Born in upstate Brighton City with a very reputable family background George Davis Peterson and Susan Rose Peterson, were not only known as one of the most hardworking couple in the entire city but were also known for their prestige, wealth and their sophisticated lifestyles both coming from very strict family upbringing especially George Peterson. George was a well-known Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who worked in his family multi-billionaire company called ‘The Everton Bright Company’ that worked in the engineering; construction and architectural business enterprises while Susan was a full time lawyer working in her family law firm called ‘The Peterson Law Firm.’ Mr. and Mrs. Peterson had been working in their own professional fields and business enterprises for thirty (30) years. They had not only built and invested heavily in their businesses, but their commitment, dedication and hard work had put them at the top ten (10) rankings as one of the wealthiest business entrepreneurs in the same category as The Anderson Family. The Peterson family including their in-laws was also well-known for their high profile lifestyle, high class elegance and sophisticated classy lifestyle especially when it came to socializing in public and social gatherings. There was never a function in Brighton City that never missed the recognition of The Peterson Family name.
Life had been full of highs and lows, ups and downs for Mr. and Mrs. Peterson. They had both met back in high school when they took the same science and math courses. As they became very good friends, they realized they had a lot more in common than expected. After graduating from high school, they both enrolled at Brighton University one of the most prestigious and well-known universities in Brighton City. While in university, George majored in business management and engineering while Susan majored in law. As they continued spending time together, George became very fond of Susan as she was not only intelligent, kind and caring but also a beautiful woman with a lovely smile and a wonderful heart. The two became a couple before the end of their first year at Brighton University when George asked Susan out on a date and confessed his feelings towards her. The two became an item and the well-known university sweethearts in the entire Brighton University.
Despite being in the same university their studies and work load took a lot of their time that prevented them from seeing each other. Even on weekends, if they were not studying they were preparing for exams and other projects. The only time they would or were actually able to see each other was in the evenings when they would sneak out of their dormitories and meet either in the school lounge area or in the sports field. It didn’t matter if it was for an hour or two, they felt that it was important to see each other whenever they got the chance; they were both in love with each other and being able to make the effort to meet in the evenings was enough to ensure their love for each other was kept alive.
During the winter and summer holidays they worked as interns at their parents companies for experience and learning about their family businesses and enterprises as they would be the sole heir and owners of their family companies and businesses once their parents retired. Their work experience as interns was quite demanding but it surely paid off having not only gained professional experiences in their own fields but practical knowledge, professional expertise and recognition from colleagues, friends and various business partners from all over Brighton City. With half of their holiday spent on working they never failed at any chance they got for date nights and spending the weekend times doing their favorite things including going to the movies, the amusement parts, having romantic dinners, hiking and doing some sports and shopping. It was a wonderful time spent together and the more time spent the more closer they grew and the stronger their feelings grew for each other which strengthened their relationship.
In their last year of university George and Susan had gone to visit their parents. They had informed their parents about each other and expressed how happy and deeply in love they were with each other and their prospects of getting married. It was arranged for George and Susan’s parents to meet however it was a frightful episode for both families as they had very high expectations and considering that they were also from families with a reputable background it was imperative that both families needed to have the required standards that would be acceptable in meeting up to the family level of expectations if Susan and George were to get married. In view of the fact that their family backgrounds were quite similar the relationship and marriage proposals between George and Susan had been happily accepted to the extent of eagerly awaiting to hear good news on their planned wedding date.
