The world, Letheil is one driven by divine beings known as the Shepherds. 

Throughout the ages, each new era of prominence and prosperity was ushered by a unique individual that shared this trait

With the world united under the banner of a Shepherd, there was stability, unity and communism among all major races of the world. Humans, Deilons, Beastkin - they all lived as one in harmony. 

However, the Shepherds, though powerful individuals were only one person, and were not immortal; as the peace they preached, could only be sustained by their continued existence. Thus, 

The most challenging of times, usually succeeds the end of a Shepherd's life, and with this flaw, led to the formation of the racial factions, also known as orders. 

Firstly, the humans brought forth the Orders of the Holy Inquisition, commanded by saints from each of the 8 kingdoms

This order is meant to act as a stand-in for when the world is Shepherd-less, maintaining the peace until the birth of a new Shepherd. Perceiving this will undoubtedly tilt the balance of power in favor of the human race, the other races divided, and found orders of their own. 

The Beastkin found home in the forests, to become Nature's Boon, while the Deilons retreated to the shadows, scarcely to be seen, dubbing the name - The Circle

With the creation of these factions, each with their own purpose, the balance was maintained, as the world prepared for the coming of the one and only True Shepherd, to guide us to a utopia of unity and abundance once more. 

"And that, my dears, is our religion as told to us by the gospel of the Shepherd"

This was an extract of the religion of the Shepherd, being preached to young kids in Tilla's house of worship by Ema. 

Their eyes glittered at the promise of a life so magical, a life that seems as if it was torn from the pages of a fantasy world. 

They couldn't help but be hopeful such a time will come to pass in their lifetime. Infact, as excited and impatient as kids could get, they could hardly wait. 

"Ms. Ema, when will the Shepherd come back to us?" One of the kids asked. 

"Honestly Josh! haven't you been listening? Only the All Saint father knows when the Shepherd will be upon us" one of the other kids intervened

"Huh!! I wasn't asking you miss know it all!" said Josh

"Grrr what did you just say!!?" Marin annoyed lashed out.

The kids were quick to argue, Ema couldn't help but laugh cheerfully at their desire to meet the Shepherd. 

"Hehehe, now now kids, no fighting in the house of worship" she called them to order with a clap of her hand. 

"It's true no one knows exactly when the Shepherd will come, However, according to the gospel, should the world be united and live in harmony, then the Shepherd will see us fit, for the utopia that has been promised to us; that is why we must follow the teachings of the Holy Inquisition, is that understood?"

The kids listened attentively in agreement. 

"Especially innocent darlings like you whom the Shepherd loves so much. But note, naughty boys and girls receive no gifts from him" she said gesturing a no no with her index finger. 

"You wouldn't want that now would you?" she continued. 

"No ma'am..." the kids responded 

"I thought so. Now Marin, Josh what do you say?" she turned her attention to the troublemakers. 

The 2 kids were bashful as they turned to each other to apologize. 

"Sorry" Marin bowed to Josh in a heartfelt apology.

"Yea..I'm sorry too and all that" Josh said, averting eye contact while scratching the back of his head. 

Ema smiled and hugged the both of them 

"There there, You are good boys and girls. The holy gospel says, 'the Shepherd is our guiding light, and will usher us into the future, but to reach that beautiful future we must first be there for each other', we mustn't forget this alright?" 

"Yes ma'am" the kids responded as Ema clasped her hands together in a charming heartwarming smile. 

"Very good! That'll be all for today kids. Be sure to grab a parcel from sister Annette on your way home okay!!" 

Yay! The kids rejoiced, as they rushed out of the sermon hall towards the storeroom at the side of the building. Annette was there in waiting, to share with them some loaves of bread and milk for the trip home. 

Ema watched with a satisfied smile as the kids left the hall one by one as excited as they were when they first stepped in this morning.

Then, a shadow was casted her way from the outside.

It caught her attention, it was Yel, leaning by the doorway. 

Their eyes met as the smile vanished from her face almost immediately. Yel tilted his head to the right, giving the signal to meet him outside, and left the doorway. 

Ema stared at her session manuscript and lets out an exasperated sigh. 

"Sister! I have to step out for a moment, could you please take over here in the meantime?" 

Ema relinquished her duties to the next sister in waiting and left the sermon hall, hoping to catch up with Yel before he gets too far. 

Road to the Gates of Tilla 

Tilla had rundown and dilapidated buildings as far as the eyes could see, with only a handful resembling what could be considered furnished enough to be human shelter.

However, in complete contrast to the state of the buildings, were the smiles on the kids faces running around, laughing and playing with their peers and animals alike, while the elderly were tending to their farmlands and lunch plans. 

The villagers were satisfied with what they had.

