Hycarian Valley

"I did it," Gael remarked, looking at it. "That's weird."

Of course, the development brought the inquisitive adventurer taking another page of notes. Gael focused on the sphere of blood, imagining a different shape as it morphed itself into another form: a miniature sword. 

"Oh? Blood magic is quite the rare magecraft, select to only isolated clans. They'd throw a fit if they saw you," Blythe observed from her chair. 

Like a child's toy, he tampered with the blood, changing it from the shape of a sword, to a dog, even to the capybara. 

"I wouldn't say this is inherently the work of magecraft. It's a biological alteration—a physical ability," Matteo observed, writing into his journal further. 

Blythe seemed equally intrigued, "Such is the power of a system. It's the power of Outlanders, that which frightens Mastorn."