[3rd POV]
"May the great protection of fire be in the place you seek, I summon the intense heat of a torch here and now, Fireball!!"
A voice was heard from a dark alley in the noble district of Ars.
A large fireball was shot at a finely decorated carriage destroying it immediately and killing the coachman in the process.
"Good! A direct hit!" A voice was heard from the alley.
"That bastard wasn't lying, you're good Pedro!" Another voice was heard.
"Leave the flattery for another time, we made enough noise, let's take the girl and get out of here before the guards come" Another voice silenced the others and four figures came out of the alley.
They were all men with unkempt beards and adventurer clothes and on their waists they carried swords.
"What will happen to the parents?" A man asked as he turned to a muscular, bald man, the leader of the group.
"Darius said he only wanted the girl, if they don't interfere then leave them there" the leader of the group replied and the others nodded.
The carriage had been destroyed by the force of the fireball, but it was only enough to knock the passengers unconscious.
Among the wooden rubble lay three people, all slightly injured by the splinters and the impact, but other than that nothing serious.
"I don't know why Lord Darius would want a damn brat instead of the beauty that is her mother" one of the mercenaries said as he pulled the red-haired girl out of the rubble.
"Noble things, since they have everything in life, nothing gives them pleasure anymore, so their twisted fetishes are born. Honestly, this makes me sick, but the pay is good," another of the mercenaries murmured and the others nodded in agreement.
They quickly gagged the girl and retreated into the shadows.
[Paul Pov]
When I saw the explosion in the distance my instincts went off, Hilda was in danger...
So I ran to my room as fast as I could and grabbed my sword, the sword my father had given me as a gift for becoming an advanced Northern God.
The ceremony hadn't ended, most of the guards would be in the party room except for the guards at the entrance, shit!!
Time is of the essence right now and I must act fast or I might regret it...but why was I doing it? That family has always wanted to manipulate me, even using their own daughter to seduce and deceive me...
No, I shouldn't think about that now, I am a good Samaritan after all, right?...
So, getting those thoughts out of my mind, I jumped out of my room and threw myself off the balcony, falling to my knees and started running towards the exit of the mansion.
"Open the door! The Zephyrus are in trouble!!" I shouted as I approached the guards.
"Lord Paul?!, what do you want at this hour?... huh?"
Shit!, I didn't have time for this, so I jumped over the barricade and using my own momentum I jumped towards the wall.
"Oh divine god let me use your great power to shake the world and move the world!, wind blast!" I shouted and a shock wave made me jump over the rest of the wall and so I fell on the other side to start running without looking back.
"Lord Paul!?, what are you doing?, come back here!!"
"Open the doors!, bring Lord Paul!"
I heard the screams of the guards as I ran, good!, this will be more help!, was what I thought as I ran through the silent streets of the noble district, I carried my sword and my heart was beating a thousand miles an hour... shit, in a real fight my magic will be useless... I wish there was some way to shorten the enchantments or something!.
"tch!..." discarding those thoughts from my mind I continued running through the streets of the city, the explosion had been about three blocks away, but due to the size of the mansion that size was bigger, shit!
I only needed three minutes to get to the scene.
in the middle of the street there were burning debris from the carriage that carried the Zephyrus, some guards had gathered around but they were just as confused as I was.
I ran to the place quickly and I could see that the guards were helping Dante and his wife... but Hilda was nowhere to be found.
I exchanged glances with Dante, the guy was desperate but when my gaze met his he quickly looked away as if he felt guilty...
Shit! This bastard has something to do with it! No doubt about it!
I looked at the scene of the crime as I ran, it was a split avenue + maybe they were ambushed right in the middle of it, the damn kidnappers could have fled anywhere...
I stopped in the middle of the road with my heart racing, it hadn't been worth it huh? I just left on impulse, I had no idea where they could have gone, and they could already be far away, shit!!
But... I could see that Dante was looking to the North, I looked in the same direction and there was the Silver Palace... damn nobles!!
Without thinking twice I started running towards the palace, the streets were dark and narrow and quickly the disturbance of the carriage was left behind until the streets were dark again, only the sound of my shoes could be heard, it was summer but the air was cold, I inhaled and exhaled as I ran, the cold air made my nose hurt but I didn't care.
After running for about five blocks I slowed down when I was out of breath and now I was jogging lightly as I approached the sidewalks of the place, everything was dark, not even the sound of a cricket could be heard although I doubt that those exist in this world...
and then I saw it, the Silver Palace was always illuminated and despite the distance the tiny light made the place slightly visible, enough for me to notice it... five men, one of them was carrying a bag as if it were a sack of potatoes and it was twisting strongly.
It was so fast that I was in shock, it was a terrifying sight but there was no time to waste.
The bastards turned a corner and so I followed them, I stayed about fifty meters away while staying crouched and on guard.
"Tch! This bastard won't stop writhing!!" A man shouted as he threw the bag to the ground and when he was about to kick it another man stopped him.
"Don't be an idiot!! Darius asked for her unharmed, damn it! Pedro heal her!" A man complained while another man who responded to the name of Pedro used beginner level healing magic on her.
It's now or never!!.
I began to channel my mana into both of my hands, and began to conjure my spells.
"Oh almighty God protect me from the evils of my enemy and wrap me in your arms... wall of earth!" I conjured while putting one hand on the ground and in front of the bandits a stone wall.
A five meter tall stone formed in front of them, stopping their path. I could even see the biggest one crash into it and fall on his ass.
"What the fuck?!" One of them shouted.
"Answer my call, God of the Earth, and destroy my enemies! Stone cannon!!" I shouted. A huge stone in the shape of a cone formed in front of me and shot towards them at a monstrous speed.
