Over the next days, weeks and months Rose and Alex had enjoyed pleasant moments every morning having breakfast together at their favorite coffee shop. It had been their meeting spot where they spent every morning chatting and catching up on all and everything that had been going on in their school and personal lives before their classes. Their meeting had brought them closer together going from friends to becoming best friends.

Although they had only proposed to just meeting at the coffee shop which had been one of their favorite moments, Alex decided to take their friendship to the next level. After completing his first year at Brighton University by not only receiving honors and awards for being the top student in his department but also finally getting the full recognition he had always wanted from his grandparents. He was more than ever confident that his aspirations and goals were going to manifest even higher than his family expectations. It was no different with Rose either, she also completed her first year with honors, receiving awards and recognitions for attaining higher scores than anyone in their entire department and in the previous years in the Arts & Design and Architecture Department. This was not only astonishing news in Brighton University but was the most wonderful news for The Anderson Family. Her entire family was very proud of all her achievements and the successes she had attained in her first year at Brighton University.

During the summer vacation Rose and Alex were working as full time interns at their family’s’ business company. As with previous years their work responsibilities were the same but this time around they were now more involved with doing presentations, writing proposals, meeting clients and business partners to discuss future business cooperation, and upcoming business collaborations. Some of the business prospects and partnership corporations included The Anderson Construction Business Enterprise working with The Peterson Engineering and Construction Business Enterprise. Both companies had never worked together before but were very familiar with each other’s businesses and their growing enterprises in Brighton City.

When Rose and Alex were not working they would be texting each other or meeting up for coffee when they had free time. Although they had wanted to spend more time together, their work schedules and family time had kept them extremely busy even on weekends. However, an opportunity presented itself for business cooperation between The Anderson Construction Company and The Peterson Engineering and Construction Company. It was the first time that the CEOs of both companies were meeting to discuss a business proposal in the possibility of constructing and building a mall in Brighton City. If the submitted proposals were approved this would be a five year long term agreement for both companies. Rose and Alex were put in charge of preparing, writing, drafting and presenting a business proposal for the project. This was a wonderful opportunity for both interns Alex and Rose to capitalize and demonstrate their business, architectural and design skills, in addition their presentation and negotiation skills from everything they had learned since working as interns in their family business. They were given two weeks to put together a proposal and be ready to present it after two weeks on a Friday morning at The Everton Bright Company which was also The Peterson Family Business Enterprise.

In the course of their preparations, they had met for coffee and talked about their holidays and briefly about their families. The area where they spent talking mostly about was their internships which from their conversations were very passionate about especially their work experiences and the training and how it had helped them gain a lot of professional knowledge about their job. In the middle of their conversations they talked about their new project they had been working on and the business proposals they had to prepare and present in two weeks. At first they were under the assumption they were preparing business proposals for small uprising business clients until they mentioned the names of the companies that they realized they were preparing and presenting their proposals to their own families, business clients and other business partners. They were so relieved to know their proposals were being presented on familiar grounds. Although they also just found out that this was the first business cooperation between The Anderson and The Peterson Family, Alex and Rose were even more determined to prepare and present a satisfactory business proposal to their CEO fathers promising no room for errors, failures and disappointments, and that it had to be their first and best proposal ever presented.

On the Friday morning of their presentation Rose and Alex met at a Starbucks Coffee Shop next to The Everton Bright Company shortly after 7AM before their meeting and presentation at 9AM. Their parents had wanted to have an early breakfast with them but they informed their parents they already had plans and would see them at The Everton Bright Company before 9AM. Rose and Alex arrived right on time at the Starbucks Coffee Shop. They ordered their usual favorite coffee and breakfast and found a nice quiet spot upstairs by the window to enjoy and savor their morning breakfast, each complimenting on their attire and how great they looked.

Alex: Are you nervous about today’s presentation Rose?

Rose: When I was preparing and practicing for the presentation wasn’t nervous at all but I don’t know why I am feeling so nervous and afraid? Are you not at all nervous?

Alex: I am but had done some presentations before at different business meetings so I am not worried about the presentation. What I am worried about is whether they will accept and use out proposals for the projects.

Rose: That’s actually something I never thought about…but regardless I am sure everything will go well, what’s the worst case scenario that could happen?

Alex: You’re right, we just have to stick to what we prepared, present it which of course I am sure there will be questions after the presentations. But as long as we remain focused on the presentation, be well prepared and answer their questions fully with confidence should be no problem.

