
I was worried.

Noah hadn't said a single word since Aiden had left. We were both in his room now, and I watched as he unpacked his bags and boxes mechanically, his eyes scarcely blinking.

I slowly moved towards his bed and sat down. I crossed my legs and wiggled my shoulders as I thought back to what had taken place several minutes ago. We had handled it well in spite of everything. Handled seeing that tormentor so abruptly after nearly four years.

I was proud of us.

I was especially proud of Noah.

He stood before the wall mounted mirror that was already set up in the room and stared at his reflection, eyes blank. His eyes didn't stray towards me as I stood up and moved to stand beside him.

I stared into the mirror as well. Aiden hadn't recognized either of us. Was it because he was a brat who didn't care about anyone but himself or had we actually changed that much in our appearances?

I took in my long red hair and snub nose. My hazel eyes were the only features I liked about myself, the amber and greenish hue blended well together and made up for my thin lips.

I raised my hand and lightly touched my cheek. For someone who barely had enough to eat when she wasn't with her best friend, you'd think she wouldn't fill out so much.

I pinched my cheek as my gaze lowered to the entire half of my upper body. After tenth grade I had filled out a lot.

From being mistaken as Noah's male best friend to having to change my bra size three times in a year. My boobs were above average to put lightly and my ass seemed to always want all the attention on itself, no matter what I wore.

There was no one to talk to about styles and outfits for my curvy shape and I still felt awkward in myself almost three years later.

I definitely couldn't talk to Noah about my body dysmorphia issues. Even if I mustered up the courage and confided in him, he'd probably wouldn't know what to say and not just because he was a boy.

It was also because he was beautiful.

You wouldn't think Noah's face had taken a beating most days of middle school the way it was still so perfect in every aspect. His features were nothing extra ordinary, brown hair, brown eyes and a straight nose; however they were arranged in the best possible way on his perfectly symmetrical face.

His long brown hair was pulled back in a low ponytail which brought attention to his light brown eyes all the more. The light stubble he'd been growing since twelfth grade gave him an innocent boyish look but with an undertone of something deeper, something more serious.

I sighed to myself before I spoke. "Talk to me."

"I'll kill him in his sleep," Noah muttered.

"No you won't," I said.

Noah turned to me and my heart turned over when I saw the fear in his eyes. "I need to kill him before he kills me."

"Do you want to go report and request from the school authorities for a change of room?"

Noah shook his head. "Report what exactly? A bullying incident from four years ago? How embarrassing. I didn't report then and I'm not reporting now. I'm different, I can handle it on my own."

"By killing him?"

Noah shrugged.

"You didn't report because there was no need to Noah, everyone at school knew what he was doing but no one stepped up to help because of his mafia parents."

Noah chuckled. "I don't actually think they're part of the mafia."

"Well they're part of something bad that's for sure! Nobody is killing anyone, not you and not him. You're right, you aren't the same anymore, even Aiden can see that. This isn't middle school, it's college. He talks smack to you, you talk smack back. He tries to hit you, you dodge and hit him first."

"You talk like it's that easy."

"I should hope so!" I said while shifting into an exaggerated defense stance, knees bent and an arm shielding my face. I grinned. "All those fight lessons we took should make it easy."

"You mean I took while you mooched around my house and raided my fridge."

I blushed as red as my hair but managed a quip back. "I am you and you are me. Your skills are my skills and my skills are-"

"Which skills?" Noah teased.

I uncoiled from my stance and jumped at him admist his loud laughter. "Forget what I said, there's actually gonna be a killing today!"