It caught them all off guard and I could see that it hit one in the head, killing him instantly... well, one out of four!
"Pedro! Damn you! Who are you!" One of the mercenaries shouted while another took Hilda in his arms.
I didn't respond to any of this and simply got into a combat position... this would be my first battle to the death, which made a chill run down my spine.
And against four people whose abilities I didn't know... shit, it wasn't a good idea huh?...
"Fuck This!! God of the wind let me finish off my enemies with your great fist and great power! Sonic Boom!!" I shouted and a shock slingshot came out and shot towards the bandits stunning them momentarily.
Without thinking about it any longer I lunged at them, I had practiced the stance hundreds of times, the way I held the sword was also meticulously practiced, I had no reason to fail!.
And that was what happened, in less than a second I covered the distance that separated me from the four men, the darkness was both an advantage and a weakness.
Some of them had fallen on their asses by the Sonic Boom, but they were already recovering, but before that could happen...
My sword sliced one of the bastards' necks and I quickly took his sword, the Northern God style was my strong point, so I had to rely on it for the moment.
"Damn it! A mage swordsman? What a joke!" the biggest of the guys said and stood on guard.
Shit, my advantage is over, now it was three against one!
"Haaa!" I screamed as I made a huge jump, my sword was stopped by one of the swordsmen, but I quickly ducked and sliced one of his legs.
"Yeaaagh!" The guy screamed in pain but I cut off his head silencing him forever and took his sword in the process to throw it at one of the bandits.
"Shit!" The guy screamed with barely time to block the attack, but I was faster and buried the second sword in his solar plexus.
The guy squirmed but was still alive, my attention focused on Hilda, since the bald guy had taken her prisoner.
Shit! My heart was beating a thousand miles an hour, I couldn't allow myself to let my guard down...
"You're a pretty skilled bastard, you know that right? Tell me who you are! Since you've killed my entire team, I'll propose a deal!" the guy declared as he put his sword to Hilda's neck.
I stopped quickly as I stared at him, the guy didn't look the least bit scared, he only had a slight wound on his nose from the blow he hit against the wall.
I remained silent and the guy spoke.
"You don't look human, you're from the demon race, aren't you? I assumed it from your size. Tell me! Why are you helping these damn nobles! Tell me how much they pay you and I'll give you double with the reward they'll give us for it!"
I stared at him at this, Hilda was in tears at this and looked at me in terror...
I have to make him think I'm on his side...
"How much will they pay you?..." I asked trying to make my voice as deep as I could.
"Heh! It seems you understand! Just for this damn brat they'll give us fifty Asuran gold coins!! Tell me where you've seen so much money!!" He shouted, I could see that his grip on his sword weakened slightly...good.
"...fifty coins huh? And how much of that would you give me?" I asked as I slowly approached him.
"Heh! Since you killed my entire team I could give you half of it! That is if you let me go! We could meet here tomorrow or you could accompany me!" he said as he approached me anyway.
"I don't trust you enough to keep me vulnerable like that, I'd prefer a better guarantee than that" I muttered as I accumulated mana in my hands.
"Guarantee?... What the hell is that? Are you going to let me go or not?!" He shouted and his sword stuck dangerously to Hilda's neck and she let out a muffled scream because she was gagged.
"Take your burning sword and pierce your enemy! Flame Slice!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and a huge slash of fire went straight to the mercenary.
"Shit!!" He shouted getting into a combat stance and releasing Hilda in the process to avoid the attack.
But that's what I wanted, having dodged it I was left vulnerable.
So I pulled out the sword I had stabbed the other guy with and threw it at him.
"Shit!! Arrgh!" The guy barely had time to react and the sword grazed his left shoulder leaving a large laceration.
With this double distraction I ran as fast as I could and grabbed Hilda.
"I'm sorry!" I yelled as I grabbed her and threw her to the other side of the alley, I could heal her later...
"Damn bastard!! You tricked me!" The man complained as he got into a combat stance and lunged at me...
It was in a fraction of a second... Shit! The bastard is as fast as me.
Our swords clashed quickly, the bastard caught me by surprise and was also stronger than me for obvious reasons, so my sword weakened under his strength and I flew towards a wall where I crashed and the air left my lungs.
I fell to my knees on the ground trying to catch my lost air, but the bastard gave no respite and lunged at me.
Shit!! Think, think, think! What can I do?!...
My magic is useless in these cases, damn it!
Thank the ground for his injured arm, the guy was off balance which gave me enough time to avoid his attacks, but only just.
"Yaaa!!" I threw my sword at him in a desperate move, thank goodness he couldn't deflect it completely and a large laceration formed on his chest.
"I put before you a cradle of ice, I summon you to take down my enemy!! Ice Smash!" I shouted and a huge rock of ice was shot towards the guy.
He didn't have time to dodge it and it hit him squarely in the chest, it didn't go through him, but I could see that there was internal bleeding since he was trapped between the ice and the wall.
"Aaghh!..bastard!!...I'll kill you!!" he shouted as blood came out of his mouth.
"Who paid you for the kidnapping? Tell me and I'll let you live!" I announced as I pointed my sword at the one I picked up on the way.
"Keje!...I'll never tell you, bastard, you'll only know that after this he won't sit idly by!" he screamed and immediately the light left his eyes and he died.
"Haaaa..." I let out a sigh of relief and dropped to my knees on the ground in relief.
"hmmm!!!" I heard a gasp in the distance as I relaxed...
"right...Im coming!!" I announced as I stood up again.
I quickly reached where Hilda was, who was lying on the floor trying to get up and when she saw me she visibly relaxed.
I quickly untied her and that's how we got out of that alley, I had saved her and that was what mattered.
Give me power stones and comments!!