Rose: We should celebrate afterwards maybe dinner or drinks.

Alex: How about both, I’ll make the reservations for six o’clock this evening at The Rossi Restaurant, if you are up for some Italian?

Rose: Are you kidding me, I love Italian.

Alex: Great, then it’s settled.

At 8:20 they gathered their bags and headed over to The Everton Bright Company. Upon arrival some of the employees who knew Alex greeted him and continued working. Alex took Rose to his office offering her a seat and a place to put her stuff. They spent the next twenty minutes preparing and practicing their presentations. At 8:45 Alex and Rose went to the conference room where the meeting and presentation would take place. A few minutes later the CEO of The Everton Bright Company Mr. Peterson and his wife Mrs. Peterson walked into the conference room with the CEO and his wife of The Anderson Construction Company Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. Others present at the meeting were Alex’s grandparents, Rose’s brothers Jeffrey and Thomas, HR Director of Everton Bright Company, staff members who had worked with Alex and Rose on their proposals and other business partners and clients from all over Brighton City.

The meeting began at nine o’clock after it was confirmed that everyone was present. Mr. Peterson’s Executive Assistant presented his opening remarks followed by Alex Peterson’s presentation. As Alex was presenting Rose couldn’t help but notice how everyone had been paying serious attention to his presentation. It wasn’t just what he presented that caught Rose’s attention but his diplomacy, his charisma, his attention to details in every slide he presented. His body language, style and rhythm were very attractive that every time he spoke and said something everyone was nodding their heads in agreement. Alex’s presentation lasted thirty minutes and once he finished the entire room was filled with loud applauses, giving positive feedback on his presentation including the fact that Alex had touched on some of the fine details that were not even thought of by the CEOs, the business partners and clients at the meeting.

It was Rose’s turn to present her proposal. At first she doubted if her presentation would even be welcomed or approved after listening to Alex’s great presentation. Nonetheless, she encouraged herself to be tough, brave and to present with confidence. She kicked off her presentation proposal with an introduction that caught everyone’s attention. She turned to look at her brothers Jeffrey and Thomas and her parents then Alex who gave her a firm nod and a thumbs up to encourage her that all will be okay and she was more than capable of giving a great presentation. She continued her presentation touching on every aspect of the business prospects including a sample design of the mall to be constructed, its interior and exterior design and decoration. Furthermore, the location, amount of time allocated required to complete the construction, budget costs, what elements and accessories would be built in the mall to meet the needs to Brighton citizens and customers as well as other business proposals all presented with precision well documented and in detail. She had even made copies of her proposals for all present at the meeting that they could review as reference after the meeting. As she continued her presentation, Alex couldn’t help but just gaze at how beautiful Rose looked during her presentation, the way she moved her face, her hair, and her smile truly beautiful and elegant. He paid very close attention to her presentation listening to every detail, every word she said, and he was truly mesmerized by everything about Rose Anderson.

Rose’s presentation took a full forty minutes, after she had completed her presentation she also received a loud applause even a standing ovation for her outstanding performance and preparation for the presentation. There was a Q&A session that followed after both presentations and their responses to every question was answered patiently and in great detail amazing all present at the meeting. The entire meeting and presentation lasted a little over two hours. It came down to making a decision whether both companies will agree with the proposals and sign a five year contract. Rose and Alex were asked to step out of the conference meeting room while the CEOs, Board Members, business partners and clients were behind closed doors to discuss the two proposals and make a final decision. After ten minutes, Alex and Rose were asked back into the conference room. They both stood at the end of the conference table where they had stood and presented their proposals. Each person in the room gave feedback and comments on their presentations. They were all equally impressed with their preparation, effort and time taken in their presentation including pointing out some very valid, detailed and precise points that had never been considered especially by the CEOs, businesses partners and clients who were going to be responsible for the project and construction of the mall. It also proved that Alex and Rose had done extensive research and background search on the projects before preparing their proposals a job well done. Once all the positive feedback and comments were presented, the CEO of The Everton Bright Company Mr. Peterson presented the final decision:

“It gives me a great pleasure to announce that the business proposals presented by Alex Peterson and Rose Anderson by a vote of 15 out of 15 have passed and both The Everton Bright Company and The Anderson Construction Company will be signing a five year business contract which will start effectively once the contracts have been signed today.”

