"hmph, it seems your instincts remain sharp as ever, Yel Arki"
"Heh, you just suck at concealing your presence, Knight" Yel barely keeping his balance, couldn't let the opportunity to gloat pass him by
"Hohooo a funny one I see" the knight responded, portraying the same degree of confidence himself
Ema's heart throbbing, her worries for Yel's safety escalated, as she watched on. Slowly, a crowd gathered around.
In Tilla almost everyday is routine, so any spectacle, however minute, or dangerous would be sure to pull crowds.
"A knight? but...why attack Yel..." Ema trying to get the measure of their intruder.
But back to the duel, the knight was about to make a move-
"Let's see you try to dodge this!! - grrrargh!"
With a heavy groan, preceding the weight and force added to his steel sword, he forced a slash down. Yel had to leap back to escape damage.
Then the knight takes a step forward to quickly close the gap, and follows up with a side slash.
Yel reacts quickly going down to evade the attack, creating room for a counter!
"You're open!"
From below, he executed a quick turn attack with his dagger aiming for the throat.
"Heh, you underestimate the knight class-"
The knight parried the attack with his shield, breaking Yel's guard and loosening his grip on the dagger.
"Crap! I got careless!" the tables turned fast, as Yel now found himself open
"And most of all, you underestimate me! HAARGH!!!"
The knight finishing his last statement, followed the parry with a shield bash on Yel's stomach, a heavy hit!
"Urgh!" Yel spits out Saliva mixed with blood and was sent flying as he crashed on the ground in the distance. the severity of the attack created a gust of dust in his landing position.
"YEL!!! NO!"
Ema could stand back no longer as she hurried over towards Yel, almost tripping on the way. She's resolved to put an end to the fight, even if it means endangering herself in the process.
And that she did, as she forced her way between Yel and the Knight who approached.
"Hm?" The knight under the helm raised a brow, he was not expecting intervention from a 3rd party.
The crowd was starting to get worried. 2 random guys busting it out, they could watch. Involving a popular sister to their house of worship however, was another matter.
This was someone primarily responsible for the hope in their children's eyes and the smiles on their faces. They could no longer keep steady.
Murmurs stirred among the crowd, as they contemplated ways to stop the duel.
Then a familiar voice drew their attention once more.
"Sir Knight! I implore you, stop this battle at once!"
Ema pleaded loudly with teary eyes. It was a smart move.
Her loud voice will call the crowd's attention. Her teary eyes their pity.
She was speaking not just to the knight, but to everyone present.
The Knight stared straight into her eyes, then towards Yel's location. The dust was just settling down.
Yel's left hand on his mouth trying to regain his composure, putting on a brave face that says 'I'm down but not out'
"Brute force has always been a weakness of yours hasn't it Yel?"
"Yel!" Ema turns around and ran to his side to check if he's alright.
Relief in her voice, eyes, and mood as she called out his name.
Yel nods in response, to affirm he's in no danger, then turns his attention back to the knight.
"And I see you're just as muscle brained as ever... Klein"
"Huh!?" Ema was surprised, and quickly faced the knight.
"Wai-Wait!! Klein, is that you!?" she is slow to catch up.
"So you figured it out! Impressive" the knight took off his helmet to reveal a familiar and friendly face, Klein Osgarde.
"What gave me away?" he asks.
Yel found his feet once more, though without some effort. Then dusts off his clothes and hair"
"The parry. It was timed to perfection, almost as if you knew about the move before I executed it. Added to that-"
Yel picked up his dagger, gave it a stylish whirl before stashing it in the sheath on his waist.
"I've only utilized said move once, in the adventurers guild during combat practice. I had only one partner then"
Klein was amazed by Yel's expert deduction.
"Aha, I'd expect nothing less from a Scout. Your memory and recollection is one to admire, and one we shall surely need"
"You mean to say!?" Yel asked in anticipation
"Yes!" Klein nods. "I bring good news, my friends. We've got the last slot for the job" he concluded.
A short while later, mostly by the bequest of Ema, the 3 of them had left the streets to discuss their business under a roof.
