Rose Anderson, thirty three (33) years old had been married to Alex Peterson for seven years. She was born in a small town called Milestone that was not populated and was raised by her parents and her two older brothers. Her family was not wealthy back then but her parents always made sure all three children were clothed, fed, schooled and had a roof over their head. Her parents were very hard working people and very well-known in their neighborhood. Her father Mr. Peter Anderson worked in the construction business while his wife Mrs. Sylvia Anderson ran the family shop selling daily food products, kitchen and household appliances and other miscellaneous items. Her older brother Jeffrey and younger brother Thomas would go to school and help out in the family shop every afternoon after school and on weekends. Rose who was still quite young would be with her mother at the shop as there was no one who could help take care of her. At home while mum was cooking or cleaning the house, her older brothers would look after their baby sister and often play games together.
Jeffrey aged twelve (12) was always good at helping out in the family especially with the house chores. He was also very protective over his younger sister Rose. At school he was a hardworking studious student always performing the best and top student not only in his class but ranking in the top five (5) in the overall grade. His parents were always very proud of him and knew that one day he would grow up to be a successful man.
Thomas aged ten (10) also a bright scholar would always do very well in school but at times would be very naughty not only at school but at home as well. There were times he would play very bad tricks on his classmates like hiding their books or lying about them to their teachers and friends. This behavior had brought lots of problems for The Anderson family and no matter how hard his parents and his older brother Jeffrey tried putting sense into him and teaching him about behavior, discipline and ethics getting Thomas to focus and stay on the right track of becoming a well-behaved student and a good brother role model was difficult. Despite all the issues Thomas had, he was a very humble, gentle and kind hearted person especially around his younger sister Rose. He just like Jeffrey was very protective and always ensured that his baby sister was always safe, well protected and happy at all times. Thomas was very good with numbers and memorizations especially when it came to learning mathematics and sciences. His dream was to one day become a great business entrepreneur owning his own multi-millionaire company.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson had not only been very proud parents of their children, but they were also very humble, happy and always content with everything they had even though it wasn’t much, they made do with what they had in their lives. Having two sons in the family was the greatest joy the family could ever have and everything had been going very well in their family, until an unexpected event happened when Mrs. Anderson got pregnant again giving birth to a beautiful baby girl naming her Rose Alexia Anderson. Although it was a totally unexpected pregnancy, the welcome of a beautiful princess and an additional member to the family brought happiness to Jeffrey and Thomas who had always wanted to have a baby sister and when their wish came true they vowed to always love, take care and protect the baby sister of the family with their life at all cost.
For Rose growing up in an ordinary family with loving, kind and caring parents and two older brothers who loved her dearly brought joy in her heart and although at such a tender young age she couldn’t express her feelings but every time she smiled and laughed around her parents and brothers was enough to show and express her love for them.
By the time Rose was two years old, she had the privilege of accompanying her mother to the family shop spending a whole day with her, and then enjoying the afternoon and evening spending time with her father and brothers. On the weekends her brothers would stay with her the entire day while playing, running around their compound and doing their homework. There was never a single day or moment Rose was out of their sight, she was always the center of attention in the family and always got everything she deserved from her family.
At the ages of three and four when she was able to speak and move around freely, while learning how to feed herself with the help of her brothers. She would often find herself running around and playing hide and seek with her brothers in the compound while their parents watched them from the living room window. Their parents were always proud and happy of their children especially at how well all three of them got along very well.
When Rose started school at the age of four, she would always be very happy because she was going to the same school as her older brothers and would enjoy going with them to school every day, this had not only been one of her favorite moments but some of her best childhood moments. On her first day of school her entire family took her to school and too her class even meeting with her teachers. After school her brothers would pick her up and they would go home together. Rose was always very excited sharing stories about her school, her classmates and her teachers with her family. She had even drawn a lovely picture of her entire family and brought it home as a gift for her parents and brothers. Rose was a very smart, funny and diligent little girl, always so cute and eager to learn things at school and from her parents and brothers. She enjoyed learning simple cooking skills from her mum, learning to count numbers and letters from her brothers including learning how to sing by listening to her parents singing while they were at home. When her parents would start singing, she would sit quietly watching and listening to them sing and from time to time pick up a few words and lyrics from the song and practice singing by herself in front of the mirror or while she was playing.
Months became years and Rose was growing up pretty fast, she was now already fifteen (15) years old a young girl attending high school. Her brothers had already graduated from high school and were attending Brighton University one of the most prestigious universities outside of Milestone city, each having fulfilled and achieved their dreams of what they had wanted to study at the university. Their parents were extremely happy and satisfied with their achievements and accomplishments not only in elementary, middle and high school years but also their successes of being accepted into one of the top and best universities in Brighton.
Rose on the other hand had struggled with her studies while she was in middle school but with the support and encouragement and extra tutoring from her parents, brothers and teachers she was able to focus diligently on her studies putting a lot of dedication, time and effort excelling in all her classes with straight As. During her time in high school she acquired a talent of painting, drawing and designing and was also quite good at math, English and foreign languages. She had taken part in some artistic design competitions, math and foreign language events getting prizes and honors excelling as a top student not only in her class but in every grade level and the entire high school class. This was truly a proud moment for her family as they celebrated with joys for all of their daughter’s great achievements and accomplishments.
Of course being a top outstanding and intelligent student came with a lot of advantages and disadvantages not only as a high school student but also as a teenager. Rose had grown to become a beautiful young teenager, well-known and had lots of friends in the entire school. Her teachers had grown very fond of her and would always recommend her for various school events and awards. However, there were other students who didn’t quite see eye to eye with Rose, they would always try to find fault with Rose, their jealousy, envy, selfishness and always competing to see who’s the best and smartest in everything and who would be favored the most in school amongst their peers was something Rose didn’t particularly like a lot or at all! Rose was a young teenager who had her own thoughts and ways of expressing herself that was very different from most of the students and once her mind was set on something on one not even her parents and brothers could get in her way. She was also the type of person who would help others and stand up for anyone who was being bullied or mistreated. She had never liked bullies or people who disrespected, mistreated and misjudged others, she felt and believed that everyone was equal and needed to be treated with respect.
In her last year of high school, a lot of events took place that changed her life in ways she never expected. Her father after many years of working in the construction business finally founded his own construction business company providing construction, building and renovation services including purchasing and supplying of building materials to customers, VIP clients and various business not only in their hometown but around the entire city. His dedication and hard work over the years finally paid off earning him millions of dollars making him one of the wealthiest business entrepreneurs in the entire city.
Her mother after working and running the family shop for over twenty (30) years had saved enough money to retire and support her family for the many years to come. She sold her family business shop and teamed up with her husband to run the multi-million construction family business. They moved out of their previous rented apartment and bought a villa uptown of Milestone city.
Jeffrey and Thomas enrolled and graduated from Brighton University pursuing their dreams starting and running their own business enterprises and living in their own bought and furnished houses outside Milestone.
After graduating from high school Rose Anderson received a full Bachelor’s (BA) scholarship to study at Brighton University which was the same university her older brothers attended majoring in her favorite subjects Arts and Design. She planned to spend the summer working as an internship at her Brother Jeffrey’s company before heading off to university in the fall. Rose had always been proud and happy of her achievements, success and accomplishments in high school including the vast opportunities she participated receiving honors and awards in various competitions which got her a full Bachelor’s (BA) scholarship at Brighton University. Although she was already doing successfully well, she planned to continue climbing the ladder even higher to achieve her one goal which was to start and run her own business enterprise in architecture and design.