"The stones match beautifully with your eyes miss." His fake smile was fast slipping, annoyance simmering in his viens.
Just buy the damn earrings and leave. He yelled in his head.
"Really?" She asked skeptically, her thin dark brows arched like a wicked spy.
"Yes Miss." He could have rolled his eyes, but he held back. A job wasn't easy to find these days.
"Hmm!" She muttered in contemplation, placing the shimmering forest green earrings against her ears as she gazed at her reflection on the small mirror mounted on the wall.
"Are you sure these are real moonstones?" She whirled around so fast that some of her bleached blonde hair slapped him the face.
What sane person expects to find real moonstones at a small jewelry shop in the middle of Ashbury Town? Hell, if Mrs Moore had real moonstones then would she have bothered with running a shop?
"Yes they are." None of his thoughts showed on his face, if she wanted a lie then she would get one.
The lady grimaced, probably she saw through his lie, but she didn't bother to call him out for it. Maybe she was trying to hypnotize herself that she was buying the real deal.
Now that he observed her carefully she was clad in cheap counterfeits of expensive brand clothing.
"Fine, pack them up." She snorted with an air of superiority.
"Yes Miss." Finally.
"If they are fake, I swear to God I will sue you.." her brown eyes dropped to the name badge that was stuck to his white T-shirt, "Camren Moon." She scoffed, something akin to disgust in her eyes.
Something sharp burned at the tip of Camren's tongue, he quickly dipped into his reserve of calmness and after managing to summon the calmness of a saint he smiled.
Cheeks stiff and pained from the amount of smiles he had had to fake today. "We only sell the best here." Camren worked fast to package the earrings, the faster she got out of here the better for them.
"I am paying a fortune for them, so they had better be real." Of course 10 dollars will be considered a fortune.
"Are you a werewolf?" Disgut drips from her words like pure venom.
Camren pauses in the act of swiping her debit card. "Why are you asking Miss?" He asked only when he had reigned his anger. This lady was stepping on his last nerves.
"Your surname and..." She waves vaguely in the direction of his hair that is held up in a ponytail, "your hair."
Camren rolls his eyes, naturally she would guess he was a werewolf. Not a vampire of course, seeing as they were too haughty to mix with the 'lower' creatures, certainly not a witch because they were too rare to find, so he had to be a werewolf.
"I am a werewolf Miss, is there any problem?" Camren can't be bothered to he civil with her anymore, her transaction is complete anyways so he doesn't have to worry about her leaving without paying for the earrings.
"A werewolf in Ashbury Town? I must speak to your boss, I won't shop here if there's a werewolf." She grabs the packaged earrings from the counter.
"Well don't come back, you think I don't have enough shit to deal with already? At least I will be spared from seeing your annoying face. I bet that's why you're single, because your boyfriend keeps getting an heart attack when he wakes up next to you." Camren eyes her down, malice dripping from his words.
He won't tolerate discrimination against him from this shrunken piece of humanity, with messy hair, sunken eyes and a body that looks as brittle as bones, whose telling him he isn't fit to work in a small shop that sells fake goods just because he is a werewolf.
"You.." she points her finger at him, her fake nails glinting in the light, "how dare you." Her cheeks had gone red from anger. "Wait till I speak with your boss, I am going to have you fired." She yells.
"Oh really?" Camren rolled his eyes, he stands straighter now, different from his previous slouching position. He notices the way the lady flinches now that he is standing at full height. Camren's height of 6'7 wasn't really impressive in the werewolf community, but for this lady who was probably 5'1 he might as well have been a giant.
"Why are you staring? Want me to give you her number?" He arched a brow.
The lady looks constipated, but doesn't say a word. Her silence was best for both their sakes, because not even the fact this was probably the last place willing to employ him would have stopped Camren from having a talk with her about her bad dye job, mismatched fashion sense and her general lack of character.
Maybe the fact that she was arguing with a creature who could easily rip her apart was finally settling in. The look in her face is ugly when she grabs her purchase and walks out of the store.
Even though she tires to look intimidating by clicking her heels harder than necessary, Camren can see the slight tremble of her back.