Bringing with her some palm wine, she served Klein first. Visitors take priority; is the way it goes for the people of Tilla.
"Good news or no, did you really have to attack Yel, Klein?" Ema was not impressed by what transpired earlier.
"Ack!" Klein suffers the first direct hit on his behavior
"You waste your time Ema. Clearly common knowledge is lost on this one; so much he now greets people with his sword rather than his words "
"Typical Klein I know" Ema said pouring wine for Yel.
"Ack! Not you too Yel! Think about the excitement! The nervousness we felt when we applied for this slot! I-I couldn't wait to tell you about our efforts bearing fruit!"
A weak protest from Klein, would it stand?
"Last time I checked it was more your sword than your chords doing the telling. I know which one I prefer"
Yel was not buying it, he got hurt during that fight and it wasn't forgotten too soon.
"Okay fine, I'm sorry, can we move past that now? Geez you lot are no fun at all"
Ema chuckled, grabbing a seat besides Yel, she didn't pour any wine for herself.
Ema's always been less of a drinker and more of a worrier, as her next question would testify.
"So... what's this job you keep talking about? Nothing too...dangerous I hope?"
"Oh hardly my dear. Duke Rave issued a special job for the guild, open to ranks C through A"
Klein answered, taking a sip of his wine. "Ah, good stuff" he offered his remarks immediately.
"The Duke himself? I didn't know he concerned himself with the affairs of the adventurers?" Ema followed up with another question.
"On the contrary. Without the guilds, power will be monopolized by the Inquisition and their affiliates. So Duke Rave, in order to empower his domain and give them some leeway over the Inquisition; regularly issues jobs the guilds' way to empower his domain's adventurers"
"I see"
Then Yel interrupted the conversation with his thoughts on the whole matter.
"Heh, ironic isn't it Ema? how much division upsets the balance; and yet we divide still in an attempt to maintain it"
The 2 oversaw a brief moment of silence, processing Yel's input.
It was clear to them what he insinuated, and they had no counter against it.
Well, Klein didn't, not Ema though. Unfortunately for Yel, she was in close proximity as she punched him on the shoulder playfully.
"Ouch, what you do that for?" Said Yel, as he pretended it hurt.
He clearly had that coming. Ema didn't take very kindly to talks against the Holy Inquisition.
"Huh, in any case, the Duke issued an escort job this time. We're to guide a merchant's cargo safely to the Holy Chapel of Saint Michloe. A rather simple job wouldn't you say?" Klein said as he drank more wine from his cup.
"Simple isn't always synonymous to easy Klein. Besides, if I recall, isn't the Chapel on the other side of the Malign Forests?" said Ema.
"I see your point. In said forest, wild beasts and monsters seek refuge. Added to that, excessive damage to it will risk the wrath of Nature's Boon factions" Klein reminded them of the situation around the Beastkin's main faction.
"But, that's precisely why, this job has 4 open slots. 1 A, 1 B and 2 C slots. With this, the merchant will have sufficient protection from both veterans and eager talents without interfering with the beastkin" he continued.
"Klein was out there all yesterday trying to win a slot for our party" Yel informed Ema of their plans, drinking some of the wine. "I'm glad he pulled through." he concluded.
"Heh I'd take all the credit, but have to hand it to Luche; her negotiation skills are top tier. She managed to buy off most C ranks planning to vie for the slot. As such we had less competition"
"Luche... just had to be Luche huh"
Ema was not delighted by the sound of that - owing favors to Luche. Not after she tried to steal Yel away from her a while back.
Klein laughs out loud.
"Hahahahah still holding grudges Ema, isn't that cute"
"I am not holding grudges!" Her red cheeks took all the weight off her protest, she looked embarrassed.
"Hahaha of course of course " Klein playfully accepted her excuse, before turning his attention back to Yel. "So yeah, she's currently getting us ready for the road, we set off in 3 hours"
Klein gets off his seat, retrieving his sword and shield that rested on the floor, and dons them once more. He's preparing for departure.
