Wh...ere I..am wha....t is this pla...ce cough cough what happened I was on the space ship a moment ago we were just about to enter the waolk and suddenly, after saying that Ayan got rushed by memories of what happened at the time of waolk entery and he suddenly wake up and sit at his place.
Where is everyone what happened to us I thought we died, he looked around and found everyone lying on the floor. So he rushed towards them when he check their nerves he found that everyone was alive he take sigh of relief and try to wake everyone.
When everyone one come to their sense take some rest and due to crash of space ship the can't see outside and when they check the oxygen tank level they found that oxygen was empty so they start thinking what happened and how they are alive without oxygen.
Soon after that they found that the ship
wasn't floating it have hitted a surface so they decided to get out of the space ship. When they come out of the ship they surprised at the scenary they were seeing.
As the crew stepped outside they saw one side dense purple forrest every tree on the forest was almost fifty meter high, different colour flowers almost two meter high a little longer than a human. And on other side they saw plains were red grasses were grown and after plane there were some black mountain.
What the hell is this were are we, John speaked with surprising tone. It's like we came to a new world after dying in our previous world like in the the noves were M.C died and reborn into new world, Kaito said.
Don't tell me we died I wanted to do many things that I was going to after this mission what should we, Charlotte start panicking while speaking. Everyone's mind was filled with fear and they thinking what should we do.
Ayan try to relax himself and take initiative as the captain, he tries to think what they could do, he was thinking he got an idea. Everyone calm down, calm down we aren't dead we have just happened to got lucky and endup on the planet where oxygen exists, if you calm down and try to feel your body you can feel the gravity difference right.
Every one was trembling but due to captain words they feel ease but due fear they wasn't able to measure the gravity difference and put their trust on their captain. I think Ayan he right I can also feel the gravity difference, Jhon tell everyone.
After John speaked Ayan start taking again. Let's see if the s planet have oxygen plants than their must be a chance that their must be humans or living being let's looked around and found something or someone, sitting here won't gona do anything anyways.
Everyone calmed down and try to goes opposite direction of forest they take safety equipments and weapons. When they were going Ayan and John were at front and a little ahead of the rest. Thanks, Ayan said to John. Don't mention what's freinds for and I also am vice captain afterall, so what's we gona do, I wasn't able to measure gravity my hands are still shaking, jhon replied.
Yeah I also wasn't able to check it I am also shaking and barely holding and untill we able to realise our body probably be get used to this gravity, Ayan replied. So what we gona do, John asked Ayan.
You see we have two conclusion. First, there is a chance that we really end up on a planet where oxygen exists, Ayan replied. So what's second, John asked. The second is that we really died, Ayan replied.
What we gona do from now on, John asked. See if we really got on the planet with oxygen, then we find a way to go back to our earth, Ayan replied.
What if we really died then what are we gona do, John asked Ayan with feard tone. Then we going to live here in this world, what we can even do if we have died already, Ayan said. Then what about our previous world and our people's we won't be able to meet them anymore, John asked.
Do you have wife or lover or girlfriend, Ayan asked John. Ofcourse not are you trying to mock me, John said to Ayan. I know you from childhood, we two have grown in same orphanage we two don't have any family or some whose really be affected by our death's, Ayan replied to John.
Yeah you are right but the real problem is those ten, unlike is they all may have families, John replied. That's why hope we are on another planet, Ayan replied.
After walking for half an hour they found a river when they look in the river, the rivers water was very pure and bottom of the river was very clear. They try some test to check that the water was drinkable or not. When they run test the result was more purer than earth's water.
After drinking water and rest for sometime they decided to follow the rivers flow because there is a highly chances of humans or any species to located near riverside. After walking for atleast one hour they arrived near a small forrest.