm already nine years old.

Shortly after learning advanced rank healing magic, Minerva also taught me advanced rank detoxification magic, my powers had increased greatly thanks to this, but unfortunately she didn't know saint rank magic or higher, which was a shame.

"If you're so interested in magic, you should go to Sharia's magic university, there you'll surely learn more" was what she said, but unfortunately I don't think I'll have the chance to do so due to my duties as heir of the Notos.

"haaa!!" my wooden sword quickly headed towards Wii Taa's neck, now I had grown up enough and we were almost the same height, with me being taller by about three centimeters.

my movement was perfect, and with my teachings of the God Sword style my sword moved a little faster than it should.

but just when I thought I had gotten it right, Wii Taa made a strange movement and my sword deviated towards the ground at a speed that I couldn't react to and it buried itself in the ground, at this point I would have already lost the fight, but a user of the North God style improvises in the face of adversity and my best strategy was that while on my knees on the ground I launched a quick kick to Wii Taa's abdomen.

"uggh!!" he groaned as he stopped my attack with his wooden sword.

hah!, I took him by surprise.

He jumped back quickly due to the momentum, I pulled my sword out of the ground and with a vertical movement I threw it directly at his head at a monstrous speed.

This was not a desperate measure, it was a legitimate North God style technique that would be lethal in most cases.

My sword flew at a monstrous speed towards Wii Taa but he simply dodged it and started running towards me... shit!!


His sword hit my neck and sent me flying towards the ground at a terrifying speed, I couldn't even react and I was already on the ground.

"Ugggh..." I muttered as I stood up from the ground, it was a tremendous blow, the bastard didn't hold back at all...

"Well done young master Paul, your progress has been brilliant" Wii Taa said with a smile and helped me up.

This time I would enter third year and there was one week left for it.

But also, today is the presentation ceremony of my little brother Philemon to the world, I was wondering why it hadn't happened before, But my mother said that since he was not the heir, then we had to wait a little over a year to introduce the new member of the family to the world.

And that day was today and just like in my parties the nobles from all over the capital began to gather at the the ceremony would begin soon...


After taking a shower and getting ready I ran to the party room and entered through the balcony area, not the main door.

There was my father who was talking to the crowd, my mother had not arrived yet, they were probably still getting my brother ready.

The ceremony went smoothly, my father introduced my brother to the world, the nobles applauded "moved" upon seeing the baby and a great banquet was held.

After dinner I asked a couple of noble girls to dance to keep up appearances, but as I was about to sit down...

"Good evening Lord Paul..." A girl's voice called me from the side, it's like that night...

"...Good evening Madam Hilda, I can't dance, I'm tired..." I muttered as I stared at her

"Oh...that's a shame then, it doesn't matter if I sit next to him then?" She muttered and I just nodded.

She started talking to me about her daily life or things like that but I didn't pay attention, I was looking for a child in the crowd but it seems he wasn't there....


In recent times I had considered Philip as a legitimate friend and not as a child that I had to take care of, so this party without his presence was boring and even more so with Hilda!! By my side..

But I realized it was weird, since Saurus and his wife were at the party drinking wine and laughing, but his son was not...

"Hilda! It's time to go!!" Dante Hilda's father announced.

It was already around six in the afternoon, even though the party hadn't started long ago, they were already about to leave...strange, right?.

I looked at Hilda and she seemed relaxed, so I didn't think too much of it.

Also, her way out was close to my room so I decided to walk Hilda out, she misunderstood the situation and grabbed my arm as we walked...

"I had a lot of fun today Lord Paul, I hope to see you again at university" she murmured and then gave me a kiss on the cheek...

Shit, that's true, she's already in her teens and she has those kinds of thoughts...I should advise her of the dangers that this entails.

"Yes...I had a lot of fun today too...especially with you Lady Hilda" I murmured.

"Oh stop it Lord Paul! You make my heart race!" She said in an exaggerated tone and I could only sigh in exasperation.

I waved goodbye and watched her get into her carriage and leave the mansion with her family, so I returned to the mansion, the balcony of my room had a view of the noble district, So I usually just stood there and looked at the overwhelming city but...

A street away a light dimly illuminated a street...

It didn't seem to be a light and had a reddish glow very characteristic of magic...

Also, if my calculations were correct... there was Hilda's carriage!!

I don't know if it was pure instinct or something, but I ran to my room and grabbed a sword my father had given me as a celebration of advancing to the advanced rank in the North God style, It was a sword with a golden and finely ornamented mage but nothing more.

So just with that...I ran out into the street.

[3rd point of view]

Three people rode in complete silence inside a carriage, an awkward aura swirling around them all.

Two women and one man, the leading members of the Zephyrus faction.

"Well? Nothing?" Dante murmured to his daughter in front of him.

"No father, I even kissed him on the cheek...but there was no reaction at all" she said.

Dante's expression quickly turned into a frown and he sighed deeply.

"I see, but you can't give up against time. Time will favor your body and Paul's lust and that's when we'll attack." Dante said with an impassive expression.

Hilda's job for several years has been to seduce Paul Notos Greyrat and bring him to the Zephyrus side, but after all this time there are simply no results.

"There is no other way than to be more aggressive in the academy, kissing him on the lips would be an option and then using an aphrodisiac..." Dante muttered to himself while Hilda listened to everything attentively.

This had already become routine for the poor girl, but suddenly her gaze fell on the red-haired woman next to her father, Leila, but she had no say in the decisions her husband made, Therefore not even her own mother could help Hilda.

But when she was about to feel sad about all this...


A huge explosion shook the carriage and sent it flying in a thousand heavy blows, Hilda and her parents were immediately knocked unconscious and injured without even having a chance to react to the danger.

The coachmens were incinerated in an instant without even being able to announce what was happening.

And from among the shadows, four mens congratulated a young man, in total there were four swordsmen and a magician, all hired by Darius to do this job.

The kidnapping of Hilda Zephyrus Greyrat had begun.


Give me power stones!!