"Your friend is an intriguing fellow"

"I saw his hand moved ever so slightly, attempting to stop the kid before his pocket was picked, but then, he let it go -"

"While that is not a knightly thing to do, it seems there's more to him than meets the eye"

The brief exchange Yel had with the fortune teller didn't escape his mind too soon. 

In that short moment, she had proven to know something about his best friend that he didn't. 

"...I know Klein, he's carefree, he takes each day as it comes, head-on. There's just no way..." Yel's thoughts trailed off, there was doubt. 

Doubt if he truly knew Klein, or perhaps, doubt casted upon him, by the young fortune teller's intrusion.

But no, Yel refuses superfulously, to the fact her words were true. This is someone he'd grown up with, since they were but children. 

"I may have hidden a lot from Klein, but he has never done the same to me. He's never not answered a question I posed...this is something I should easily clarify" 

Thus, as they kept on their trek to the adventurer's guild, Yel seized the opportunity to manifest his thoughts, in an attempt to address this threatening issue that was putting the rigidity of their relationship in jeopardy. 

"It's been bugging me for a while now, Klein" Yel's opening statement. 

"hm?" Klein immediately paid attention, something was troubling his close friend, he had to know what. 

"And I know, you're more dexterous than you let on"

A cheap praise on the side, to help loosen his lips. Yel was not taking the direct approach with his query. 

"So I must ask" he continued. "Why were you willing to let that kid steal from you?" 

Yel's question caught Klein by surprise, he thought he hid it well.

That he did, for the fact remained, Yel was only made aware, by one mysterious girl. 

"hahaha! nothing can hide from the eyes of a true scout I see" Klein tries to laugh it off. 

"Your praise is wasted on me" 

And then Yel suddenly realized - the fortune teller was right...there's more to Klein than he lets on.

However, he was not willing to let Klein brush the topic aside just yet. 

"So, why did you let him do it?" he asked, half suspicious of the idea his friend could have been testing him, to see if he would pick up something as obvious as a pickpocket attempt and half annoyed at the thought Klein was willing to let him do it. 

Klein delayed for a brief moment, to consider his response. Then, 

"Well, let's just say...to satisfy my own ego"

"Really Klein?" Yel was not buying that answer. 

"Oh don't judge my friend. Because you see, the whole idea of being a Holy knight, isn't restricted to just being righteous, but in the ability to guide others, towards that path of righteouness" Klein said proudly, to Yel's frustration. 

"And how again, is letting a kid steal from you guiding him towards that path?" Yel asked

"Like I said, it had no bearing on my decision. That ...well, was simply done for a selfish reason" Klein responded, still with a casual look on his face that he started the whole trip with. 

Then he noticed Yel wasn't particularly impressed with his answer

"huhhh Klein...you are a knight man... a holy knight recruit nominee, you have to start taking these things seriously" Yel sighed and muttered in a slightly disappointed tone. 

The walk fell into awkward silence, as Klein just realized the jests and vibes wasn't exactly cutting it anymore.

Klein sighs, his expression changes from lighthearted to melancholic, and for the first time in this trip, he spoke from the very bowels of his soul. 

"Understand...I was hoping you'd understand Yel" Klein said to Yel's surprise. 

"It seems you have spent so much time on the bright side, focusing only on your immediate circle; you've forgotten what lies in shadow" 

It was now Yel's turn to pay attention. 

"The world is not so peaceful, it's not as pure as the smiley faces you see around us. There is so much at stake, there is so much in decline, there is so much bitterness and wrong. And that is why holy knights are needed, that is why, we, joined the adventurers Yel, that is why we all exist" said Klein as he turned to Yel, carrying on his monologue with a fire in his eyes.

"If I could help that kid to put himself out of harm's reach for a long time by offering up a part of what I earn; let's just say, it'll make me sleep better at night, knowing I lack the power at the moment to do anything to change the situation we find ourselves in. So you see my friend, it really was all about me" 

"Klein..." with a face filled with guilt and a sudden realization, Yel had just learned Klein was already going through so much, despite doing his best not to let his worries impact the relationship he had with those around him. 

He could now understand where Klein was coming from. He may have been taking the holy knight recruit nominee thing lightly on the outside, but on the inside, he must've been conflicted. Worried he may not have what it takes to live up to the expectations, or taking on the steps towards making a difference. 

Another short silent moment later, Klein's expression lit up.

"ahaha, I'm sorry for going all moody on you, but no better timing! We've made it to the guild at last!" 

That they had, as their spirits were suddenly lifted, upon reaching their destination - the guildhall. 

