
Harry shook his head. "I told you, half of the detentions I served with her didn't have a real reason, she just kept adding them on and drawing them out by saying I hadn't written enough lines to serve as a proper punishment and I'd have to come back again the following night. I'd have even more detentions then as I was missing homework because I spent half the night with her and I was too drowsy and weak afterwards to stay awake to finish my homework."

"How long were you doing this each night?"

"Straight after dinner until whenever she would release me, it went on until midnight once and I almost passed out from blood loss."

"She made you write with a contract quill for seven straight hours?" Lucius demanded furiously.

Harry nodded. "Hermione was the smart one; she figured out what was happening and always had a bowl of Murtlap Essence waiting for whenever I got back to the common room."

"If she were truly smart then she would have told an adult." Lucius replied cattily.

"All of the Hogwarts staff already knew." Harry shrugged. "They couldn't do anything, not even Dumbledore, she had too much power at the school by then and she knew it." "I will sort this out, she won't get away with this; my son was at that school and a pureblood had been injured."

Harry frowned at that as he tried to recall an injured pureblood. Lucius sighed and looked at him as if he were completely hopeless.

"You have claimed two lordships, you are by rights and by legitimisation a pureblood and you were injured by that woman."

Harry flushed a faint pink and ducked his head. "Are we done here?" He asked, wanting nothing more than to slip away and think about everything that had happened, least of all Lucius Malfoy actually helping him.

The same Lucius Malfoy who had cornered and threatened him and his friends just weeks ago. The same man who had escaped from the Department of Mysteries with a certain few others to escape the clutches of the Aurors and who was now sat next to him as if none of that had ever happened! It was too much, he was going to explode into a rage if he didn't get out of here soon, it was too weird for him to handle at this moment.

"You just need your house rings. Remember that when they heat up, no matter what you're doing, you have to make your way to the Ministry immediately."

"How often can I expect to be called? So I know what schedule I need to set up for school work and how will I get there? I'm still too young to Apparate by myself."

"Your rings will act as a Portkey while you're so young." Lucius informed him. "It will give you fifteen minutes to get out of the school wards before activating, if you miss that then you'll have an additional Portkey activation five minutes later, if you miss that then you have to make your own way to the Ministry. Remember that we cannot start until every member is there. As for how often, it differs, we usually meet every other month or so to catch each other up on events that might have been missed and to discuss things that may need monitoring or changing, but trials can happen at any moment, day or night, though the latter is much rarer."

Harry nodded and Nagnok handed over two ancient, chunky rings. One was large, golden and engraved on the band was the Black family crest and motto. It was the other ring that made him catch his breath, however, because he knew that his father, and before him his grandfather, had also worn this ring. It was smaller than the Black ring but no less chunky. Both bands were thick with gold, but the Potter ring had a small ruby inset in the band and on the face of the ruby, the Potter insignia was carved carefully, likely by hand.

"Which fingers do they go on?"

"It will take a while to get used to it, as they will both sit on the same finger, the Potter ring first and then the Black. They will both sit on the fourth finger of your right hand."

"Left is for wedding and engagement rings." Harry nodded as he slipped both rings onto his finger, surprised that they both fit him perfectly. He loved magic.

Lucius nodded and he stood, snapping his gloves back on and picking up his cane.

"Come along then, we still need to go to Flourish and Blotts."

"I need to withdraw money." Harry said as he took out his vault key, remembering the whole reason he had come to Gringotts in the first place.

Nagnok handed him over two new, small vault keys, a long rectangular booklet that looked like Uncle Vernon's cheque book and two huge, thick dragonhide portfolios filled with smaller folders and a lot of parchment. "Purebloods don't carry around pockets full of coin." Lucius informed him. "We have exchange books. You write the amount you owe onto the slip, your vault number and then sign your name. You won't need to sign it with blood, it's not a formal contract so normal ink will do, and then the shop owners can then come here to the bank and exchange these slips with Gringotts, who will take the gold from your specified vault and hand it over. After validating the signature first, of course."

Harry nodded and smiled, slipping all three of his keys into the same pocket along with the little book and he carried the portfolio cases of parchment that he'd been told were the accounts for all of his vaults and that he had to review them and change what he didn't like. One was for the Potter family; the second was for the Black family.

"How many books will I need?" Harry asked. "A fair few." Lucius said mockingly. "You need to act like a pureblood, not like the little commoner you have been. Act more like Draco."

Harry snorted. "So be a selfish, self-centred, boastful prick who taunts and bullies everyone, literally kicks the first and second years out of his way, has no real friends and likes bed-hopping with Pansy Parkinson and Daphne Greengrass? Yeah, that's seriously not happening."

"You're the lord of two houses; try to remember that when speaking so crassly in a public area." Lucius bit out through gritted teeth.

"I don't know how to act like a lord." Harry hissed. "I didn't even know about it until a few hours ago!"

"It was purposefully kept from you, I have no doubts that certain…people, were involved too."