Dramatic much
Camren's sigh in cut shot by the ding of the bell, a sound that usually echoes once the door of Moore's Jewelry was pushed open.
He wonder's if it's the lady coming back for a round two or a new customer, but his smile freezed when he noticed the three people at the door. No not people, Wolves.
It's not their scent that give them away, or their height and superior air, nor is it their flashy hair and glowing eyes. It's not even the fact that they are his pack members.
Camren would recognize Vanessa's fiery red hair and glowing orange eyes anywhere,her appearance proudly displays her heritage of a Flame Wolf even though the bloodline is thin, it's still something to be proud of.
Following behind the gorgeous female wolf, whose lips are lifted with a malicious smile, are Clary and Clarissa, the twins weren't identical except for their shared Purple hair and glowing sliver eyes, but they shared the same cruel personalities.
With their gorgeous appearances, expensive clothing and superior air, they looked out of place in this rundown shop.
Camren knows they aren't here to shop, Vanessa is the future luna of the pack while Clary and Clarissa are the Zeta's children, what on earth in this shop could catch their attention? Camren knows what though, it's him.
"Hey Cam Cam." Vanessa bats her long lashes at him. The small shop is suddenly overcrowded and suffocating with their presence.
If the lady earlier thought he was tall, she should have seen them, Vanessa is 7'7ft tall and the twins are 7.5ft tall.
"What are you doing here Nessa?" Ashbury Town is a small human town not far from Silberburn Pack, there are a handful of wolves here, but Vanessa won't demean herself by interacting with humans. There was only one answer, someone from the pack saw him and informed Vanessa he was working here.
"Speak with respect, that's the future Luna you're talking to." Clarissa barks, her silver eyes glowing an eerie purple.
For as long as he could remember, Vanessa and her friends had been bullying him since when they were children, because he was wolfless, because he was adopted, he was the freak, the pack wierdo.
Camren had read somewhere that most bullies are insecure or jealous, he bit back a smile when an old memory flitted into his thoughts, he knew what Vanessa's insecurity was.
"Future Luna?" Camren scoffed. "How can you be so sure, after all we are all aware that Jayson's interest are a bit special." A teasing smirk curled on his lips.
Clary and Clarissa's face turned ugly at his words, but Vanessa's reaction was the best.
A growl ripped past her lips, her lips peeling back to reveal her large fangs that seemed to big for her human mouth, no doubt she would have liked to rip him apart if it wasn't against Pack Law
"Mind your tongue Roknagher, Jayson doesn't think about you in that manner, we all know you seduced him disgusting wretch." Vanessa snapped.
"Seduced him?" Not even the fact that Vanessa could easily snap him in half made Camren back down. "Last I remembered it was Jayson who was always hovering around me or did you forget Nessa?"
"Jayson's not gay." Vanessa yelled, but it sounded as though she was trying to convince herself.
"If kissing a man isn't considered gay then I don't know what is. After all you did see your 'not gay Jayson' shoving his tongue down my throat." If looks could kill, Camren's body would have been cut into hundreds of thin pieces with the sharpness of Vanessa's glare.
"He's not worth it Luna." Clary tired to soothe Vanessa.
Luna? Camren could have laughed and he did. "I wish you a happy marriage life Luna with lot's of babies, hopefully." He smirked. "After all Jayson might not be able to get it up for a woman."
The words are barely out of his lips before Camren is dangling in the air, Vanessa's hand wrapped tightly around his throat.
"Fuck Pack Law I will rip your throat out and face the consequences." Vanessa spits with an angry growl, her eyes glow a fiery red and Camren can feel the hotness of her skin from their point of contact.
"What's going on here?" A cold voice interrupts.
Clarissa and Clary turn, allowing them to see the intruder.
Camren has never been so glad to see Emma. As usual she is dressed in all black, her dyed platinum blonde hair the only contrast against her look. It's two o'clock if Emma is here, because she's never a second late or a minute early for her shift.
"Not your business human." Vanessa spits, her hands thankfully loosening around Camren's neck allowing him to breathe.
