Pov change unknown. Maid how's the search going, the unknown figure on the throne asked.
Sir, we haven't found a new shadow master yet.
And I'm guessing it's the same for all the others too, he asked the maid.
Yes sir, in total we are missing 5 core members, shadow master, world weaver, and lights greatest hope, are the ones we need the soonest, Gaia's favorite, and devil's fury will only be necessary near the end of the.
Pov change Zeek. Stop touching random stuff below deck. This is the third time I've had to fix something because of your sheer stupidity, Zeek yelled at Marcus after repairing the electric system he just broke.
Dude chill out I'm sorry ok, Marcus said apologetically.
Listen man, just please stop touching stuff below deck that you don't know what it does, if I have to fix one more thing I'm gonna go insane, Zeek sighed out frustrated.
Fine bro I was just curious what inside the tube on the wall, Marcus said.
It's ok Marcus just please ask before opening up random pieces of the ship next time, Ava said trying to stop the fighting.
Ava, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid Zeek said as he headed above deck.
Marcus I know you're not stupid, stop doing stuff just to make Zeek mad, Ava sighed out after left
Come on Ava it's funny, plus it's something to do since he threw the deck of cards overboard, Marcus said unhappy.
He threw the cards overboard because you lit them on fire while playing with a magnifying glass, and then proceeded to try to put them out by hitting them against the WOODEN deck, Ava sighed out starting to get fed up with Marcus's antics.
Listen I'm sorry I'm just really on edge since the day for me to try pull off my is coming up and I'm just trying to distract myself, Marcus said while sitting down on the floor.
I know stage up day is nervereaking, it's like that for all of us, but taking it out on Zeek isn't the best way to deal with it, Ava said while turning on the stove to begin cooking.
It's tomorrow isn't it? So just get prepared and I'm sure you'll be fine, Ava said reassuringly.
Thanks Ava, as a fellow infected you and Zeek are the first people I've met that truly understand what it's like to watch the day's tick down to your potential insanity, Marcus said sadly.
Well Marcus that's the life of an infected, we all lose to the kamio eventually, but we still as long as possible to hopefully live as normal of a life as we can, Ava said before resuming cooking.
Well I'm gonna head above deck to see what Zeek's up to see you later Ava, Marcus said before walking to above deck.
Hey Zeek, Marcus said before walking up to him.
Hey Marcus what's up, Zeek said while piloting the boat.
How long until we get to the graveyard, Marcus asked as he arrived at Zeek's side.
It should be another 6 to 7 days depending on the weather and if we run into any kco patrols, Zeek replied to Marcus.
Well speak of the devil, Marcus said as a kco patrol vessel appeared in view.
Marcus drive, I'll take care of this Zeek said as the kco patrol boat was approaching quickly.
Whatever man just get this over with quickly Ava should be done cooking soon and I'm starving, Marcus said while taking the wheel.
This is a kco restricted zone stop the boat immediately someone yelled from the kco patrol boat as they were now side by side with theirs.
Zeek's jump on to the kco ship and then lashed out with a sting.
Aahhhhh the man yelled out as the string cut him in half.
Two more ran up from below deck just in time to catch two strings to the throat.
Zeek calmly walked to the drivers seat before grabbing the driver's head and twisting, then he hopped back into his boat and threw a torch onto the kco patrol boat blowing it up.
Dang bro you're ruthless, I'm glad I'm on your side, Marcus laughed nervously.
Didn't you say Ava was cooking below deck? Is it done yet, Zeek asked nonchalantly as he walked back to the wheel covered in blood.
Dude take a dip in the ocean or something you smell like an iron mine, Marcus said while plugging his nose.
Deal with it, if you can't handle a little blood you're not gonna survive, Zeek said well secretly trying not to throw up at the smell.
Hey foods done guys come down, Ava yelled to Marcus and Zeek
Coming, they both said simultaneously.
What did you make Marcus, asked as they walked down stairs.
Fish fillets and peas, Ava said, serving them both plates as they say at the table, Zeek still covered in now drying blood.
Zeek you need to clean up after this it's gonna take me forever to get the blood out of the seats, Ava said reprimanding him.
Yeah yeah I'm sorry, Zeek said as he began to eat the food.
It's fine but you better help me clean it, she signed out, it's seems like I've been sighing a lot more lately she absentmindedly thought to herself.
The next day. Hey Marcus it's the day isn't it Zeek? asked standing by just in case Marcus failed.
Yeah it's the day, Marcus said, a little nervous.
Yeah just get it over with the longer you wait the harder it will be you know, Zeek said bored.
Come on dude have some sympathy, Marcus said as he reached up to his mask.
Hey guys author here thank you for reading the chapter, if you want more chapters sooner than maybe drop me some power stones every 100 power stones is a new chapter early, also if you're enjoying I would really appreciate a review or comment.
Well looks like that's it's got to go, bye