Inside, the guildhall was a hive of activity, filled with adventurers of all kinds: seasoned veterans sharing tales of their exploits with rookies, and to guild receptionists they admired in an attempt to score a date; newbies nervously preparing for their first quests, and guild officials bustling about with scrolls and ledgers

Some adventurers were setting off with their parties to tackle various operations, while others head in to deliver a report of their mission. 

Yel and Klein were neither of course, as they were here for a special reason, the Duke's job 

Making their way further in, Klein couldn't help but tease Yel of the forebording dangers awaiting them

"Ohh boy...Luche must be besides herself right now, thinking of all the various ways she can dish out punishment for our tardiness. Ooooohhh just thinking about it gives me the gibbies brrr" 

"You mean your tardiness, for we both know Luche's got a soft spot for yours truly" Yel going out of character with this one. 

'Hahaha, so you can crack them jokes too I see" Klein laughs loudly, playfully rubbing Yel on the hair. Yel cuts out a satisfied smile. 

"All this time you've been trying to evaluate yourself, to become worthy of a holy knight Klein, while staying true to who you are, and I find that admirable. I must match his resolve if we are to get through this"

Yel thought to himself, after just learning something new about his friend. 

Then finally, they were approaching their destination - the Guild party meeting room reserved for the Duke's missions. 

To the left of the room, standing besides the entrance was a restless young girl, Luche. donning a practical getup for a skilled archer: a fitted leather jerkin over a simple linen tunic, paired with sturdy short trousers and knee-high boots.

Her tanned skin blended well with the yellow hair tied to a high ponytail behind her neck. A few loose strands framing her face, giving her an unruly look that added to her already quite clearly agitated mood.

She's been waiting for long, far too long for a set of individuals. 

Individuals who were now reluctantly forced to announce their presence. 

"he-hey there lovely" Yel pretended not to notice, but Klein stuttered for a bit there.

They were not off to a very good start in making their plea.

"Hope we didn't keep you waitin-" Klein attempting to diffuse the situation before it blows over

"You're late!" Luche rudely interrupted

"yeah, haha sorry about-" 

'For Shepherd's sake Klein! you had seven hours to get to Tilla and back. Kindly explain to me how this trivial tasks took you twelve!?" 

She had been keeping track of the time all along. It was at this point Klein and Yel were convinced their fates were sealed. 

"Don't tell me, were you out drinking in the tavern again!!?" Luche asked loudly as she started making her towards Klein, each step felt like a tremor. 

"no-no that's not" Klein's fidgeting already, it was hardly a convincing disapproval.

Yel covers his head in frustration, even he could tell that was a lie. 

"Grrr...what the hell Klein!!? I busted my arse here negotiating, drinking crap from party to party striking a deal and you're out there whiling your time in the senseless pursuits of washed drunkards!?" 

Annoyed, she grabbed Klein by the ear, pulling it and dragging him along like a child

"I give you my word I won't go out-" she poorly mimicked Klein's voice with that bit before carrying on. "Tell me does your word even amount to anything anymore?" 

"damn..." Yel could feel that one. 

"Or is this stupid cochlea of yours incapable of recognizing speech? even those from your own mouth? Do you need it cleaned up or something huh? tell me Klein, what the gitter-shit is wrong with ya eh?" 

"ouch ouch ouch, Luche, show mercy! ti-time out, time out!!" 

Klein could still cut out jokes as he's tapping her shoulder, simulating a tag-out in a wrestling match-up. 

Luche lets him go shaking her head in disappointment. 

"Honestly! If we weren't scrapping for time I swear..." she said, then turns to Yel. "Oh hey Yel, sorry about that hehe, you know how it is with Klein" 

She said brushing the hair strands covering her face to the side in an attempt to appease Yel, as she strolled over to him. 

"Haha yeah, I know how it is with Klein" echoed Yel scratching the back of his head. He figured immediately how bad an idea it'd be going against Luche right now. 

"Eh, forget about him. Say, how's Ema doing? not stealing you all for herself is she?" Luche said leaning forward towards Yel.

She asked the question but her intentions were to flex her body; show Yel how far she's come to keeping herself fit and what he's missing on. She's clearly not been slacking in her workout routine, as her lean and athletic build puts most of the practiced nobles to shame. 

"Ema's hanging in there, tending to the kids - you know, the usual stuff"

Yel's not letting her antics sway them from what's important - and also to avoid incurring Ema's wrath later on.

So he thought it'd be best to guide the point of the discussion elsewhere. 

"Appreciate the hardwork you did into getting us in on this job Luche, I want to let you know it means a lot to me" 

"Aww, anything for you Yel, you're a good friend" 

"gee, some friend he turned out to be. Didn't even have my back as I got my ears chewed out earlier" Klein pretended the ear still hurt, as he carressed it while puting on a childish face.

