
new friend?

As the boat turned the waves crashed against the hull of the sailboat, after a couple of miles Zeek was finally on course to the ship.

Hey Ava get up here there's something we gotta check out Zeek yelled out, as the boat got closer to the mysterious vessel.

What do you want Zeek, I just got a hold of my power and I'm exhausted, Ava asked groggily as she began walking up the stairs into the deck.

There's a ship pretty close so we're going to go check it out so be ready, Zeek said seriously.

What it's just a dumb boat it's not like it's anything special, Ava said confused.

That's the problem, we're in the graveyard sea around Asia now one would dare come here unless they were an infected, be on your guard, Zeek replied.

As the boat got closer they could hear what sounded like breathing on the boat, as they dropped the anchor their boat slowly came to a stop next to the mysterious boat.

As we board the ship be cautious there's probably someone on board, and there probably not a normal human to be this close to the graveyard, Zeek said as the boat finally came to halt next to the unknown vessel the sound of snoring going through the air.

Let's go, Zeek whispered to Ava as they began boarding the ship.

As they got on the small ship they followed the sound of the snoring until they got below deck.

Stop, Zeek whispered as the person came into view, it was a boy about their age with a 45 percent kamio mask sleeping on a bed in the center of the room.

Ok this shouldn't be too hard, so stay back and only assist if needed, Zeek whispered to Ava as he approached the sleeping boy.

String bindings, Zeek whispered as strings came from his fingers and slowly wrapped around the boy before completely binding him.

Wakey wakey, Zeek yelled, jolting the boy awake.

What's going on the boy, yelled before trying, and then subsequently failing to break out of Zeek's strings.

Who are you what do you want with me are you with the kco, the mysterious boy rapid fired question after question.

I am Zeek, this is Ava, we are our own group, we were wondering what a vessel was doing this close to the graveyard sea but it seems you're here for the same reason we are.

And what's the The mysterious boy asked still struggling against the strings.

To escape the kco Zeek said simply.

Huh so you're like me then, heading to the graveyard to escape the kco, then why capture me, he said sceptically.

We thought you were a kco border guard for the graveyard, Zeek said, already getting bored.

How about we start over. I'm Marcus, what's your name, Marcus said trying to de-escalate the situation.

Fine Marcus, I'm Zeek and this is Ava nice to meet you, Zeek said boredom written on his face.

Hey come on man I'm trying to be friends why you gotta be so rude, Marcus said clearly getting ticked off.

Don't mind him he's just disappointed he didn't get a good fight, I'm Ava as you probably know, it's nice to meet you Marcus, Ava said trying to prevent a fight from breaking out.

Whatever, anyways, my ship broke down. I was wondering if you two could possibly give me a ride, since we're going to the same place it wouldn't be too much trouble, Marcus said hopefully.

Fine but you gotta promise to not be useless, Zeek said coldly.

Is he always this cold, Marcus asked Ava.

No he just doesn't like new people so don't mind him, Ava said laughing nervously.

Ok let's go Ava and you can tag along if you want Marcus just don't get in our way, Zeek said before walking back into their ship.

I'm sorry about him, he'll warm up eventually, just don't be too pushy about it and it should be fine, Ava said embarrassed about Zeek's actions.

It's fine, sigh, I get it you gotta be cautious when entering the graveyard, it's called that for a reason, so in the future you should probably be a little less friendly to strangers, especially when we get to land, Zeek said while scratching the back of his head nervously.

While we better get back to our ship before Zeek gets mad Ava said before going up the stairs and hopping back onto their ship, Marcus following soon after.

So Marcus looks like you're close to your first stage increase, what type of power are you hoping for, Ava said trying to make small talk.

Well I would prefer a strength power but pretty much anything would be nice, Marcus replied happily.

Hey Ava what power do you and Zeek have, Marcus asked curious.

I have control over shadow energy, And Zeek can make string, Ava replied happy to finally have someone to talk to, and play games with.

Hey Zeek do you want to join us, Marcus asked as he was playing poker with Ava,(he had cards and a couple other games on his ship).

No, I gotta focus on driving the ship…. Wait a minute you drove a boat this far out why didn't you offer to do a shift! Zeek yelled after realizing he shouldn't be the only one driving anymore.

They talked, argued, and bickered over various other things until nightfall.

Hey Marcus I need you to drive the boat while I sleep, since you're here you might as well make yourself useful, Zeek said tired.

Fine, sigh, even I know it would be a jerk move to do nothing this whole time Marcus said as he switched places with Zeek letting him sleep.

Hey guys, it's the author here. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I have a new posting scheduled, I will post every Friday and Monday. I will also make a chapter for every 100 power stones this novel receives, and maybe make extra when I feel like it. While it looks like that's it got to go, bye.