In year 4085 where technology advance to the level that they can go to the near galaxy easily. A Spaceship alpha-0912 was going to the next galaxy of Milky way galaxy on some research on a planet.
Hello captains speaking here everything is going alright. (The captain of crew on alpha-0912 is Ayan shergill an Indian man in his late 30s black hair blue eyes and sturdy physics). We are one light years away from waolk we will able to enter waolk in a month. (Waolk a dimensional pathway that connects two points of universe and lets you travel 1000 light years just in less or more than a year).
Ayan, does the meeting over John smith asked Ayan. (John smith vice captain of the crew. An American man in his late 30s blonde hair black eyes and almost similar physics as Ayan. Ayan and Jhon were best friends). Yes, Ayan replied. Here take some coffee, so how much time it takes us to reach the planet Sn-04, John asked Ayan.
According to earth's timeline we were travelling for almost 2years in space and it will take atleast one year more to reach our destination Ayan replied. Why the f**k waolk have to be this far from the earth it took too much time to reach to the waolk John says while drinking his cofee.
What can we do about that, even when our technology have advanced that much but we have only found ten waolk. Out of ten three were in the milky way galaxy and rest 6 connect to two galaxy at different points which is also near milky way galaxy, Ayan replied.
But why they require that much information like exact place of where waolk open, exact speed to enter waolk and angle. One slightest mistake and you'll miss the gate of waolk, John asked. How will I know about that, Ayan replied him while taking a sip of coffee.
You two sure have a lot of time to talk to each other, Haruto fujimoto asked them while entering the control room. (Haruto fujimoto head engineer of the ship a Japanese man in his mid 40s, purple hair light red eyes and little chubby physics). What are we supposed to do in the middle of dark galaxy and there is nothing to do here. John replied to Haruto.
You should be better thankful that because of gravitation machine you are able to walk and drink coffees in the space. Back in time the astronaut have to float all the time and have to eat spiceless food whole time, Haruto replied to John.
Captain we have checked the engine and machine everything is going alright, Kaito kobayashi reported to captain. (Kaito kobayashi the 2nd engineer of the ship and work under Haruto fujimoto. Japanese man with green hair light blue eyes). Well done you two. So your today work is over so take rest, captain replied. Yes sir, Haruto and Kaito replied. Wait, let's talk here for sometime there is nothing to do things in the space ship anyways, John speaked.
There are many works to do here mr vice captain. A voice come from the gate. Oh Hye rin Lee what are you doing here, captain asked Hye rin Lee. (Hye rin Lee The medical department head of the space ship. A Korean women in her early 30s, Pink ehair olive eyes and beutiful figure). Yes captain I am here to take your daily health checkup.
Ohoho only for captain not for us, john asked her with weird smile. What do you mean I have here to take all of your health checkup, Hye rin replied while hiding her blushing face. Tansisha take checkup of John sir, Hye rin asked Tanisha. Yes mam, Tanisha replied. (Tanisha malhotra was the junior in work of Hye rin. An Indian girl in her starting 30s dark blue hairs, black eyes and pale white skin).
Both the girls started taking their checkup, after one hour when the checkups ended they goes to the medical room and soon after that Haruto and Kaito went to there room. What kind of idiot you are can't you get hint, John asked Ayan. Hey, Ayan looked at Jhon with anger face.
Sorry sorry, but that Hye rin really likes you, shouldn't you start dating her, atleast try to get along her more, John asked Ayan. I don't have time for this, let's go and do some work, Ayan replied
Traveling space in bthe darkness where is no other thing than shaby and dark planets and Stars that very far for them, time passed slowly and one month crossed.
Every one come to the control room we will arrive to the waolk in one hour, Luca morati announced on the mic. (Luca morati head pilot of the space ship. An Italian man his mid 40s brown hair yellowish eyes). After announcement captain enter the room. Everything is going alright here, Ayan asked them. Yes the speed is right we will arrive at the waolk in fourty minutes, Zhi ming Liu replied. (Zhi ming Liu co pilot of the space ship. A chinese man in his early 40s purple hair and blue eyes).
They were just start taking when crew members start entering the control room. Nikolai and Charlotte you two come early today, Ayan asked them. Yeah our work finished earlier than expected, Nikolai replied.
(Nikolai sokalov the head physicist of the space ship who handles energy system of ship and maintain space pathway. A russian man in his early 50s).
Captain we have done the all prepration to enter the waolk, Charlotte replied. (Charlotte wilson works under Nikolai sokalov. A american women in her mind 30s pale white hair blackeyes).
Every one take your seats we will now going to enter the waolk in thirty minutes, so prepare yourself we will getting some shocks while entering, luca speak to everyone.
They were ready to enter the waolk and when they were almost at the gate of waolk a meteor suddenly appeared. Where did this meteor come from why didn't you tell .e about this, Luca asked Zhi ming. Sorry sir but our radar not taking any signal from it, Zhe ming replied. What should we do at this rate we are going to crash with meteor. Luca asked to him.
Turn to upmost right we should be able to to avoid it, Ayan tell Luca. Yes captain, Luca replied. When they were trying to avoid the crash right wing cought in it and destroyed. Ayan what should we do our one engine got destroyed we won't be able to go in waolk or earth, John asked Ayan. Captain our oxygen level is decreasing drastically we won't be able to survive more than half an hour, Haruto tell Ayan. Hello command room what should we do, hello, hello, command room, Ayan asked to command room but any voice didn't come.
Red light was on and emergency horn was ringing but and all ten of them was doing there best to avoid the situation but there is nothing that they can do. After 20min they started to feel dizzy couse of lack of oxygen but they didn't lose hope they try their best and due to their communication devices also got broken they cannot communicate to earth. After more five minutes everyone fainted cause of lack of oxygen.