"hey now! don't lump my Yel in with your sorry arse, and stop your whining! I didn't even pull that hard!" Luche's tone between Yel and Klein were in stark contrast.

"Come on Yel, the leader will soon be here. Let's ditch Klein and get in together!" Luche said as she grabs Yel by the arm dragging him into the party room. 

"Hey, hey now! don't leave me behind guys, we're a team remember!" 

Klein said as he played catch-up.

In the end, they waited at the door for him to join, before entering the room as a team

The party room 

1A, 1B, 2Cs was the party slot arrangement for this mission

On the left, was the rank B party, a group of 3 attack mages. They all donned dark blue magic cloaks and were currently concentrating their mana on a mana orb levitating mid-air, whispering certain incomprehensible chants, to keep them ready for go time. 

On the right was the first C party made of 4; 3 clerics and 1 foot soldier class. The foot soldier was sharpening the blade edge of his wooden spear as the clerics were enchanting their equipment. 

Yel's party walking towards the far end, watching everyone in the room getting ready for the quest. 

"whoa...going by the faces here, you'd hardly think this room was gearing up for a mere escort job" Klein remarked.

"Well yeah. It's old man Ravie's job afterall. High pay and all that. Nobody is in the mood to screw it up, unlike a certain someone I know" said Luche

"Hey!" Klein attempting to protest

"Shh, quiet down, let's not disturb the others now" Luche held no punches, shutting down Klein almost immediately, as he retreated into his shell like a child on the receiving end of a humbling. 

Yel smiled ironically at him, then asked "Going by the looks of the parties Luche, is it safe to say I'm the only scout here?" 

"mmhmm, and that was our selling point. The scout, while of the C rank, is quite rare, and equally important, especially for missions like this" Luche said as she searched for her wallet in the leather belt tied around her waist. 

"Had to spend all of our savings to try and convince the other parties with scouts to keep their mittens off the job. Fortunately, not many were around at the crucial time, but it took everything we had" 

Luche concluded as she opened the wallet, showing the team just a few coins left inside. 

"As you can see, we're in the red; so don't you dare screw us over Klein!" 

"Hey! why you saying that to me!?" 

Yel smiled at the 2, as they carried on with their bickering. 

"Imagine adding fuel to the fire by mentioning Klein's willingness to let a kid run off his pouch... Nah, Klein's going through so much already it'd be bestial to tell Luche about that episode...well almost" Yel thought as he watched his friends. 

"In any case!" Luche digresses. "It took effort to get here, but I think it was worth it guys, cause there's no way we don't pull it off now with this party" 

"Why I'm glad you have that much faith in my abilities lovely" 

"I don't mean you silly. I'm talking about the A party that will be joining us shortly" said Luche.

This piqued Klein and Yel's interest. 

"Oh, don't tell me it's a named party?" Klein asked. 

"Right you are. The A rank slot was won by a name everyone in Reinvelle recognizes" 

"!? you don't mean-" before Yel could finish, there was a disturbance on the door knob, it'll appear the party they talked about was making their entrance. 

Everyone in the room suddenly stopped whatever it was they were engaged in.

The mages caused their mana orb to disappear.

The clerics ceased with the enchantments, as the foot soldier dropped his tools. 

Everyone's attention was focused on the door, awaiting their leader's arrival. 

The first to enter was an advance class - String Watcher, an evolution of an archer that excels in cover fire and ranged support.

With exceptional sight, vision and precision. He walks in with confidence, chewing on a thin broomstick in his mouth. 

The next walked in with grace, another advance class - Siren Priestess, an evolution to the cleric that excels in support.

Their enchanting voice can motivate even armies, driving their momentum past their limits with choruses befitting the high havens. She had a mystical gold coated staff adorned with many golden chains, bells, jewels and the holy inquisition symbols

The entire room watched in awe as these 2 highly acclaimed personel made their presence known. 

The atmosphere felt different, it felt suffocating, but it also felt reassuring to the rest. 

Then the Siren Priestess shifts her staff to the side, clears her throat and spoke to the party present in a clear and melodic tone. 

"Hello. I am Stella, and to my right is Al. Thank you all for coming" she bowed gracefully, to the surprise of everyone in the room. They were captivated by her refineness and humility. 

But then again, that is to be expected from a Siren Priestess, Yel thought. 

"Your punctuality is most appreciated" she continued. "I can also see you're all ready to go, so without further ado, I'll like to introduce you to the leader of this mission. Adventurer rank A, leader of Rank A party - Grimstone BannerSun Hero - Leon" 

Stella announced the entrance of Leon, leader of the most successful adventurer party in Reinvelle, the Sun Hero of Grimstone Banner. 

The whole room could hardly contain their surprise, and their excitement about working with such a high profile party, and its leader as he made his way into the room, with overflowing confidence.