"An Alpha Summon ?" Camren asked incredulously. "What did I do?" He narrowed his eyes suspiciously. Surely Vanessa hadn't talked the Alpha into throwing him out of the Pack? It wasn't her style but there was nothing he would put past the desperate she-wolf.
"I am afraid I can't answer that question Camren Moon." Adam snorts superiorly. "The Alpha summons you and I am here to take you to the Pack House, we must leave immediately." Adam's voice is as usual, flat and monotone.
Camren catches his mother's worried gaze from the corner of his eyes. The last time they had been dragged to the Pack House hadn't been a fine memory.
"Theta Adam, please is there something wrong?" Alicia had been stunned when the Pack's Theta showed up by her doorsteps, and now after a tense hour of playing forced hostess to a man whose face didn't show a single of his thoughts, she was at her wits end.
"You will find out when we get to the Pack House Mrs Moon." Adam replies colly, his purple eyes locking onto Camren. "We must leave now, I believe we have kept the Alpha waiting long enough." He thundered with finality.
"Fine then," Camren voice holds a snarl as he speaks, he isn't happy about whatever mysteries are at play here and he doesn't pretend to hide it, "give me a minute to get changed." While his wardrobe certainly doesn't boast of fine suits like the dazzling white suit the Theta is wearing, he can do more than a pair of black joggers and a baggy red shirt that he is sure stinks with a clash of sweat and the hundreds of scents he has been mixed with today.
"No. You look fine like this." He certainly doesn't look fine like this by the way Adam crinkles his nose slightly, but the Theta won't spend a minute longer than necessary being suffocated in this hut of a house.
"I insist." Camren noticed Adam's discomfort and he intends to keep him like that longer.
"We don't have time Camren." Adam's voice had risen a note higher. "Beside I doubt you have anything better than that in your wardrobe." He doesn't hide the disgust in his eyes as he takes in the peeling green walls, the creaking ceiling fan that's currently overworking itself the cool the rooms occupants and the clustered sitting room that's filled with more things than necessary because there isn't much space left in their only bedroom.
Camren scoffs, fancy a wolf who as probably never worked a day in his life just because he had been born into a powerful lineage judging him.
"I am sorry for making you uncomfortable," Camren is not sorry at all and his lopsided smile reveals this, "you must feel wronged being squished in this 'lowly'' abode that your royal self would probably not have stepped a foot in all your life. I apologize we aren't living up to your standards, but unfortunately we don't have poor wolves working to fill our pockets while we lean back and enjoy the benefits." Camren's words cut sharply into the air.
"Camren." Alicia scolds. They are already in deep trouble with the Alpha's summon, she doesn't need Camren adding more problems with his sharp tongue.
"Mind your tongue Roknagher, else I will rid you of it." Camren can see the way Adam's muscle buldge beneath his suit, underneath his human facade is a savage animal.
Alicia's warning glare forces Camren to hold the reply that dangles at the tip of his tongue, forcing him to glare at the vase of Lilacs placed by the window as though it was their fault.
"I am sorry about my son's behavior Theta Adam, he is young and rash. We will come with you to the Pack House immediately." Alicia said evenly.
Camren's neck snaps so fast towards his mother that he can hear the bones creak. "We?" He arches a brow. "I am going alone mother." Camren could boldly walk into a burning fire, hell he could challenge the Theta because he knew the worst that could happen to him was being locked in the Caves or ripped apart, but he would never tolerate his family being dragged into his mess.
"Don't be stubborn, you couldn't possibly think I would let you walk in there alone?" Alicia glares at her son.
Adam knows the mother and son pair aren't blood related, they look as different as the sun and the moon, yet they share the same stubbornness. Unfortunately, while he finds this amusing he is eager to finish this job immediately.
"The Alpha Summon isn't just for you Camren, your mother and sisters are to come along as well." Adam interrupts their argument, leaving both do them stunned.
Worry quickly settles in Camren. What in the name of Selene is going on?
Alicia catches his worried look and squeezes his palm in silent comfort. It's going to be fine, her glowing Amber eyes seem to say, but even she herself isn't sure it will be.
"Let's go." Adam doesn't need to turn to know that they are following him.
