The fall and start of the new school year at Brighton University was one week away. The summer vacation was slowly coming to an end and preparations for the beginning of university life were underway.

Rose Anderson who had spent the entire summer working as a full time intern at her Brother Jeffrey’s company couldn’t wait to begin her new journey and adventure as a student at Brighton University. Her excitement and joy had been pretty obvious as that was all she ever talked about the entire summer at work and at home. Her family had been very proud and impressed with all her achievements and fully supported her on all her goals and plans for university and her future career. Rose felt it was imperative to work very hard and not disappoint herself or her family members. She also felt that she owed them a lot for everything they had ever given her including their love, encouragement and support something she truly valued and cherished.

Alex Peterson had already started getting overly excited about his new life away from home and as a student attending Brighton University. His parents had wanted him to continue living at home while attending university but his grandparents were so opposed of the idea. They felt it was high time Alex started experiencing life on his own, being independent, being responsible and learning how to man up facing challenges, taking risks, and being adventurous on his own instead of relying on his parents. This was not just a way of helping him grow up and becoming a mature man, but also a way of helping him learn how to create his own life path, learning right from wrong, and learning to think on his own making life choices and decisions with of course the support, encouragement and guidance from his parents and grandparents thus teaching and preparing him for the hardships and challenges in the society and everything he was to encounter moving forward in life. Although for Alex this felt overwhelming and stressful, but he was determined to build a positive momentum, study and work hard to earn the credibility he deserved not only from his parents but mostly from his grandparents.

The start of the new school year at Brighton University quickly rolled in and all the students had already begun enrollment, attending the new students’ orientations and getting acquainted with the campus life and meeting new friends in their dormitory. Rose and Alex were among the new students at Brighton University. They were very well welcomed by their fellow schoolmates who were not only sophomores but also their fellow dorm mates. They were both quite excited and were looking forward to their new independent adventure as students at Brighton University. As the first week of school begun, everyone had been gearing up about their courses, professors, campus activities and other upcoming events that would be happening at the university. For Rose and Alex they were very keen in finding out about their courses, professors and the campus activities or competitions they would take part in that were related to their courses.

On their second day of classes Rose had gotten up quite early leaving her roommates still asleep. She ventured off with her school bag and mobile phone walking around the campus until she found a coffee shop. She looked at her watch which said 7:15AM and knew there was still plenty of time before her first class at 08:30AM. As she walked into the coffee shop she noticed it was already quite busy with a lot of other students but she managed to find a nice quiet spot by the corner which had a beautiful window view. She quickly placed her items on the table and went to order her coffee; her breakfast always had her favorite coffee latte with croissants or lemon pound cake whenever she went to any coffee shop. She would always savor and enjoy the coffee aroma ensuring she enjoyed the full coffee experience. However, on this day there was something different, something that had made her heart beat faster than ever before. After buying her breakfast she returned to her seat and begun sipping on her coffee while glancing at the beautiful campus view from the window. A few minutes later the main door opened and a young man carrying a backpack walked calmly into the coffee shop. He stood in the middle of the coffee shop glancing around to find a seat only to be struck by the attention of a young woman sitting at the corner of the coffee shot sipping her coffee. He had been drawn by her blondish brown wavy long hair, her elegance of the way she had held herself and her coffee but what attracted him even more so was her smile as she started out the window smiling and waving at her friends. The young man walked up to the counter quickly bought himself a large Americano and a Danish pastry. After he paid for his breakfast he walked over to the young lady and with courage asked her if the seat next to her was taken and if he could join her. The young lady turned and glanced at the young man with a smile saying, “The seat is not taken” and was more than welcome to have a seat. The young man nervously and quickly took a seat. As they both sat sipping on their coffee and munching on their breakfast there was an awkward moment of silence that filled the air. It wasn’t until the young lady stretched out her hand introducing herself, “Hi, I am Rose Anderson,” the young man put down his coffee with his Danish pastry still on his left hand shaking Rose’s hand saying, “Hi, I am Alex Peterson, nice to meet you Rose.” “Nice to meet you too Alex,” she replied. Rose who was always the cheerful, joyful and social person always knew how to break the ice in starting conversations especially in awkward or unpleasant situations.

Rose: Are you a student at Brighton University? What’s your major?

Alex: Yes, I am actually new this year at Brighton University and will be majoring in Business Management and Engineering. What about you?

Rose: I am also new at Brighton University and my major is Arts and Design and Architecture.

Alex: Wow that’s nice. Are you taking a double major?

Rose: Not really, just added a few courses in my Arts and Design major which I want to learn as they will help me in my future career. I’m looking into either doing fashion and jewelry design or architecture.

At this moment Alex had started feeling very relaxed talking more and more with Rose and was now paying even more attention to everything and every detail she talked about.

Alex: Wow that’s exciting. I am looking into working in the business and engineering profession. I have always loved math, design and drawing so hopefully all will work out after graduation (he didn’t want to mention anything about his family business just yet).

Rose: I am sure with the right attitude, focus and with a goal and determination you will achieve anything you set your mind on. Just remember to be positive and stay true to your dreams.

After hearing Rose’s statement Alex was just staring with his handsome smile at Rose not sure what to say or add on to what she said. He was now more than ever positive that he had made the right decision to join her for breakfast at her table. Although they had just met he was already intrigued and amazed by Rose and was very keen to want to know more about her, actually he was determined to find out everything about Rose.

Alex: Thank you for your kind and encouraging words Rose. Do you have classes today?

Rose: You are welcome. Yes, I do (looking at her watch) Oh I have to start heading for my first class that starts at 08:30. Do you have classes this morning?

She starts packing her stuff and gets up ready to leave.