That didn’t take long, in April one month before graduating from university George proposed to Susan at a family dinner party in front of family, friends and guests which Susan emotionally and happily agreed to the proposal and was engaged wearing a beautiful diamond ring from her fiancé George Davis Peterson. The wedding plans were underway which were prepared by George and Susan’s family. Their wedding took place in the fall at a very small church in Brighton City followed by a private reception at The Peterson family residence by invitation only that included family and close friends of both families. After the wedding they enjoyed a ten (10) day honeymoon in Rome, Italy. Upon their return it was time to get back into the real world. George started working full time as one of the Directors at their family company ‘The Everton Bright Company’ while Susan became a full-time lawyer not only after passing her internship program but also the Uniform Bar Examination in the entire Brighton City. With their full on careers while trying to balance their new roles as husband and wife, their professions, schedules and work load kept them extremely busy only allowing them to have time together in the evenings and on Sundays when they visited their parents.
A year into their marriage the speculations and rumors about Susan not having children had started spreading in their neighborhood. This was a grave concern for George’s parents as they had already anticipated that Susan was already pregnant right after their return from their honeymoon and were looking forward to having grandchildren. This was very worrisome to her in-laws as it meant if Susan was unable to have children there would no more heirs to The Peterson family business enterprises and this was something they were never going to allow to happen especially coming from a well-known reputable high class family and with a high reputation in Brighton City. This gave Susan a lot of pressure as she was not sure how to handle the situation and how long she would have to keep up with the rumors and accusations that she couldn’t have children especially from her in-laws. On the other hand her parents were very supportive and always advised her to keep working hard and to stop listening to all those rumors and speculations as it would drive her crazy. With the support and advice from her parents Susan continued living her life, working very hard as a lawyer at the same time being committed and dedicating her time to her marriage, family, and her husband the man of her life. Despite these difficult and challenging times Susan had been going through George always found ways to comfort, support and encourage her with his endless love which helped her feel calm, relaxed and less pressured. Of course this wasn’t to say that Susan was giving up and didn’t want to children on the contrary having children was something she had always dreamed of and envisioned because she knew having children would not only be great but would bring steadiness and stability in her marriage and family.
Another two years had gone by and they were now into their third year of marriage, George and Susan had just celebrated their third year wedding anniversary, their marriage and love for each other had grown stronger than ever and although she had still not gotten pregnant she had not given up hope and believed her dream of having a child would one day come true. Just three months after celebrating their wedding anniversary on one winter morning Susan had been experiencing nausea and vomiting as she was having breakfast. They quickly went to the hospital where Susan did various check-ups. She sat at the hospital reception area waiting for the results from the doctor. Thirty (30) minutes later her doctor returned with the results asking Susan and George to meet in the doctor’s office, once seated the doctor looked at the results handed them over to Susan congratulating her that she was pregnant already three weeks. She could not believe her ears and asked the doctor to repeat the news, the doctor smiled and told her once again that she was pregnant and already three weeks. She leaped for joy, hugging her husband and thanking the doctor. She could not believe her dream of becoming a mother had finally come true. They took the results left the hospital and returned back home. Upon arriving they were met by her in-laws who had been seating in the living room waiting for them. Before George and Susan could say anything, her mother-in-law had said with a stern warning that, “If you are unable to get pregnant and give birth to a son in a year, you are to divorce my son, do I make myself clear, no more excuses. If you can’t give our family grandchildren what is the point of my son being in this marriage?” That blew Susan’s mind off putting her in a rage that she was at a loss of words. Susan turned to look at George expecting him to say something and as he was about to open his mouth, Susan slammed the pregnancy results on the table and sat on the sofa. When George’s mother picked up the results and read it, she looked at George asking him if it was true or not. George informed his mother about the sickness his wife experienced this morning and had taken her to the hospital to see the doctor who recommended doing some tests. The results showed that his wife was pregnant and already three weeks.
