I stayed with Noah for a couple more hours before saying bye and leaving his bedroom. He was mostly unpacked while my bags were still in my room from where I had dumped them before I followed Noah to his.
It wasn't his fault, he had told me to focus on my unpacking but I had simply laughed it off. I had laughed it off because I didn't know how to explain I was only completely content when I was sure everything was alright with him.
Speaking of content, I was the farthest thing from that right now.
Aiden was Noah's roommate?! Seriously?! Out of all the males in this school, it had to be his middle school bully? I groaned to myself as I went down the stairs and ran my hands through my hair, messing it up even more.
I didn't want Noah to be stressed about anything but the bare essentials. Let all the extra stress fall on me.
It was the least I could do for the person who accepted me into his family after mine died.
I passed by the mixed suite and glanced inside. Noah was right, the place was great. Comfortable but with enough seriousness in the air to remind you that there were school stuff to be done.
It was half filled with guys and girls, most giggling and chatting in groups while few were on their phone. No one seemed to be studying, thank God.
I smiled to myself, eyes roving around till they landed smack on Aiden who was already looking at me, switch in his hand.
We both looked at each other then he stood up.
Run! Run Ellie! Go get Noah and high tail it out of here and never look back!
Those were the thoughts flitting around in my head as Aiden walked lazily towards me, still shirtless, and stood before me. He had a small smirk on his face and I had to fight with myself not to change my facial expression to what I felt inside:
I had been standing right by the door peeping in and so Aiden had stopped right in front of me by the door as well. He put an arm against the door jamb and leaned forward so that he was nearly face to face with me. This is the closest I had been to him ever and my body wasn't handling it well.
"You're shaking." Aiden said. "Are you cold?"
Nah just trying to choose between my flight or fight response.
I didn't answer him and his smirk grew by leaps and bounds.
"What do you want Aiden?"
"A dollar."
"Yes. I'm getting a bit hungry and seeing as you both chased me out of my room without my wallet..." Aiden shrugged innocently.
"Oh poor you. Careful I don't punch your face, y'know like you did to Noah for months?"
Aiden's smirk disappeared. "Are you giving me or not?"
I brought out two dollars from my pocket and gave it to him. "Take it."
Aiden raised an eyebrow. "I asked for one."
"I know. The extra is for you to leave Noah alone. Don't you dare talk to him, if you do he'll tell me and you can bet I will report your ass so fast you won't have time to understand what's going on before you are expelled."
Aiden grabbed the money from my hand. "Keep babying him."
"From creeps like you? Always."
"I'm not a creep."
"Yes you are, a shirtless creep. Can't you even see the way people are looking at you? Everyone else here is fully clothed. You always have to make a disgusting show wherever you go right?"
I shut my mouth with a snap. I hadn't meant to add the 'disgusting' part. Not only was it a blatant lie since Aiden's shirtless body was anything but disgusting, abs and pecs in peak condition but it could be taken as body shaming. I did not want to body shame anyone, bully or no.
I knew how much it hurt.
"Aiden I'm sor-"
He was already walking away towards the vending machine, having turned away too quickly for me to gauge his expression.
He waved a hand without looking back.
"Thanks for the money Ellie."
"Nice one Ellie," I mumbled.