The vile man was hurting his future husband, he was holding him back and was threatening their marriage prospects and Harry couldn't have that happening, not when he had found that he actually liked Rabastan, who was such a strong, prideful man, who wanted so much to just protect him, but was currently unable to do so.
It was…mind-opening to see, yet heartbreaking at the same time, to watch this ruin of a man trying to act like the strong protector that he wanted to be when he couldn't even stand up for more than half an hour at a time. It saddened him and it made him want to help Rabastan achieve the strength that he craved, the man that he needed to be to be fully happy. It was going to be a slow, painful road, but Harry was not going to give up on this. He was not going to give up on Rabastan or his betrothal contract. He was fully committed to his betrothal and he was going into this contract with the thoughts of a marriage at the end of it fully in his plans. If he'd done anything else then he would have been discounting Rabastan without giving him a proper chance and that wasn't fair to the youngest Lestrange, who was now legally named as his grandfather's heir as of last week and now had the full weight and pressure of carrying on the Lestrange line firmly on his shoulders. Harry was his only viable prospect at the moment, which meant that if Harry broke off his betrothal to Rabastan, then it was very likely that the Lestrange line would die out with the deaths of Rodolphus and Rabastan, especially as it didn't look like Rhadamanthus had remarriage or more sons on his mind. He'd actually abandoned his two sons before, so he obviously hadn't even wanted them, so why would he have more?
No, Rabastan needed to produce a child, preferably more than one, or rather…as many as he possibly, physically could, which actually suited Harry quite well with his three child minimum request.
As Lucius had pointed out to him, most purebloods as a rule did not have more than two children; in fact, most of them didn't even want children in the first place but needed at least one of them to carry on their pureblood lines. One such man that Harry knew of was Lord Harvey Greengrass. He hadn't wanted any children at all, but his older brother, Dara, had died suddenly without any children, thrusting all of the pressure to carry on the Greengrass name onto the shoulders of his younger brother. So Lord Harvey had married very quickly, before he was even out of Hogwarts, and he'd hoped for only the one 'snivelling brat' but his wife had had a daughter, Daphne. He had forced himself to try again and his wife had again given him a daughter, Astoria. Two children underfoot was about as much as his fraying wits could handle, so he had told his lone paternal uncle, Robert, that if he now had a son then the title of Lord Greengrass would pass to the boy because he just could not deal with any more children. Unfortunately, said uncle only had a daughter, Mya, thus far and there was no clear heir for the Greengrass lordship. Not until the girls married and started having children of their own and, hopefully, at least one of them had a couple of sons.
Harry was different to all the other purebloods, he wanted as many children as possible and if he had to pass on the Lestrange, Potter, and Black names to his children then he not only needed three children at a minimum, but he needed three boys. He grinned to himself in the privacy of his bed suite. He was going to try for as many children as he could and, as he was going to be the one to carry them, then he couldn't see how Rabastan could complain overly much, especially not if he promised to name more than one child of his as a Lestrange to bulk up their depleted family tree. But then, all three families between them were depleted. Harry was the very last Potter, there was no one else with Potter blood in the world so the family had to be carried on through him. He'd been given the weight of the Black family too and, despite that he had a drop of Black blood due to his legitimisation by Sirius, he wasn't a true, born member of the Black family, but as Lord Black he was now responsible for the entire continuation of the family, and the Lestrange family had come down to whatever children Rabastan could have. No, they had to have as many children as possible and he wouldn't hear any arguments against it. They had three family trees to replenish by themselves.
He laughed to himself as a mental image of Rabastan fussing over two young children and three toddlers while shushing a newborn in his arms popped into his mind. If he had his way then Rabastan was going to be a very busy man after they'd gotten married.
Albus Dumbledore sat in a soft armchair with a cup of soothing tea as he carefully mulled over everything that had happened this summer. Everything had changed and all because of one boy. He sighed and wondered what on earth had gone wrong. Where had everything turned off of the path that he had meticulously set up over the years and carefully laid out one event, one situation, at a time?
He'd planned for little steps off of the path, nothing ever went completely to plan, after all, so he had given enough room to allow for such things. For example, who would have ever believed that Sirius Black was capable of escaping from Azkaban prison? He certainly hadn't and it had come as a nasty shock when he had been informed that Sirius Black had escaped from the allegedly unbreachable, inescapable prison.
Yet, he had made adjustments accordingly and the path, though it was now a little meandering, had carried on as he had planned. Black had actually ended up being rather useful, which had pleased him. He'd gotten the use of the Black townhouse in London for the Order of the Phoenix, which had already been heavily layered with wards built into the very foundations of the house, and he'd made Harry and Remus very happy too, which suited his plans just fine as it created a closer tie between him and them.
Everything had started going wrong last year, in the summer before Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts. He had come to Grimmauld Place angry and unsettled. The slightest little nudge set off his anger and in those furious green eyes, he'd seen shadows of things that he would have rathered have not seen. That was another step off of his path…he had immediately started researching and digging into small, hidden wells of lost information, was it even possible for a living person to be a Horcrux?
He'd given Harry over to Severus and, under the guise of occlumency lessons, he'd instructed Severus to see if he could find the Horcrux fragment that was no doubt buried somewhere in the boy's mind, likely under the cursed scar that had made a sort of opening into the boy's body for the soul fragment to enter. He hadn't told Severus what he was actually searching for, of course, but had instead told him to do whatever he needed to do to find a connection between the boy and Voldemort, to rip past any barrier, to delve as deeply as he could regardless of the pain and disorientation it would cause Harry, no matter how far into the boy's mind he had to go to find that connection. He needed to be sure, but what Severus had found had still surprised him, even as it also confirmed his suspicions; Harry was indeed a Horcrux. He was a piece in the puzzle that was keeping Voldemort alive, no matter how unwittingly or unknowingly. The boy now had to die.
It was a shame, really. He had truly liked Harry and he knew that the boy would have gone far in life after this war, if he had survived it to begin with that is, but now…now he had to repave his path. It had to take a different route to the one that he had originally planned and set up, and now, as unfortunate as it was, Harry had to die on that path for there to be true peace in the world.
The boy had taken such a huge step off of the path this summer though. He had never expected Harry to disobey his orders and leave Privet Drive, let alone go all the way to London and then on to Gringotts. It had troubled him greatly that Harry had suddenly just known to go and claim his lordships. It had been a struggle to keep Sirius quiet, insisting that it would be too disruptive to Harry's studies and that his O.W.L grades were low enough as it was, without adding in the responsibilities of the Potter lordship on top of his worries.
For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.
[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]