
Harry frowned at them both. "No. Umbridge."

"What did you sign for that woman?" Lucius demanded, calming slightly. "She had no reason to ask you to sign anything, least of all a magically binding document signed with blood." "She wasn't making me sign anything; she was forcing me to write lines with it during detention."

Lucius looked utterly aghast. Harry was confused, why did the man care so much? Why was he helping him? He wasn't sure what the hell was going on here, his brain was telling him that he should be careful, that he should be afraid, but his body was refusing to react. He felt at ease, curious and overwhelmed sure, but he didn't feel like he was in any danger.

"Didn't Draco tell you?" Harry frowned harder.

"I sincerely doubt that he knew about this." Lucius insisted pompously.

"He was part of her Inquisitorial Squad that year, of course, he knew. He was even in the room when she threatened to use the Cruciatus curse on me to get information that she wanted from me. I bet he never told you that either." The look on Lucius' face told Harry that he actually didn't know about that either, he tried to hide that fact, but he seemed to be genuinely shocked, which confused Harry even more.

"Overuse of this type of quill can cause permanent scarring." Nagnok told him.

"I know that too." Harry said as he held out his right hand, twisting it to the candlelight to show the pale white scars on the back of his hand, in his own handwriting. 'I must not tell lies.'

Lucius actually seized his hand and checked the scars over, brushing over the five words with the pad of a smooth thumb.

"This…this is diabolical!" He hissed furiously. "That a student of Hogwarts would be treated this way, that a contract quill would be misused as a punishment for underaged wizards. A fifteen-year-old, permanently scarred!"

"Oh, I wasn't the youngest, she had a whole class of first years writing lines, they were openly crying by the end and one little girl wanted nothing more than to just go home and never come back, her shirt was so bloodstained that the house elves had to clean it twice to get rid of the stain."

"What were they doing to deserve this treatment?" Lucius demanded.

"They were practising their spell casting during their break in the courtyard. Umbridge didn't like us using magic."

"She would never have done this to Draco, never. He wouldn't have allowed it. He would have told me!"

"Like I said, he was part of her Inquisitorial Squad. She left the purebloods alone, anyone who was a Slytherin was safe. It was everyone else who had to worry, even the first years."

"Are they permanently scarred as well?" Harry shook his head. "No, they never used the quill often enough. I was purposefully targeted because of the Ministry witch hunt against me last year and I was in her office nearly every night. She found reasons to give me punishment, even for things she just thought I'd done and had no proof of, just because I told her that Voldemort was back and had killed Cedric and that Fudge was a bumbling fool and the wizarding world would be better off if he stepped aside. I think she loves him."

"I am so glad that you have brought this matter to my attention. I will have that woman in Azkaban as soon as can be managed." Lucius hissed.

"She told us that she could do it, she said she had permission from Fudge."

"A bumbling idiot he may be, and an utter incompetent fool as well, but I very much doubt that he knew anything about this. He wouldn't have allowed any magical child to be abused in such a way. Not when half of the governors' children are currently attending Hogwarts and when half of the Wizengamot have young relatives in Hogwarts."

"Where do I sign?" Harry asked as he looked at the pile of parchment.

Nagnok snapped his fingers again and a bowl of a very familiar liquid appeared. Essence of Murtlap. Harry steeled himself, he'd done this countless times before, once he had even written with the quill for so long that he'd almost passed out from blood loss on his way back to the Gryffindor common room.

Harry scrawled his signature and ground his teeth together as the familiar, itchy sensation came back to him. His hand had opened with his own name and then it had healed almost instantly, but the back of his hand was a bright, cherry red already. He signed his name everywhere that Nagnok pointed and it took just three signatures before his hand stopped closing over, blood quickly covering the back of his hand and slipping down his wrist.

Lucius wrapped a handkerchief around his wrist to keep it from staining the documents he was signing, the same one that he had offered when he had cut his finger for him.

Harry finished signing his name and his hand was on fire, but it was immediately submerged into the bowl of Murtlap tentacles and it was soothed instantly.

"You're going to have trouble signing these sorts of contracts for the rest of your life; the quill has left permanent damage."

Harry nodded his understanding.

"I sort of understood that when she was doing. I knew she was doing permanent damage to me, she knew it too, but still, she had me writing the same line over and over, every night. Sometimes, she'd press her thumb to the cut to see how much it hurt me and if I didn't try to pull away or gasp with pain, she'd have me coming back the following night to 'get the message to sink in more.' She wanted to do me permanent damage."

"But you hadn't done anything further to earn an additional detention?" Lucius clarified.