I hated it whenever I was this way. Business was becoming more and more stressful with the increase in popularity of our new label. And whenever my stress levels went up, the short fuse on my temper became even shorter.
The problem was, with every good thing that happened, the bad eventually followed close behind. The worst hit had been the Cassie case in the past, which was just that, the past, where I wished it’d stayed. But clearly, that was too much to ask. People were still bringing it up, not about to let sleeping dogs lie.
Keeping Chis’s existence a secret was more crucial than ever. If the media got a mere sniff of him, I dreaded even thinking about the chaos that would ensue.
I didn’t understand why the public tended to be so gullible, falling into whatever traps the media set for them. People should know by now that most journalists liked to spin lies around the truth to make it bigger and more scandalous, all for the sake of heightened drama and ratings.