However, not all of them were, some wanted more than this acceptance of mediocrity. 

Ema was now walking alongside one such person on the road to the gates of Tilla, Yel Arki. 

"How was the session today? Still selling stories about the coming of a 'True Shepherd' that'll magically make our lives better?" Yel asked nonchalantly.

"huhhh" Ema sighed. "You know that's why the sisters banned you from coming to the house of worship right? You always ask the wrong questions" she continued. 

"No, I simply ask the questions they don't have answers to. Besides, the reason I stopped going was because I got bored of listening to the same story for 10 years, with nothing to show for it." said Yel with a proud grin

"What do you mean nothing to show for it?" an annoyed Ema countered with a question. 

"Come now Ema, we both know the Inquisition teaches us nonsense. Divided as we are as humans - talkless of the other races - it just so happened this 'True Shepherd' will come when we all learn to live for each other? how convenient of him to show at a time that will never come to be" Yel teased

"Ahh, keep it down Yel! you're lucky the Holy knights are not making their rounds currently, you could be arrested under the context of blasphemy" Ema said, dragging Yel away by the shoulder from the crowd and anyone who might've been eavesdropping. 

"hahaha, you worry too much Ema. Tell me, when was the last time they showed up?" he casually asked 

"umm..." She couldn't say, for it had been a long time. 

"Yet another prove we have been abandoned by those who claim to maintain the balance" Yel spread his arm wide, shaking his head in disappointment.

"Don't get me wrong, the Holy Inquisition is not to blame here. We have just been dealt the wrong hand by our current order." he continued. 

"And why's that?" curious, Ema posed the question.

She had Yel as someone always on the negative side when it comes to the Holy inquistion, so she could hardly believe him giving them some credit 

"Because while Tilla may have been left to fend for themselves, others have thrived, including those under the same order. We have been chosen to be the foil for others' prosperity. It's up to us, if we wish to remain that, or do something about it" 

"'re not ...about to get yourself involved in something dangerous again are you?" Ema said with a weary look, Yel averted her eyes, for they were quite convincing. 

"Last time you were bedridden for 2 days...Cyn was so worried you wouldn't wake up, I...I was worried" Ema said with teary eyes re-imagining the scenes past. 

"I do all that I do, for both of you to-" 


Then as if surprised by her own actions covers her mouth with her hands. She was ashamed of her behavior. 

"I...I'm sorry for yelling. It''s just, we don't want something to happen to you...we don't want to lose you...not you too..." assuming a guilty tone, she expressed her feelings. 

"...You are right, perhaps I have been acting for myself... But forgive me for not being able to standby and watch anymore. To watch this accursed illness slowly rid young Cyn of a future, watch you wallow in despair every night, offering a half-hearted prayer, because of our weakness to do anything, I'm sick of it!" Yel ranted, looking beneath his feet, deep in anger. 

Ema stared at Yel in disbelief, she could hardly believe how much he had been watching over them, all that he knew he could only do, because of how much he cared for them. 

"Yel..." Ema called out softly

"But soon, very soon, it'll all be over Ema. Once I'm done with my next job, we can finally take Cyn to the Fountain Kingdom Siphrit, for her treatment! We shall finally be able to erase the scars that have tormented our lives here for so long." He said, with a determined and unwavering fire in his eyes as he stared directly into Ema's

"If a Shepherd will not come for us, then we shall prove to them, and to the world, that we are capable of claiming our own futures, our own piece of the haven that was promised to us" he continued, then smiled at Ema 

"Ema, I need you. I can only do this, if you are there to look after Cyn. Can I count on you, one more time?" 

Ema walks towards Yel and gave him a tight hug

"Silly can always count on me, anytime. We have to be there for each other, always" 

They shared a brief moment of intimacy. She was sold. The moment Yel mentioned she needed her, every desire she had of stopping him, faded away - replaced by an uncontrollable affection. 

Suddenly, approaching them from the gate rapidly was a figure, arming a steel sword with seemingly malicious intentions; Yel picked up on the disturbance closing in. 

"!? Ema! look out!" 

Yel quickly pushed pushed Ema away from danger

"Aaahh!" She fell to the ground and preceding a flash of light, felt an impact - as the steel sword clashes on Yel, she couldn't see clearly from her POV and was worried Yel got hurt. 

"YEL!!!" she screamed, terrified. 

The perpetrator cuts a satisfied grin beneath his knight helmet. 

"hmph, It seems your insticts remain sharp as ever, Yel Arki" 

It was praise from the intruding knight, as Yel managed to just defend his vertical slash attack using a steel dagger he equipped in time. 


Yel seems to be under attack, as nearby villagers were gathering to understand what is going on, and pondered what was going to happen next, worried if this would escalate to something involving bloodshed