Upon hearing the news George’s mother quickly changed her tone and attitude towards Susan saying, “Well this is wonderful news and something worth celebrating tonight, why didn’t you say something sooner?” Susan looked at her husband who was now shaking his head trying to understand his mother’s change of attitude towards Susan. “Well mother if you had allowed us to speak before opening your mouth, we would not be in such an awkward situation now would we?” said George. At that moment Susan had lost complete interest to speak anymore leaving the living room to go have a rest as she was completely exhausted and disappointed at what just happened. Later in the evening when she was making dinner George was also in the kitchen helping out with the dinner preparations. He noticed the Susan was still very hurt and in pain after the way his mother had spoken to her earlier on, He took her by his arms, held her close and apologized to Susan on behalf of his mother and asked her not to take what she said personally. Susan wasn’t quite sure what to make of that apology especially the fact that it was George apologizing on behalf of his mother, did his mother really apologize or was it George defending his mother and using an apology to cover up for her unpleasant behavior and rudeness. She was completely confused but she didn’t want this to bother her and the pregnancy so she looked at her husband straight in his eyes and said, “It is alright, I can understand your mother and her feelings of wanting a grandchild sooner rather than later especially wanting to have a grandson who would one day be the heir and take over the family’s business enterprise, apology accepted.” She kissed him on his cheeks and lips and continued preparing dinner. George apologized once again giving her a hug with a kiss on her forehead as he continued helping with the dinner preparations.
As George was setting the table Susan was serving the food and bringing it on the dinner table, they both sat to finally enjoy and nice quiet dinner celebrating Susan’s pregnancy already making plans to welcome their first child. As the evening settled into night, the couple spent the evening discussing the pregnancy including when Susan will be taking maternity leave, preparing the baby room, buying all the baby items and hospital check-ups. It all seemed quite overwhelming for the couple but George assured her that he would be by her side throughout the entire pregnancy including all the visits to the hospital for check-ups. Susan was quite pleased after what George said but she had one request which she was not sure would sit well with George. She hesitated but decided to ask anyway.
Susan: Honey, I have a favor to ask you.
George: Sure what’s up dear?
Susan: Would it be possible to not involve your mum during my pregnancy? What I mean is she is more than welcome to come visit us here to check on me and the baby but when it comes to the hospital visits and all the baby preparations, I prefer if you were the one accompanying me to the hospital and involved in the preparations. Would that be too much to ask my dear?
George: Not at all my love, I have no problem going with you to the hospital for all the check-ups and helping you with the baby preparations. I would actually like to be more involved with all the preparations and pregnancy stages after all we are the sole parents of the child and it is my responsibility to look after the two of you and be a responsible husband and father once our child is born. I totally understand my love and you will have nothing to worry about with my mother. We will be happy with her visits, welcome her, she can spend one or two nights but nothing more and I will talk to her about it.
Susan: Thank you so much my love for your support and understanding, this means so much to me and I feel so much better now (giving her husband a hug and kiss).
It was already past eleven at night and just as they were getting ready for bed George’s phone rang, it was his mother. She had called to check-in on them but mainly to find out how Susan and the baby were doing. She had already started requesting to be in charge of accompanying Susan to the hospital for check-ups when he cut her off saying that he will be taking his wife for the check-ups. He continued saying, she was more than welcome to visit them and spend a few nights at their place to help and look after Susan nothing more, nothing less. George’s mother had always been in control of everything from George’s life, to his marriage to their family business pretty much anything that was related to George and the family she was in control and everything had to either go her way or the highway. Sadly that was not going to work for George this time around especially now that his wife was pregnant. George informed his mother that he will take over henceforth and will support and help Susan during her pregnancy including all the housework, the cooking, taking her to the hospital for check-ups and the preparations needed to be done before their unborn child and after when they welcome their new born child. This was a huge blow to his mother as she never in her wildest dreams ever expected her son to talk to her in that manner. There was a moment of silence on the phone and without giving his mother a moment to speak, he said, “Anything else mother?” She replied, “Nothing my son.” George hang up and phone placed his phone on the bed side table turned to look at his wife who had was utterly shocked with a smile inside her heart after hearing the conversation. Nevertheless, she thanked her husband for his love, support and care but most importantly keeping his promise. They kissed each other goodnight and slept the night holding each other in their arms.