POV change unknown. What do you mean we have lost contact with our operatives in Asia, this is unexplainable.
Sir we are trying to regain contact with them but it looks like the infected there have taken them out.
Get more people out there now then.
But sir, she was cut off by the door opening.
Sir, There's an easy solution: just send one of them, they will be more than strong enough to handle a few infected.
Absolutely not Phoenix, if we lose any more of them our plan will be completely ruined and we'll have to start over from scratch.
No, that's not what I was recommending, sir. I was looking through the kco files and I found a new potential world weaver, we simply make an outpost there for his test run, either way we lose nothing.
Fine, but how are you going to contact him?
I will be there when he gets to Asia.
Pov change Zeek. Zeek watched as Marcus reached up and started pulling at his mask, tapping his foot in anticipation.
Well can you do it, Zeek asked, still tapping his foot.
Of course I can now let me focus, Marcus replied as he finally felt his mask starting to budge.
Aahhhhh, Marcus yelled out as his mask finally came off, before collapsing to the floor.
Dang dude that was kinda lame, Zeek said as he watched Marcus fall to the floor.
Yo Ava you owe me 20 bucks he passed out, Marcus said as Ava came down stairs.
Come on Zeek you could have at least put him on his bed, there's no need to be so cold you know, Ava said exasperated.
2 days later. Hey we're here get up dude, Zeek said as he kicked Marcus in the side.
Aye dude cut it out I'm getting up.
Well get up faster.
Will you two stop fighting!! Ava yelled frustrated at the boy's antics.
He started it, the both yelled in unison.
He kicked me in the ribs.
He wasn't getting up.
They both argued, Ava walking up to them both slowly with anger clear in her face.
Stop arguing, she yelled as she hit them both on the head.
Wow I didn't expect someone so strong to be arguing so childishly, a figure said standing behind Ava.
All of their heads whipped towards the sound.
Oh I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Phoenix, I serve the dark god, and if everything goes right I'm hoping you will too Zeek. He said with a bow and an obviously fake smile.
Why in any universe would I serve someone called the dark god, I've seen enough movies to know that a name like that will bring me more trouble than it's worth, Zeek said while secretly preparing his string to shred Phoenix.
The dark god is the reason you can use those strings of yours, even though you're too weak to even hurt me as you are now, he said as he caught the string Zeek slashed at him with.
What does your dark god want with me, I shouldn't be of any concern if the people who serve him are as strong as you, Zeek gritted out as he applied more pressure trying to cut through Phoenix's hands.
If you were at anything near your true potential you'd have cut right through me but alas you're only just beginning your journey, he said with mock sadness.
What does your dark god even want with me.
Simple, he wants to become the new world weaver, but for now all he wants is for you to set up a strong hold in Asia and relay any information about the groups of infected to us.
Fine then, it's not like I can resist anyway, why choose me though why can't you just do it yourself, Zeek asked while jumping back.
Simple again, if I died that would be catastrophic, if you die it would have no effect, he replied with his fake smile back on his face.
Makes sense I'll do it. How should I contact you then.
You don't, we contact you, Phoenix said before disappearing in a burst of flames.
Why would you agree to that man that's so uncool, Marcus said angrily.
We have an amateur shadow user, a string user who couldn't even scratch him, and a half backed loser who hasn't even used his powers yet.
Hey I'm not a loser, and my powers are awesome.
If they are so awesome then what are they.
I can do this, Marcus said as his head grew tiny horns and his skin grew a little red.
HAHAHAHAHAHA, Zeek fell to the floor laughing.
HEY IT'S NOT FUNNY IT'S COOL, Marcus yelled indignantly.
Dude you look like a baby demon, Zeek said, still rolling on the floor laughing.
I'll show you a baby demon Marcus, said as he picked Zeek up and threw him through the wall of the ship onto the dock.
Hey dude Ava wasn't done clearing out the ship, our stuff is gonna get destroyed, Zeek yelled at Marcus.
Chill bro I'm sorry, Marcus said while scratching the back of his head.
Marcus if this boat sinks I'm going to blend you up until you're unrecognizable, Zeek staid while pushing himself out of the rubble created by him landing on the dock.
Ok fine I'll fix it, Marcus said as he hopped into the pier.
How exactly are you going to fix it.
Like this, Marcus said slowly pulling the boat to shore.
Dude Ava's gonna kill you when she wakes up, Zeek sighed out already preparing to have to stop Ava from killing Marcus,( Ava passed out after Phoenix jump scared them just thought I should mention that)
Hey guys author here thank you for reading the chapter, if you want more chapters sooner than maybe drop me some power stones every 100 power stones is a new chapter early,
Well looks like that's it's got to go, bye