Rose and Alex jumped with excitement when the results were read; they even hugged each other in celebration of their performances. Mr. Peterson and Mr. Anderson congratulated both presenters while Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Anderson hugged their children congratulating them on their great achievements and success on a wonderful presentation and a job well done. Alex’s grandparents were extremely proud of their grandson’s presentation achieving a result that had never been attained or accomplished at The Everton Brighton Company over the last fifteen years. After the contracts were signed and the project preparations and construction plans were underway it was time for a big celebration for The Peterson and The Anderson Family.

The Everton Bright Company had made lunch preparations and arrangements after the meeting which would take place at The Crown Plaza Hotel not far away from the company. All the employees, guests, The Peterson and The Anderson family members, The Board Members including the business partners and clients from all over Brighton City were invited for the luncheon celebrations. It was truly a great achievement and worth the celebrations with praises and compliments being given to The CEOs of both companies including Rose Anderson and Alex Peterson not only for a wonderful job well done but most importantly looking forward to working together and strengthening their business cooperation and having more corporations in the future. Alex had wanted so much to spend some alone time with Rose, but she kept on being congratulated and spoken to by lots of people at the luncheon including her brothers and parents. It wasn’t until most of the guests had left that they were able to speak to each other without any interruptions.

Alex: Congratulations on a job well done Rose!

Rose: And the same to you Alex for a fine and well presented proposal. Was very impressive, well done!!

A few moments later her brothers joined them in their conversations.

Jeffrey: Well done little sister (giving her a hug). Mum and Dad are very impressed and happy with your presentation. You have really grown to be a very mature, independent and responsible adult.

Thomas: Yes, well done little sister (giving her a hug), you are now not only the star of our family but also the entire Brighton City. Lots of people are going to start focusing on you.

Rose: Thank you, thank you my dear brothers. Oh sorry Alex Peterson these are my older brothers Jeffrey and Thomas Anderson.

Alex: Nice to meet you. You have a wonderful sister; your family is very blessed to have her.

Jeffrey and Thomas: Nice to meet you Alex.

Thomas: Of course she is our life and means the world to our family.

Jeffrey: So you are the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peterson right?

Alex: Yes, that would be me; I am guessing you have probably heard of our family?

Jeffrey: Who in Brighton City doesn’t know of the highly-esteemed and the number one acclaimed Peterson Business Enterprise, quite impressive I might add. I’m glad we have finally met and are now business partners. Hopefully we can have an opportunity to work together in the future.

Rose: Jeffrey, that’s enough, you are scaring him (laughing as Alex’s face turns red). I am sure we shall have great business cooperation for the next five years, cheers to that!!

They all cheered together and enjoyed having pleasant conversations.

Thomas: Hey sis, do you have any plans for the evening?

Rose: Yes, Alex and I are going out for a dinner celebration.

Thomas: Nice!! More like a date I would call it.

Rose: (Hitting Thomas on his chest) it’s just two very good university friends who also happen to work together going out for dinner.

Jeffrey and Thomas: Very true indeed (looking at Rose very suspiciously).

Thomas whispers into Rose’s ear, “I think Alex likes you, I have been watching him from the time we had the meeting till now, and he’s been watching you and your every move. I could be wrong but my gut feeling tells me I’m right, without a doubt!! I think something’s going to happen at tonight’s dinner.”

Rose: We are just friends, but will let you know how it all goes when I get home.

Thomas: Take care of my little sister, keep her safe, enjoy the dinner and bring her home safely before midnight.

Jeffrey: Enjoy you two, you deserve it and be safe.

Alex: For sure, will make sure she has the best time of her life this evening and will bring her back home safely before midnight.

That evening at 6:15 Alex picked up Rose from their family residence. Her parents had already known of her dinner outing with Alex through their son Thomas. Her parents were not against it but the opposite they were thrilled and happy for her and felt she deserved the celebration. Her family had also planned to have a celebration dinner for her over the weekend to celebrate her success of signing her first family business contract.

Alex being the gentleman that he is opened the front car door for Rose and ensured she was comfortably seated before closing the car door. He rushed over to his driver’s seat started the car and drove off. Rose waved goodbye to her family as they drove off. They arrived at the Italian Restaurant ‘The Rossi Restaurant’ and were warmly greeted and welcomed by the manager who has been a long time friend of The Peterson Family. The table reservation was in a VIP room with a spectacular view of Brighton City and was immediately served with water and the menu. For Alex this restaurant was like his second home as his parents and grandparents frequently came for lunches, dinners and family celebrations. For Rose this was all new to her; high class, romantic but a great way to not only celebrate but a way to enjoy, relax and end the day with a beautiful well planned romantic dinner by Alex Peterson.

