Duke Rave's Domain - Road to Reinvelle Town 

Filled with grasslands and bountiful farmlands as far as the eye could see, Yel and Klein shared a carriage on the way to the town of Reinvelle. 

"ahh, this brings back memories; you and I setting off together to Reinvelle" said Klein as he stared out the windows, indulging himself to the cool passing breeze

Yel lets out a faint smile, keeping his eyes on the farmlands to the side. 

"Yeah, last time was long ago. Our first trip outside Tilla, to register as adventurers if I recall" said Yel

"Hahaha, that it was" laughed Klein. "Boy, did we receive a tongue lashing from the guild receptionist then" he continued

"She was hardly to blame to be honest. Imagine signing off 8 year olds to brave the horrors of the world in the name of adventure" Yel said, removing his dagger for maintenance. "We get excited over the silliest of things as kids" 

"7 years too early for that she said, heh - while I admire her professionalism, it's such a shame the world was forced to be rid of my excellence for 7 long years hahaha" Klein letting the proud juices in full flow. 

Yel shakes his head and continued polishing his dagger. 

"But man...she's gotten more cute than back then; aged like fine wine if I do say so myself" Klein said rubbing his chin like some old wise monk. 

"Still haven't gotten over the teenage fantasies have we? I thought you had eyes only for Luche?" said Yel, switching to the other side of his dagger. 

"Nah, Luche's a fine lass and all but she's way too stiff if you catch my drift?" 

"No I don't catch your drift Klein, unless of course your drift is preference for older women?"

"Old or no, I like what my eyes like" Klein said nodding proudly

"Some holy knight nominee you are" Yel remarked

"Hahahah, do forgive my trangressions friend" Klein is a carefree joker.

Klein maybe a knight, but he's hardly the duty bound type as he often finds pleasure in small talk.

"Speaking of, I see you and Ema are still going strong as ever eh?" he cuts a mischevious look Yel's way. 

"Whatever gave you that impression?" Yel asked slightly flustered. 

"Aha, to be in love, is to be blind to the obvious, they say" Klein said tapping Yel on the shoulder playfully

"No one says that!" Yel argued slightly embarassed, trying his best to avoid eye contact without the risk of further giving himself away

"Hahahah deny it all your want my friend, but it's written all over your face" Klein responsed with a grin while playfully rubbing a fist on his hair. He has no intention of letting Yel off the hook easy.

Trying his best not to dwell too much on the subject, Yel attempted to distract his mind with other abstract thoughts - to no avail.

Images of Ema's charming smile and the intimate moments they shared just a while back were impervious to these distractions. 

Yel was finally willing to concede, perhaps he does have feelings for Ema, but not before noticing Klein had stopped playing with his hair. He turns around to see him facing forward, a contented smile on his face. 

"Klein..." Yel muttered his name

"I'm glad; really glad. You two are right for each other" Klein said gently, then turns to Yel. "Come what may, you can count on my support, Yel" he concluded, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. 

This was no tease, this had no strings attached, Klein was looking out for Yel, his first, and best friend. 

Yel was no naive fool, he knew he had by his side a true friend, and thought to return the favor. If there's one thing Yel detests, is owing favors. 

"Hm. You can count on me as well, and when it's all said and done, I expect you to finally tell Luche how you really feel" 

"hahaha- where did that come from?" 

"It matters not, what matters is, deal or no?" Yel said, cutting an intimidating look. 

Klein thought he was joking at first, but not anymore. He smiles and nods. 

"Very well, deal" 

They both shook to it, a promise sealed in friendship. 

Then the driver announces - "We're almost at the gates of Reinvelle, please see to it your belongings are properly sorted before we get to the carriage house" 

The 2 heeded the driver's message and went about preparing for the town.

Guild & Merchant Town - REINVELLE

Reinvelle was a town of fair few attractions, a bustling hub of ambition and opportunity that stood in stark contrast to the quieter, more modest Tilla. Its streets were lined with polished stone buildings, their facades adorned with intricate carvings and vibrant banners that fluttered in the breeze.

The air buzzed with the chatter of merchants hawking their wares, and the occasional laughter of nobles either strolling through the market square, or indulging themselves with trinkets from the other side of the world - to make for sophisticated presents for their love ones. It was a place where fortunes could be made - or lost - and where the ambitious flocked to carve out their place in the world

On the outside, the town's prosperity was evident in its well-maintained structures and the lively energy that permeated its districts.

However, Reinvelle was not without it's own shortcomings and dark side. The underbelly of the town featured brothels, homeless kids and beggers, anticipating when their next meal will come; shunned and insulted by the well to-do passers-by. Others turned to thievery and pickpocketing, with rumors and whispers of slave trading dominating the walls of its sewer alleyways 

Yet, amidst all this, one structure stood out above all others: the Adventurers Guild, situated in the heart of the Guild District. The guildhall was a marvel of architecture and a testament to the Duke's generosity. The guild's emblem - a sword crossed with the divine shield of the Holy Inquisition - was emblazoned above the grand entrance, a symbol of adventure and perserverance.

For Yel and Klein, the Adventurers guild was their immediate destination. As they stepped into the Guild District, the sight of the towering structure filled them with a mix of anticipation and determination

"Ah, we finally made it, with some time to spare too" Klein flexed his muscles a bit as they made they way to the guildhall. 

"I see Reinvelle is as bustling as ever." Yel remarked. 

"hah, nothing compared to the main cities of the 8 kingdoms I assure you!" 

"Have you ever been Klein? your nomination didn't take you to our region's main city by any chance did it?" 

