"Corpse? Yeah, that rings—there's not a blade of grass left," Gael observed.
"Interesting…It's like the land has dried out," Matteo noted.
"You're not far off," Blythe confirmed. "The mana in this region vanished. Without it, the land died off."
Marching through the lifeless valley, he looked up at the hollow trees, listening to the passing whispers of wind.
"So, where's this dragon?" Gael questioned.
Matteo reached into his pocket, pulling out the compass with a confident smile, "When in doubt—"
"No need," Blythe interrupted the adventurer, pointing right past him.
"Ah?—" Matteo looked.
Where the silver-haired woman pointed was a crater a march ahead, vaguely seen in the distance.
"That's where Blair rests," she said.
"You know your stuff," Gael remarked in surprise.
"It's not exactly hidden information. The Beasts of The Sky are infamous," Blythe informed him.