Rose: Gosh, there are a lot of dishes, very difficult to choose.

Alex: (laughing) let me see if I can make it easier for you to choose. Think of your favorite Italian dish, something you haven’t eaten in a while and crave for it.

Rose: Good thinking I love that Alex. That makes it even easier now to decide what I’ll eat. Thanks Alex.

Alex: You are welcome Rose, glad I could help.

They continued looking at the drink, food and dessert menu.

Rose: Alright, I think I know what to have for dinner. I am thinking for starters get a chicken Caesar salad and one tomato basil bruschetta that we could share. What do you think Alex?

Alex: Sounds great, let’s go for it.

Rose: Cool, then will have spaghetti carbonara for the main course and a tiramisu cake with coffee for dessert.

Manager: Excellent choice and how about you Mr. Alex?

Alex: For main course will have spaghetti with shrimp added lemon mint and pecorino and tiramisu cake with coffee for dessert.

Manager: Excellent choice Mr. Alex. Any drinks, wine?

Alex: Yes, let’s go with the Italian white wine house special, a bottle please. You don’t mind us sharing a bottle of wine do you?

Rose: No problem.

Alex: Great! Could we also have a bottle of sparkling water please?

Manager: No problem will get that served right away.

When all the orders were taken, Alex and Rose began having conversations on various topics including today’s meeting and presentations, family backgrounds and their personal lives. Alex and Rose had shared quite a lot about themselves, their goals, aspirations, dreams and their career prospects. Throughout their conversations they realized they had so much in common especially about their goals, dreams and career prospects. In addition, they had quite a lot of common interests and hobbies such as drawing, music and playing tennis etc. Their meals and drinks were served and they each enjoyed their wonderful dishes, sharing with each other a glimpse of their meals. They celebrated their achievements and successes by toasting with a glass of the restaurants fine house special Italian white wine which according to Rose was not only out of this world but divine and went very well with their meals. After enjoying a pleasant starter and main course, the manager brought them their tiramisu cake and coffee. It was at this moment that Alex did something that Rose had not seen coming.

Alex: Rose, you are a very special person and the very first time I saw you it was love at first sight. From the moment that we met at the coffee shop to all those other times we met I have truly enjoyed very moment we have spent. I like you Rose, I like you a lot and would like to get to know you better if possible. Would you be my girlfriend Rose (holding her hands)?

Rose had no idea what just happened but it took her ten seconds to finally realize that Alex had just confessed his feelings towards her, asking her to be his girlfriend. It then occurred to her what her brother Thomas had told her earlier was true, that Alex did indeed like her and although she denied it completely, she was taken aback and surprised and was not sure how to respond to his question. Rose did have feelings for Alex but wasn’t sure if this was the right time for her to get involved in a relationship especially with everything that has been going on for her at Brighton University and her full time internship job at her Brother’s Company. However, she could see from Alex’s eyes that he was very sincere and had true and real feelings for her. She decided to give their relationship a chance and agreed to be his girlfriend.

Rose: Alex (still holding her hands) I agree to be your girlfriend.

Alex jumped up, walked over to Rose and gave her a very tight hug and a kiss on her cheeks.

Alex: Thank you for giving me a wonderful evening.

They took their wines glasses for another toast and enjoyed the rest of their evening with their dessert and coffee each couldn’t help looking at each other smiling to all that had happened while enjoying the beautiful view of Brighton City.

At around 11PM, they had finished enjoying their dinner and it was time to head home. Alex paid for their dinner and after receiving the receipt was escorted by the manager who thanked them for coming to his restaurant. Rose and Alex also thanked the manager for a wonderful well prepared meal and service and mentioned that they will definitely come back again. When they got to the car, Alex opened the front car door for her and ensured she was comfortably seated before walking over to the driver’s seat to drive Rose back to her residence. When he dropped her home, Alex opened the door for her, closed it and escorted her to the front door of their residence.

Rose: I had a great evening Alex. Thank you for everything and for the wonderful surprise.

Alex: I truly enjoyed having you to myself tonight while enjoying and dining at my favorite restaurant.

Rose: Correction, ‘our favorite restaurant’ (her hands on his shoulders).

Alex hugged Rose saying, “Thank you for accepting to be my girlfriend, the best gift you have given me tonight. They kissed each other on the cheeks, waved goodnight to each other. Rose waited at the door as she watched Alex drive off in his car, they both waved at each other as she entered her home.