"It is my business." Emma doesn't back down even though she's being glared down by she-wolves almost twice her height. "You are trying to kill my co-worker, if you don't get out right this instant I will call the Enforcers." She threatens, but Camren knows she's nervous by the way she toys with the necklace around her neck, it's her mother's and he knows this because she told him a long time ago. Emma doesn't speak much so her remembers everything she says.
Camren wants to tell Emma to stay out of this, Vanessa's anger burn as fiercely as her flames, but his throat is unfortunately being crushed.
For a minute the air is still and tense and then Vanessa releases her hold on Camren watching him tumble to the floor like a sack of potatoes.
"See you around Cam Cam." She smiles as she leaves, her followers strutting behind her.
"Thanks." Camren says once he is on his feet again, rubbing his neck that still tingled.
"Are you alright? She held you pretty tightly." Camren shakes his head telling her not to worry, while he is wolfless, he won't die from being choked by Vanessa.
"Wolves huh?" Emma chuckles as she placed her bag on the table. "You know them?" She asks casually.
"I do. They are my pack members." Camren notes the way Emma's eyes widened. While he doesn't hide the fact that he is a wolf, he doesn't exactly go around telling people either.
While Mrs Moore knows, Emma isn't aware, their relationship isn't all that close, just co-workers who chat sometimes and nothing has ever brought the conversation up.
"You don't look it." She finally says.
"So I have been told." Camren shrugged.
While his silver hair made him stand out, most people tended to think he dyed it, because while his eyes were the icest blue or so he had been told, it didn't have that magical glow that all werewolf eyes did.
"Well, I will go change in the store room, be back in a sec." With that Emma was gone.
A part of Camren wondered if she was regretting standing up for a wolf, they all knew that her talk about calling the Enforcers had just been words. Fancy the Enforcers actually being bothered to send help because of a wolf attack in the small town of Ashbury.
The chime of the doorbell broke him out of his thoughts. Two beautiful women walked in hand in hand.
"Welcome to Moore's Jewelry." Camren smiled.
"Umm could we browse around? We are looking for rings." One of them asked.
"Of course, do you want me to assist?" Camren asked.
"No we will be fine, but we will call you if we need help." The other replied politely.
"Alright. The ring shelf is over there." Camren pointed towards his left.
He observed the women as they browsed for rings, all smiles and whispered chatters, he could see the love in their eyes when they looked at each other and he wondered if the so called 'superior' werewolves didn't have a thing or two about acceptance to learn from the 'lowly' humans.
Could this have been him and Jayson if the werewolf community had been open about same sex couples?
Camren willed that thought away with a dark frown.
"I am done, you can leave now." Emma's voice snapped him out of his daze.
"Alright bye." Camren smiled.
"Bye, see you around." Maybe he was wrong. Maybe Emma doesn't mind the fact that he is a werewolf.
Unlike it's neighbor, Silberburn Pack was huge and thriving, filled and bustling with wolves, no humans though, any human that walked in here would be asking for a death wish.
On most days, Camren's car always broke down, there always seemed to be something going wrong with the car. But today probably having sensed it's owners tiredness, it behaved like the four wheeled vehicle that Camren thought it to be. In thanks Camren patted it's dashboard twice and muttered a small thank you before hurrying out of the car.
A warm bath, nice dinner and eight hours of being dead to the world was all Camren could think about as he entered the house.
"Mum I am ba..." The words died in his lips as he noticed the tensed atmosphere.
Sitting opposite his mother who looked anxious and worried was the pack Theta, all fancy suit and superior air.
He looked out of place with their small sitting room, long legs bent uncomfortably to fit in the small couch.
"Hello Mr Moon." He stood once he noticed Camren, his head almost seeming to touch the ceiling.
"To what do I owe the honour of your visit Theta Adam." Camren was aware that he should have at least greeted, but right now he was tired and angry.
Adam narrowed his eyes distastefully at the disrespect but made no comment, instead dipping his hand into his pocket to reveal a blue stone that glinted like the surface of a river in the moonlight.
Camren might have never seen it before, but he knew this stone signified an Alpha Summon.