Chapter 25: Madison

After Noah left for work, Chris and I fell into our routine of building blocks and puzzles, counting up to twenty, cutting out pictures of animals he could name from magazines and gluing them in his scrapbook, and practicing his reading before taking a late lunch break.  

Usually, after lunch, I’d read to him, but today he requested I play a video game called Mario Smash Bros. with him. I agreed. I didn’t feel much like reading anyway. I was still feeling a bit groggy and weak, which led to me falling asleep on the couch only after losing two matches in the game against Chris.

He left me to sleep for about an hour before I was shaken awake by two persistent little hands. “Come on, Maddie!” Chris moaned. “Let’s go play soccer outside. Silvia said she’ll be the goalie so you and me can be on the same team this time.”

“Okay, I’m on my way,” I assured him as I sat up and stood slowly, still a bit lightheaded and trying to get my balance, but he had no sympathy for me.