"Ah, you mean Lukemia - The Land of Spirits; overseen by Saint Ayla, the Grimoire of Transcendence

"I know of our main city and her saint Klein; just answer the question" 


Yel face palms his head in frustration

"honestly, I dunno why I keep expecting much from you" said Yel shaking his head in disappointment

"Hey!? it's not easy getting to the main cities you know!" Klein protested.

"Sure, I got fortunate to have been overseen by a holy knight scout during one of my ever so daunting missions. But my fearless and remarkable performance could only get me a nomination letter" he continued 

"When will you be summoned?" Yel asked

"Going by what the letter says, any time from now. Hahaha. Sooner or later my friend, you're going to address me with the proper mannerisms befitting my highly adorned status" Klein boosted proudly at the prospect. 

"Yeah, dream on" muttered Yel. 

As the 2 were engaged in their casual discussion, Klein bumped into a young boy, dressed in poor garments. 

"Ah, my apologies sir!" the kid, turned around and said with a bow. 

"No worries, my good lad. Take care now" Klein paid it no mind as the kid turned around to leave, but Yel held him back by the shirt collar. 

"How bold of you, to steal from a knight - an adventurer no less" Yel said much to the surprise of both Klein and the young boy. 

"Wha!" quickly Klein reached for his pockets, and sure enough, they were lacking some weight. 

Realizing he's just been caught, the kid tried to wriggle his way out of the hold. 

"AHH, LET ME GO!" he cried out. 

"Sure I'll let you go, after we retrieve the pouch, and then of course, there's the matter of your punishment" 

Yel said, recovering the pouch for Klein, and tossed it back to him. 

"Ah, thanks Yel. Kid's got them some real slippery fingers these days I didn't even notice" said Klein, returning the pouch to his pocket. 

"ARRGHHH, LET-ME-GO!!!" the kid continued to freak out, it was starting to draw the attention of the crowd.

"Psst. Yel, we're drawing attention man..." Klein whispered to Yel

"You're only making this worse for yourself by pulling a crowd kid. Your punishment can come from either us or the holy knights" Yel executing and intimidation tactic, which scared the kid into a brief period of silence.

"I'm sure you might've missed this in sunday school; but the inquisition doesn't take too kindly to thieves, kid or no" he mounted the pressure on the poor kid as tears started flowing down his eyes. 

"hey-hey now Yel-"

Klein's hand reaching out, wanting to stop Yel from taking it too far by freeing the kid, got interrupted by a young girl's voice calling out from the crowd.

"Please let him go!", the young girl runs up towards the group. 

She donned a velvet robe, dressed in layers of deep violet and midnight blue. Embroided on the sleeves were white flowery star petals and crescent moons. It was an outfit that matched the peculiar profession of a fortune teller. She immediately became the center of attention. 

"The boy is in the wrong, but I'm sure you fine adventurers have things you'd rather do, than to be tasked with this one's punishment" she continued, pleading for the boy's discharge.

Her voice was soft, and strangely captivating, demanding sincere consideration for every word she uttered. Klein was enchanted on the spot, as he bumps Yel's shoulder

"Hey, she's right Yel, let the kid go." 

"are you sure?" Yel asked, Klein nods in response. "Fine. Wasn't my pouch that got stolen" 

Yel let loose his grip on the kid's shirt collar, as he ran away crying back to the alleys. 

"There he goes, not even a word of thanks to his savior. You sure he'll be alright?" Yel asked the young girl. 

"He will be fine, I have an inkling of where he's run off to" the girl said with a faint smile, then turns around to the group.

"I must thank you both for your kindness" The girl bowed in gratitude. "I am of the fortune telling profession. Should you require a reading, you can find me at the entrance of the merchant district for a one-time free service" she said, offering Yel a blue modified tarot card. 

"Haha as much as I appreciate the offer, there's this unrivalved fun to diving into the unknown with honor and guile eh?" Klein said proudly, tapping Yel on shoulder. "Come on Yel, let's be on our way, Luche will be angry if we're late" 

Klein said as he waved the young girl farewell and carried on to the guildhall. Yel stared at him and shakes his head. 

"Your friend is an intriguing fellow" the girl remarked. 

"hm? what do you mean?" Yel's curiosity was piqued.

He could hardly recall anything about the episode that just warranted putting the tag 'intrigue' on Klein's nameplate. 

"Oh, I thought you'd noticed, given you also caught the perpertrator" the girl expressed her surprise before carrying on.

"I saw his hand moved ever so slightly, attempting to stop the kid before his pocket was picked, but then, he let it go. My conclusion is-" 

"He knew he was getting stolen from, but chose not to act on it" Yel finished her train of thought. 

The young girl nods. "While that is not a knightly thing to do, it seems there's more to him than meets the eye" 

Yel stood silent for a short while, contemplating how it was she was able to pick up on details so incredibly minute. He never noticed Klein's actions, scratch that, he never expected them in the first place.

Klein has always come across as a carefree outgoing individual, but was he hiding from him. The thoughts conflicted in Yel's mind. 

"I could say the same to you" Yel said to the young fortune teller, who was now getting his full attention.

But then, he rudely got interrupted as Klein called out from the distance. "HEY YEL, YOU COMING?" 

"Thank you again, Yel" the young girl smiled, calling a name she just picked up before making her way to the merchant district. 

"What a strange, no matter. Time to get back on track" Yel goes to meet with Klein. 


"...I could sense it...the presence of death looming overhead those two...what a shame" 

The young girl covered her eyes in pity for a brief moment, before returning to her fortune teller hut.