"We have to meet up in the guild party room 30mins prior to time. I'll wait by the gates, meet me there when you're ready to depart Yel"
Then he finished his wine and sets the cup on the table.
"As they say, a true gentleman always finishes their wine, hahahaha"
He said, laughing on his way out, casually waving at Ema.
"huhh...that Klein, so carefree and nonchalant isn't he?" Ema remarked in frustration.
"All he sees are rainbows, ever since getting nominated for the next Holy knight recruit program"
"Haha, well it is a big deal" Ema said.
"That it is. But that aside, what do you think Ema, about the job?"
"I... I'm not sure. Still sounds like a sketchy job for me. I mean, why would the Duke open up 4 slots for a job that's suppose to be 'simple'?"
"Remember what Klein said, it's all about empowering-"
"But what if it isn't? What if there's..." Ema trailed off and sighs.
"I'm sorry, my bad habit again. I should be happy. I know how much effort you 3 put in to get this job and yet I can't help but worry" she argued.
Then suddenly Yel's hand met hers softly, which took her by surprise.
"I understand, but we'll be fine. If it's any consolation; I'm a Scout, and I'm an adventurer. We know when it's time to fight or run, and scouts are pretty good at the latter"
"Haha...I suppose" Ema said with a charming smile, appreciating Yel's concern, and attempts to comfort her.
"It takes 2 hours to get to Reinvelle from Tilla by carriage...I suppose you'll have to step out soon" she continued.
"Yeah...but first-"
It's always been a tradition for Yel. Whenever he's to set out of Tilla for a job, he pays a visit to someone special in his life, someone to remind him of why he's doing all that he does, the one person he could risk it all to please, Cyn Arki - his little sister.
In Tilla's infirmary, the only place clean enough, with well maintained gardens and furnitures, rested many victims of the black mist plague. Cyn was one of the them.
"Cyn Arki, Room 8" Yel, with Ema alongside him, said to the front desk receptionist, handing over their ticket, before making it to her room.
Room 8 had numerous beds, were lied many of the afflicted and their guardians besides them. Cyn was not the only one there, but she was the only one Yel wanted to see.
It was a quiet room, with clean laundries and proper ventilation. In order to preserve the serenity of this place, the 2 walked silently towards Cyn at the far side; where she laid, asleep.
"She's comfortably asleep" Ema whisphered, and sat on the chair besides the bed.
Then proceeded to softly rubbing her silky brown hair with a smile.
"Cyn is so adorable when asleep isn't she" she continued and turned to Yel, who had a face dressed in a forlorn.
His thoughts were not on Cyn's current state, but what caused her to be here in the first place, a black spot on Cyn's neck, an effect of the black mist plague 2 years ago.
A deadly affliction that slowly saps away the lifeforce of an individual, rendering them weak and sickly.
It was also after this, when Yel started experiencing the nightmares.
"Yel? what's wrong...?" Ema called onto his attention once more.
Yel shook his head and turns back around to leave.
"It's nothing. I...I have to go now. Please, look after her until I get back Ema" he said and started leaving.
Ema wanted to stop him, stretching her hand reluctantly.
She understands why Yel is in a haste. He rarely visits the infirmary, not because he isn't worried, but because he blames himself for what happened, she understands this all too well.
"...Yel..." That's why she didn't try her hardest to stop him.
If this job truly will be their best chance to cure Cyn, then she's also willing to take it.
At the gates of Tilla, Yel finally caught up with Klein, carrying a leather small backpack for the road.
"You ready to go friend?" Klein asked, Yel nods in response. "Alright then, to the carriage house!"
Klein took the lead, as Yel casted one last look back at Tilla.
"Wait for me Cyn, Ema. I'll get you to Siphrit. I will do whatever it takes to make this job succeed"
He builds his resolve, then caught up with Klein as they sought out their carriage for the road.
An issue from the Duke, with 4 adventurer slots. Just a single slot doesn't come cheap, so there's a lot riding on this one.
Is it really just to empower the guild? or is there indeed, some justification, for Ema's worry... Bearing this in mind, Yel carried on.