Alex: I also have classes this morning from 08:30 until 5:30 in the afternoon. We can go together if you don’t mind.

Rose: Sure, no problem.

As they leave the coffee shop walking together for their classes, Alex couldn’t help but just look at Rose at how amazing and beautiful she looked. Every time he took a glance, she would look at him asking if there was anything wrong or if there was something on her face or the way she was dressed. Alex would smile and look the other way. As they were getting ready to head to their classes Alex turned around and asked Rose for her contact number. Rose was surprised as she didn’t see that coming especially from a man she had just met at a coffee shop, but again she thought, Alex was a nice and friendly person no harm in giving him my number or making a new friend at Brighton University. Rose took out her mobile phone gave it to Alex who punched in his number and giving the mobile phone back to Rose with a smile on his face. Rose took back the mobile phone and immediately dialed the number and Alex’s phone rang, he picked it up to hear Rose saying; “Now you also have my number.” She hung up the phone waved goodbye thanking Alex for a great breakfast morning and walked to her classroom to start her first class. As she walked away Alex was left standing still holding his mobile phone on his ear with a smile on his face, in shock not sure what just happened; he lowered his mobile phone and placed it in his jean pocket and begun walking towards his classroom that was on the fourth floor. His heart had been pounding feeling a sense of joy and happiness which brought a shy joyful smile to his face. It was at that moment he realized that he liked Rose and was determined to not only be her friend but to seize every opportunity he could to get to meet with Rose and spend as much time as possible together.

When Alex had arrived in his classroom, he found an empty desk and seat, took out his notebook and laptop to prepare for his class. Before the start of this class, he also took out his mobile phone and searched for Rose’s phone number. He had wanted to call her but hesitated for a moment then he finally had the courage and decided to send her a text message:

“Hi Rose, this is Alex Peterson, we met this morning at the coffee shop. It was a great pleasure meeting you and thank you very much for allowing me to share a table and join you for breakfast. I thank you for your encouraging words. I hope we can be friends and hang out sometime. Take care, have a great day, Alex.”

He read the message over and over debating whether he should send it or not. He then quickly pressed sent and placed his mobile on the desk. Five minutes later he received a message, when he checked it was from Rose. He quickly clicked on the message which read:

“Hi Alex, many thanks for your message, it was a also a great pleasure meeting you at the coffee shop this morning and thanks for the company and having breakfast with me. You don’t need to thank me and I’m happy that we can be friends and would be more than happy to hang out sometime. All the best with today’s classes, take care and chat soon, Rose.”

Upon reading her message his heart was full of joy and his face lit up like a bright beautiful candle that brought nothing but excitement. Alex went back to his phone contacts adding Rose’s last name ‘ANDERSON’ adding in brackets (friend from the coffee shop). He placed his mobile phone in his jacket pocket with a smile and started preparing for his classes which were to start in five minutes.

On the other hand, Rose after having received and read Alex’s message had been staring outside the classroom window her cheeks blushing with a big smile on her face. She had no idea what just happened or what was going on, but she sensed her meeting or encounter with Alex was not by coincidence. Nevertheless, she was happy to have made a new friend at Brighton University. She had also sensed that she had left a very deep positive impression of herself on Alex and was no doubt feeling great about it. Although she didn’t know if or when she would see Alex again but she cherished that very short and wonderful encounter she had with him at the coffee shop.

As the morning went by and the afternoon quickly rolled in Rose and Alex had finished their first long day of classes that ended at 5:30PM. As Rose was heading back to her dormitory she could hear someone screaming calling out her name. When she turned around it was Alex Peterson who looked quite exhausted almost like he had been running a marathon. Rose stopped looking at Alex with a smile as he ran towards where she was standing.

Rose: Are you okay?

Alex: Yeah, I saw you from a distance as I was leaving my classes but didn’t know whether it was you, hence the screaming of your name and the running (still panting).

Rose: (laughing) Take a deep breath, it’s me. How were your classes?

Alex: They were actually pretty good, better than what I had expected for a first day. Sadly we already have quite a lot of reading and research to do and we haven’t even finished a week at the university. How about your classes?

They started walking together back to their dormitory.

Rose: Mine were pretty good as well, just a lot of pre-reading to do and already have some drawings to do and group discussions which seem manageable. The good thing is that my classes are every other day, so have enough time to ensure I get all my work done before the next class.

Alex: That’s true. Any plans for the evening?

Rose: Yeah, plan to work on my drawings and do some research in preparation for tomorrow’s other classes. Why? What are your plans for the rest of the day or evening?

Alex: Was just wondering what you were up to. I also plan to do some prep for two other classes that I have tomorrow and order something to eat for dinner, not in the mood to eat at the cafeteria. If you are up for it we could meet at the same coffee shop for breakfast tomorrow morning?

Rose: Of course, sure, that would be nice. What time were you thinking?

Alex: I’m normally up by six, and since our classes don’t start until 08:30, how about meeting at 7:15 (seizing every chance to spend longer time with Rose)?

Rose: Wow, you get up at six, that’s early (both laughing).

Alex: Yeah, I like to give myself an early start of the day, taking my time, enjoying a good breakfast before the start of the day.

Rose: That’s awesome! You are so disciplined.

Alex: Thanks, so 7:15 tomorrow morning for breakfast at the coffee shop?

Rose: Sure, see you tomorrow at 7:15AM.

Alex: Great! See you tomorrow at 7:15AM.

They were both standing right outside their dormitories. They smiled at each other, waved goodbyes and entered their dormitory building with smiles, happiness and joy and excitement written all over their faces. For Rose it felt her friendship with Alex was going to be something bonding and special. For Alex it felt the beginning of not only a wonderful friendship but one he was determined to embrace and cherish each moment with Rose at his time spent in Brighton University.