The Theta's car is sleek and refined, filled with the modern amnesties of a posh car but Camren doesn't feel relaxed as he did while riding his own faulty car.
Maybe it's the pool of dread that burns in the pit of his stomach like a snake's venom, or it's the anxiety that pool from his mother, Camren isn't settled.
An average wolf would probably only see the Alpha a handful of times in their lifetime and while werewolves weren't immortal like Vampires they lived long lives.
Camren was only eighteen yet he was meeting the Alpha for the second time, the first time hadn't been a pretty sight and by the grim look on the Theta's face this one wouldn't be either, hopefully this wouldn't become his routine.
Adam's car passed by the high white walls of the Pack House and the carpet grass, gorgeous flower bushes, steep valleys and regal statues came into view.
The Pack House stood in it's grandness of white walls and polished golden pillars, the building loomed largely and as oppressively as Camren remembered, even the air here felt different, suffocating and domineering.
While it was called the Pack House, only the Alpha and his family lived here along with members of the First Circle. A building that had been standing for generations of Alpha's, each adding their own touch and renovations yet not shaking the core of the building.
"The Alpha awaits you inside." Adam said as he walked past Alicia and Camren with long strides, as both shuffled behind him like lambs being led to a slaughter.
Statues of wolves were abound in the Pack House, but not a single one of them was as domineering as the Chaos Wolf whose Statue occupied a position close it the door.
A huge black three headed wolf, whose savagery and strength had been told in tales so fantastical that Camren doubted the authenticity of a few. It's golden eyes shone as though they were alive, a creature that looked both horrifying and regal.
According to history, the Alexander's has descend from this wolf and while the blood of the Chaos Wolf had thined out due to countless intermarriage, they still shared it's black fur and golden eyes, but nobody could shift into such a form any more.
"Welcome Theta Adam." The Sentinels at the door greeted, heads lowered in submission, their eyes trailing after Camren and Alicia with curiosity.
Adam merely grunted a reply as one of the them pushed open the doors. Even as they went in Camren could feel the intensity of their eyes boring into his back, subconsciously he gripped his mother's hand and she held him tighter after giving him a firm squeeze.
The atmosphere inside seemed tense and suffocating, the servants scurried by quickly after greeting theTheta.
Suddenly Adam stopped mid-step, causing Camren and Alicia who were walking behind him to almost crash into his broad back.
Just as Camren opened his mouth to yell, he stopped because he too spotted the reason Adam had stopped. He could feel Alicia stiffen beside him and he held her tighter.
Sure Camren had read about Vampires in books, read all about this horrible creatures and their even more horrible traditions. He was aware that they existed in the Pack, watching with their all seeing eyes and waiting for a little slip up to start another war. But he had never seen one, till today at least.
Camren didn't know what he was expecting when he imagined a Vampire, but it was something horrible and twisted, not this.
The Vampire looked human, and he was very handsome. Dressed in a deep marron suit that hugged his lean figure he looked regal, red hair slicked back and black eyes glinting with cunningness. His nose was straight, jaw sharp and cheek bones set in a haughty line. He looked human except for his height, unhealthy pale skin and the long red tail that flickered behind him like a snake.
"Lord Magnus, I wasn't aware you were still here." Werewolves had always been naturally domineering creatures, the submissiveness in Adam's words sounded almost painful to hear.
"I was just leaving. Your Alpha has been a very obedient dog." The Vampire smirked and Camren instantly disliked him, not because he was insulting the Alpha though, the Alpha could burn in hell for all he cared. There was just something eerie about this Vampire.
"Unfortunately no blood was spilt, pity." Lord Magnus tsked while inspecting his hands, finger nails glinting in the light as a teasing smirk curled around his painted red lips.
Adam barely bit back a growl at the way the Vampire spoke demenaingly about his Alpha.
Magnus seemed amused, his eyes finally trailing to the people behind Adam, his eyes passed Alicia with barely a glance, but paused on Camren, the intensity of his eyes forcing Camren to lock eyes with him.
"I see the goods are ready." Magnus smiled, a gleaming fang glinting sharply in the light and Camren could not help but flinch as Magnus stared at him with a gaze that promised ominous things.